Write to pipe form the sensor directly
[khatus.git] / IDEAS.md
1 Idea grab bag
2 -------------
4 - track devices:
5 - alert when never before seen device is plugged-in
6 - report history and trends on when and how-often each
7 device/category is plugged-in, how-long it stays plaugged-in, etc.
8 - daemonize `khatus`, so we don't have to re-launch `X11` to re-launch `khatus`
9 - interoperate with other khatus nodes
10 - prefix machine ID to each data source
11 (What should that ID be? Hostname? Pub key?)
12 - fetch remote data and process locally
13 - what transport to use?
14 - ssh + rsync + cache dumps per some interval?
15 - `A` can setup self penetration testing, by setting up probe of `A` on `B`
16 and fetching results from `B` to `A`
17 - offline mode - quick disable all network-using subsystems (sensors, monitors, etc)
18 - classify each sensor as either "local" or "remote" (what about `iwconfig`, et al?)
19 - store data with rrdtool
20 - some kind of personal calendar thing integration
21 - monitor tracking numbers (17track should be easiest to get started with)
22 - monitor password digests against known leaked password databases
23 - monitor stock prices
24 - monitor some item price(s) at some store(s) (Amazon, etc.)
25 - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/latest/DG/EX_RetrievingPriceInformation.html
26 - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/latest/DG/ReturningPrices.html
27 - https://developer.amazonservices.com/
28 - monitor Amazon order status
29 - https://developer.amazonservices.com/gp/mws/api.html?group=orders&section=orders
30 - monitor eBay order status
31 - http://developer.ebay.com/DevZone/XML/docs/Reference/eBay/GetOrders.html
32 - monitor eBay auctions (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EBay_API)
33 - monitor PayPal (https://www.programmableweb.com/api/paypal)
34 - monitor bank account balance and transactions
35 - https://communities.usaa.com/t5/Banking/Banking-via-API-Root/m-p/180789/highlight/true#M50758
36 - https://plaid.com/
37 - https://plaid.com/docs/api/
38 - https://plaid.com/docs/api/#institution-overview
39 - https://github.com/plaid
40 - https://www.bignerdranch.com/blog/online-banking-apis/
41 - monitor/log road/traffic conditions
42 - travel times for some route over a course of time
43 - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh441725
44 - https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/
45 - https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/routes/
46 - https://developer.mapquest.com/documentation/traffic-api/
47 - https://developer.here.com/api-explorer/rest/traffic/traffic-flow-bounding-box
48 - monitor news sources for patterns/substrings
49 - http://developer.nytimes.com/
50 - https://news.ycombinator.com/
51 - https://lobste.rs/
52 - https://www.undeadly.org/
53 - http://openbsdnow.org/
54 - https://lwn.net/
55 - monitor a git repository
56 - General
57 - total branches
58 - age of last change per branch
59 - change set sizes
60 - GitHub
61 - pull requests
62 - issues
63 - monitor CI
64 - Travis
65 - Jenkins
66 - pull/push data from/to other monitoring systems (Nagios, Graphite, etc.)
67 - monitor file/directory age (can be used for email and other messaging systems)
68 - monitor mailboxes for particular patterns/substrings
69 - monitor IRC server(s)/channel(s) for particular patterns/substrings (use `ii`)
70 - monitor iptables log
71 - auto-(un)block upon some threshold of violations
72 - monitor changes in an arbitrary web resource
73 - deletions
74 - insertions
75 - delta = insertions - deletions
76 - monitor/log LAN/WAN configurations (address, router, subnet)
77 - monitor/log geolocation based on WAN IP address
78 - correlate iptables violations with network/geolocation
79 - monitor vulnerability databases
80 - https://nvd.nist.gov/
81 - https://vuldb.com/
82 - http://cve.mitre.org/
83 - vacation planning optimization
84 - I want to visit a set of places within some time period. Given the
85 current set of prices, a set of constraints (I need to stay some amount
86 of days at each, I must be in X at Y date, etc), which visiting dates for
87 each are cheapest?
88 - browse https://www.programmableweb.com/ for some more ideas
89 - GC trick: instead of actually doing GC, do a dummy run of building a status
90 bar at `BEGIN`, to fill-in the atimes for keys we need, then use the atimes
91 keys to build a regular expression to accept messages only from keys we
92 actually use
94 Many of the above will undoubtedly need non-standard-system dependencies
95 (languages, libraries, etc.), in which case - would they be better off as
96 separate projects/repos?
98 With all these ideas, it is starting to sound very noisy, but no worries - to
99 quickly and temporarily shut everything up - just kill `dunst` and or toggle
100 the status bar (`Alt` + `B` in `dwm`). For a permanent change - just don't
101 turn-on the unwanted monitors/sensors.
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