--- /dev/null
+-define(CHAR_DEAD, 32). % " "
+-define(CHAR_ALIVE, 111). % "o"
+-define(INTERVAL, 100).
+%% ============================================================================
+%% API
+%% ============================================================================
+bang(Args) ->
+ [X, Y] = [atom_to_integer(A) || A <- Args],
+ Board = init_board(X, Y),
+ life_loop(Board).
+%% ============================================================================
+%% Internal
+%% ============================================================================
+life_loop(Board) ->
+ ok = do_print_board(Board),
+ timer:sleep(?INTERVAL),
+ life_loop(next_generation(Board)).
+do_print_board(Board) ->
+ CharLists = array:to_list(
+ array:map(
+ fun(_, Row) ->
+ array:to_list(
+ array:map(
+ fun(_, State) ->
+ state_to_char(State)
+ end,
+ Row
+ )
+ )
+ end,
+ Board
+ )
+ ),
+ ok = lists:foreach(
+ fun(CharList) ->
+ ok = io:format("~s~n", [CharList])
+ end,
+ CharLists
+ ).
+state_to_char(0) -> ?CHAR_DEAD;
+state_to_char(1) -> ?CHAR_ALIVE.
+next_generation(Board) ->
+ H = array:size(Board),
+ W = array:size(array:get(0, Board)),
+ array:map(
+ fun(Y, Row) ->
+ array:map(
+ fun(X, State) ->
+ Neighbors = filter_offsides(H, W, neighbors(X, Y)),
+ States = neighbor_states(Board, Neighbors),
+ LiveNeighbors = lists:sum(States),
+ new_state(State, LiveNeighbors)
+ end,
+ Row
+ )
+ end,
+ Board
+ ).
+new_state(1, LiveNeighbors) when LiveNeighbors < 2 -> 0;
+new_state(1, LiveNeighbors) when LiveNeighbors < 4 -> 1;
+new_state(1, LiveNeighbors) when LiveNeighbors > 3 -> 0;
+new_state(0, LiveNeighbors) when LiveNeighbors =:= 3 -> 1;
+new_state(State, _LiveNeighbors) -> State.
+neighbor_states(Board, Neighbors) ->
+ [array:get(X, array:get(Y, Board)) || {X, Y} <- Neighbors].
+filter_offsides(H, W, Coordinates) ->
+ [{X, Y} || {X, Y} <- Coordinates, is_onside(X, Y, H, W)].
+is_onside(X, Y, H, W) when (X >= 0) and (Y >= 0) and (X < W) and (Y < H) -> true;
+is_onside(_, _, _, _) -> false.
+neighbors(X, Y) ->
+ [{X + OffX, Y + OffY} || {OffX, OffY} <- offsets()].
+offsets() ->
+ [offset(D) || D <- directions()].
+offset('N') -> { 0, -1};
+offset('NE') -> { 1, -1};
+offset('E') -> { 1, 0};
+offset('SE') -> { 1, 1};
+offset('S') -> { 0, 1};
+offset('SW') -> {-1, 1};
+offset('W') -> {-1, 0};
+offset('NW') -> {-1, -1}.
+directions() ->
+ ['N', 'NE', 'E', 'SE', 'S', 'SW', 'W', 'NW'].
+init_board(X, Y) ->
+ array:map(fun(_, _) -> init_row(X) end, array:new(Y)).
+init_row(X) ->
+ array:map(fun(_, _) -> init_cell_state() end, array:new(X)).
+init_cell_state() ->
+ crypto:rand_uniform(0, 2).
+atom_to_integer(Atom) ->
+ list_to_integer(atom_to_list(Atom)).