Flush stderr after each log statement
[khatus.git] / x3 / src / lib / khatus_msg_stream.ml
1open Printf
3module Msg = Khatus_msg
4module Msg_parser = Khatus_msg_parser
5module State = Khatus_state
7type t =
8 { state : State.t
9 ; stream : Msg.t Stream.t
10 }
12let init ~node ~modul =
13 let line_stream =
14 Stream.from (fun _ ->
15 match read_line () with
16 | exception End_of_file ->
17 None
18 | line ->
19 Some line
20 )
21 in
22 let rec parse_next msg_count =
23 (match Stream.next line_stream with
24 | exception Stream.Failure ->
25 None
26 | line ->
27 (match (Msg_parser.parse_msg (Lexing.from_string line)) with
28 | Ok msg ->
29 Some msg
30 | Error e ->
31 let e =
32 match e with
33 | `Bad_format_of_msg_head -> "Bad_format_of_msg_head"
34 | `Bad_format_of_msg_content -> "Bad_format_of_msg_content"
35 in
36 eprintf
37 "%s\n%!"
38 Msg.(to_string
39 { node
40 ; modul
41 ; content = Log
42 { location = "khatus_msg_stream:fold"
43 ; level = `error
44 ; msg = sprintf "Parse error %s in %s" e line
45 }
46 });
47 parse_next msg_count
48 )
49 )
50 in
51 { state = State.init ~node ~modul
52 ; stream = Stream.from parse_next
53 }
55let rec fold ({state; stream} as t) ~f ~init =
56 match Stream.next stream with
57 | exception Stream.Failure ->
58 init
59 | msg ->
60 let state = State.update state ~msg in
61 fold {t with state} ~f ~init:(f init ~state ~msg)
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