[tiger.ml.git] / compiler / src / lib / tiger / tiger_test_cases.ml
1 module Error = Tiger_error
2 module Test = Tiger_test
4 let book =
5 [ Test.case
6 "Book test 1: an array type and an array variable"
7 ~code:
8 " \
9 /* an array type and an array variable */ \
10 let \
11 type arrtype = array of int \
12 var arr1:arrtype := \
13 arrtype [10] of 0 \
14 in \
15 arr1 \
16 end \
17 "
18 ~out_lexing:(
19 let open Tiger_parser in
20 [ LET;
21 TYPE; ID "arrtype"; EQ; ARRAY; OF; ID "int";
22 VAR; ID "arr1"; COLON; ID "arrtype"; ASSIGN;
23 ID "arrtype"; LBRACK; INT 10; RBRACK; OF; INT 0;
24 IN;
25 ID "arr1";
26 END
27 ]
28 )
29 ; Test.case
30 "Book test 2: arr1 is valid since expression 0 is int = myint"
31 ~code:
32 " \
33 /* arr1 is valid since expression 0 is int = myint */ \
34 let \
35 type myint = int \
36 type arrtype = array of myint \
37 var arr1:arrtype := \
38 arrtype [10] of 0 \
39 in \
40 arr1 \
41 end \
42 "
43 ~out_lexing:(
44 let open Tiger_parser in
45 [ LET;
46 TYPE; ID "myint"; EQ; ID "int";
47 TYPE; ID "arrtype"; EQ; ARRAY; OF; ID "myint";
48 VAR; ID "arr1"; COLON; ID "arrtype"; ASSIGN;
49 ID "arrtype"; LBRACK; INT 10; RBRACK; OF; INT 0;
50 IN;
51 ID "arr1";
52 END
53 ]
54 )
55 ; Test.case
56 "Book test 3: a record type and a record variable"
57 ~code:
58 " \
59 /* a record type and a record variable */ \
60 let \
61 type rectype = \
62 { name : string \
63 , age : int \
64 } \
65 var rec1 : rectype := \
66 rectype \
67 { name = \"Nobody\" \
68 , age = 1000 \
69 } \
70 in \
71 rec1.name := \"Somebody\"; \
72 rec1 \
73 end \
74 "
75 ~out_lexing:(
76 let open Tiger_parser in
77 [ LET;
78 TYPE; ID "rectype"; EQ;
79 LBRACE; ID "name"; COLON; ID "string";
80 COMMA; ID "age"; COLON; ID "int";
82 VAR; ID "rec1"; COLON; ID "rectype"; ASSIGN;
83 ID "rectype";
84 LBRACE; ID "name"; EQ; STRING "Nobody";
85 COMMA; ID "age"; EQ; INT 1000;
87 IN;
88 ID "rec1"; DOT; ID "name"; ASSIGN; STRING "Somebody"; SEMICOLON;
89 ID "rec1";
90 END
91 ]
92 )
93 ; Test.case
94 "Book test 4: define a recursive function"
95 ~code:
96 " \
97 /* define a recursive function */ \
98 let \
99 \
100 /* calculate n! */ \
101 function nfactor(n: int): int = \
102 if n = 0 \
103 then 1 \
104 else n * nfactor(n-1) \
105 \
106 in \
107 nfactor(10) \
108 end \
109 "
110 ~out_lexing:(
111 let open Tiger_parser in
112 [ LET;
113 FUNCTION; ID "nfactor"; LPAREN; ID "n"; COLON; ID "int"; RPAREN; COLON; ID "int"; EQ;
114 IF; ID "n"; EQ; INT 0;
115 THEN; INT 1;
116 ELSE; ID "n"; TIMES; ID "nfactor"; LPAREN; ID "n"; MINUS; INT 1; RPAREN;
117 IN;
118 ID "nfactor"; LPAREN; INT 10; RPAREN;
119 END
120 ]
121 )
122 ; Test.case
123 "Book test 9: error : types of then - else differ"
124 ~code:
125 " \
126 /* error : types of then - else differ */ \
127 if (5>4) then 13 else \" \" \
128 "
129 ~out_lexing:(
130 let open Tiger_parser in
132 ]
133 )
134 ~is_error_expected_semant:Error.is_wrong_type (* TODO: Be more specific *)
135 ; Test.case
136 "Book test: 8-queens"
137 ~code:
138 "\
139 /* A program to solve the 8-queens problem */ \n\
140 \n\
141 let \n\
142 var N := 8 \n\
143 \n\
144 type intArray = array of int \n\
145 \n\
146 var row := intArray [ N ] of 0 \n\
147 var col := intArray [ N ] of 0 \n\
148 var diag1 := intArray [N+N-1] of 0 \n\
149 var diag2 := intArray [N+N-1] of 0 \n\
150 \n\
151 function printboard() = ( \n\
152 for i := 0 to N-1 do ( \n\
153 for j := 0 to N-1 do print(if col[i]=j then \" O\" else \" .\"); \n\
154 print(\"\n\") \n\
155 ); \n\
156 print(\"\n\") \n\
157 ) \n\
158 \n\
159 function try(c:int) = ( \n\
160 /* for i:= 0 to c do print(\".\"); print(\"\n\"); flush();*/ \n\
161 if c=N \n\
162 then printboard() \n\
163 else \n\
164 for r := 0 to N-1 \n\
165 do \n\
166 if row[r]=0 & diag1[r+c]=0 & diag2[r+7-c]=0 \n\
167 then ( \n\
168 row[r] := 1; \n\
169 diag1[r+c] := 1; \n\
170 diag2[r+7-c] := 1; \n\
171 col[c] := r; \n\
172 try(c+1); \n\
173 row[r] := 0; \n\
174 diag1[r+c] := 0; \n\
175 diag2[r+7-c] := 0 \n\
176 ) \n\
177 ) \n\
178 in \n\
179 try(0) \n\
180 end \n\
181 "
182 ]
184 let micro =
185 let open Tiger_parser in
186 [ (let code = "nil" in Test.case code ~code ~out_lexing:[NIL])
187 ; (let code = "5" in Test.case code ~code ~out_lexing:[INT 5])
188 ; (let code = "-5" in Test.case code ~code ~out_lexing:[MINUS; INT 5])
189 ; ( let code = "f()" in
190 Test.case
191 code
192 ~code
193 ~out_lexing:[ID "f"; LPAREN; RPAREN]
194 ~is_error_expected_semant:Error.is_unknown_id (* TODO: Be more specific *)
195 )
196 ; ( let code = "abc.i" in
197 Test.case
198 code
199 ~code
200 ~out_lexing:[ID "abc"; DOT; ID "i"]
201 ~is_error_expected_semant:Error.is_unknown_id (* TODO: Be more specific *)
202 )
203 ; ( let code = "abc[0]" in
204 Test.case
205 code
206 ~code
207 ~out_lexing:[ID "abc"; LBRACK; INT 0; RBRACK]
208 ~is_error_expected_semant:Error.is_unknown_id (* TODO: Be more specific *)
209 )
210 ; ( let code = "abc[0] := foo()" in
211 Test.case
212 code
213 ~code
214 ~out_lexing:
216 ~is_error_expected_semant:Error.is_unknown_id (* TODO: Be more specific *)
217 )
218 ; ( let code = "abc [5] of nil" in
219 Test.case
220 code
221 ~code
222 ~out_lexing:[ID "abc"; LBRACK; INT 5; RBRACK; OF; NIL]
223 ~is_error_expected_semant:Error.is_unknown_type (* TODO: Be more specific *)
224 )
225 ; ( let code = "f(\"a\", 3, foo)" in
226 Test.case
227 code
228 ~code
229 ~out_lexing:
230 [ID "f"; LPAREN; STRING "a"; COMMA; INT 3; COMMA; ID "foo"; RPAREN]
231 ~is_error_expected_semant:Error.is_unknown_id
232 )
233 ; ( let code =
234 "let \
235 type a = int \
236 type b = a \
237 type c = b \
238 var i : a := 2 \
239 var j : c := 3 \
240 in \
241 i := j \
242 end \
243 "
244 in
245 Test.case
246 "Type aliases"
247 ~code
248 )
249 ; ( let code =
250 "let \
251 type a = {x:int, y:int} \
252 type b = {x:int, y:int} /* new type generated */ \
253 var foo : a := a {x = 1, y = 2} \
254 var bar : b := b {x = 1, y = 2} \
255 in \
256 foo = bar /* incompatible types */ \
257 end \
258 "
259 in
260 Test.case
261 code
262 ~code
263 ~is_error_expected_semant:Error.is_wrong_type (* TODO: Be more specific *)
264 )
265 ]
267 let all =
268 book @ micro
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