9 alsa-plugins-pulseaudio
12 ario # GUI (GTK) MPD client
48 dcpl5600dncupswrapper-32bit
50 ddcutil # Control external monitor's brightness (and more).
52 delta # diff pager with syntax highlighting.
65 element-desktop # Matrix.org client, replaces Riot
71 exiftool # Access photo data.
78 font-adobe-source-code-pro-2.038R~ro+1.058R~it+1.018R~VAR_1
85 foomatic-db # Brother printer stuff
86 foomatic-db-nonfree # Brother printer stuff
98 git-filter-repo # Replacement for git-filter-branch.
174 libnetfilter_conntrack-dbg
217 mate-icon-theme-faenza
234 nawk # The one, true implementation of AWK
240 net-tools # ifconfig et al
243 network-manager-applet
253 nyxt # Lispy web browser.
254 onefetch # Like neofetch, but for git repos.
274 perl-IPC-System-Simple
275 perl-List-MoreUtils-XS # Dependency of feedgnuplot, which isn't in Void repos.
276 perl-String-ShellQuote
279 picom # Replaces compton.
289 python3-gobject-devel
304 sct # Set the Color Temperature of the screen. Minimalist Night Shift.
319 symlinks # Find broken symlinks and more.
321 system-config-printer
340 ueberzug # For drawing images on terminals. Something built from src needed it.
377 xwininfo # Needed for picom-trans to work, but isn't a dep of picom.
388 zsh-history-substring-search
389 zsh-syntax-highlighting