1 # To find class of a window:
3 # xprop | grep -i class
7 [ "99:class_g = 'XScreenSaver'" # Shows desktop otherwise; and "100" does not work.. :/
8 , "99:class_g = 'slock'" # Shows desktop otherwise; and "100" does not work.. :/
9 , "99:name = 'slock'" # Shows desktop otherwise; and "100" does not work.. :/
10 , "99:class_g = 'screengrab'" # Original is obscured with overlaid transparency
11 , "80:class_g = 'dmenu'" # Want to be more-visible.
12 , "60:class_g = 'Dunst'" # Not transparent otherwise.
13 , "80:class_g = 'dwm'" # Always inactive, so need to override.
14 , "90:class_g = 'Firefox'"