6 ![Screenshot on T420s](screenshot-tiling-t420s.png)
12 - Dell XPS 13 9300 Developer Edition
19 - Asus ROG PG348Q 34" 3440 x 1440
25 - Apple Mighty Mouse USB (A1152)
32 - Debian GNU/Linux 10 (Buster)
36 - `ls` and `tree` (primary)
37 - `pcmanfm` (secondary)
38 - `ranger` (occasional)
56 - `ncmpc` (to delete from playlist, which doesn't work in `ncmpcpp`)
58 - [soma fm](http://somafm.com/) (primary) (via `mpd`)
59 - `spotify` (occasional)
80 - `qutebrowser` (primary)
81 - `chromium` (fallback)
82 - `elinks` (occasional)
83 - `ddgr` (occasional small web search)
86 - `khatus` (currently x2)
91 - `hsetroot` (background color)
92 - `feh` (background image)
94 ### Potentially useful
97 - [doodle](https://grothoff.org/christian/doodle/)
100 - [imapsync](https://imapsync.lamiral.info/)
101 - [isync/mbsync](http://isync.sourceforge.net/)
102 - [offlineimap](http://offlineimap.org/)
104 - [syncmaildir](ttp://syncmaildir.sourceforge.net)
105 - Wayland (if I ever decide to use it)
107 - https://github.com/emersion/mako
109 - https://swaywm.org/
110 - https://github.com/swaywm/sway
114 - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xinit
115 - https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/?h=xinit-xsession
116 - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PCManFM
117 - https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-xapianomega/
119 Directory tree organization
120 ---------------------------
121 An incomplete sketch.
163 ${timestamp}--${experiment-name}/