7 I want to try several different approaches to implementing Conway's Game of
8 Life. It shall be recorded in this repo.
10 Each of the implementations (living in sequentially numbered directories) shall
11 (eventually) have its own README file, documenting the approach taken.
18 __Approach:__ Board as 1D list. Cells as [gen_server] processes
21 __Approach:__ Board as matrix via functional arrays (sort-of...)
24 __Approach:__ Board as matrix via [array()]
27 __Approach:__ Board as 1D string. Ghosts beyond boundaries
30 __Approach:__ Board as simulated 3D array
33 [array()]: http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/array.html "Which is not actually an array, but an integer-keyed tree."
34 [gen_server]: http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/gen_server.html