set -e
-produce_energy() {
- upower -e \
- | grep battery \
- | xargs upower -i \
- | awk '
- /^ +percentage: +/ { percentage=$2 }
- /^ +state: +/ { state=$2 }
- END { print(state, percentage) }
- '
-produce_memory() {
- free | awk '$1 == "Mem:" {print $2, $3}'
-produce_fan() {
- fan_path="$1"
- cat "$fan_path"
-produce_temperature() {
- thermal_zone="$1"
- cat "/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone${thermal_zone}/temp"
-produce_loadavg() {
- cat /proc/loadavg
-produce_disk_io() {
- disk_io_device="$1"
- awk '
- {
- r = $3
- w = $7
- print w, r
- }
- ' "/sys/block/$disk_io_device/stat"
-produce_disk_space() {
- disk_space_device="$1"
- df --output=pcent "$disk_space_device" | awk 'NR == 2 {print $1}'
-produce_net_addr_io() {
- ip -s addr \
- | awk '
- bytes_per_unit = 1024 * 1024
- }
- /^[0-9]+:/ {
- sub(":$", "", $1)
- sub(":$", "", $2)
- sequence = $1
- interface = $2
- interfaces[sequence] = interface
- }
- /^ +inet [0-9]/ {
- sub("/[0-9]+", "", $2)
- addr = $2
- addrs[interface] = addr
- }
- /^ +RX: / {transfer_direction = "r"}
- /^ +TX: / {transfer_direction = "w"}
- /^ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+ *$/ {
- io[interface, transfer_direction] = $1;
- }
- END {
- for (seq=1; seq<=sequence; seq++) {
- interface = interfaces[seq]
- label = substr(interface, 1, 1)
- if (addrs[interface]) {
- curr_read = io[interface, "r"]
- curr_write = io[interface, "w"]
- print(interface, addrs[interface], curr_write, curr_read)
- } else {
- print(interface)
- }
- }
- }'
-produce_net_wifi_status() {
- nmcli \
- -t \
- d wifi \
- | awk \
- -F ':' \
- '
- BEGIN {wifi_status = "--"}
- $1 == "yes" {wifi_status = $2 ":" $3 "%"}
- END {print wifi_status}
- '
-produce_bluetooth_power() {
- echo -e 'show \n quit' \
- | bluetoothctl \
- | awk '
- /^Controller / {
- controller = $2;
- controllers[++ctrl_count] = controller;
- }
- /^\t[A-Z][A-Za-z]+:/ {
- key = $1;
- sub(":$", "", key);
- val = $2;
- for (i=3; i<=NF; i++) {
- val = val " " $i};
- data[controller, key] = val;
- }
- END {
- # Using the 1st seen controller. Should we select specific instead?
- power_status = data[controllers[1], "Powered"];
- if (ctrl_count > 0) {
- if (power_status == "no") {
- power_status = "off"
- } else if (power_status == "yes") {
- power_status = "on"
- } else {
- printf("Unexpected bluetooth power status: %s\n", power_status)\
- > "/dev/stderr";
- power_status = "ERROR"
- }
- } else {
- power_status = "off" # TODO: Perhaps use differentiated marker?
- }
- printf("%s\n", power_status);
- }'
-produce_screen_brightness() {
- screen_brightness_device_path="$1"
- echo "\
- $(cat $screen_brightness_device_path/max_brightness) \
- $(cat $screen_brightness_device_path/brightness)\
- "
-produce_volume() {
- pactl list sinks \
- | awk '
- /^\tMute:/ {
- printf("%s,", $0);
- }
- /^\tVolume:/ {
- for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) printf(" %s", $i);
- }' \
- | awk -v RS=',' '
- /^[ \t]*Mute:/ {mute = $2}
- /^[ \t]*front-left:/ {left = $4}
- /^[ \t]*front-right:/ {right = $4}
- END {
- if (mute == "yes") {
- print("x")
- } else {
- print("%s %s\n", left, right)
- }
- }
- '
-produce_mpd_state() {
- echo 'status' \
- | nc 6600 \
- | awk '
- {
- status[$1] = $2
- }
- /^time: +[0-9]+:[0-9]+$/ {
- split($2, time, ":")
- seconds_current = time[1]
- seconds_total = time[2]
- hours = int(seconds_current / 60 / 60);
- secs_beyond_hours = seconds_current - (hours * 60 * 60);
- mins = int(secs_beyond_hours / 60);
- secs = secs_beyond_hours - (mins * 60);
- if (hours > 0) {
- current_time = sprintf("%d:%.2d:%.2d", hours, mins, secs)
- } else {
- current_time = sprintf("%.2d:%.2d", mins, secs)
- }
- if (seconds_total > 0) {
- time_percentage = (seconds_current / seconds_total) * 100
- current_percentage = sprintf("%d%%", time_percentage)
- } else {
- current_percentage = "~"
- }
- }
- END {
- state = status["state:"]
- if (state == "play") {
- symbol = "▶"
- } else if (state == "pause") {
- symbol = "❚❚"
- } else if (state == "stop") {
- symbol = "⬛"
- } else {
- symbol = "--"
- }
- printf(\
- "%s %s %s\n",
- status["state:"], current_time, current_percentage\
- )
- }
- '
-produce_mpd_song() {
- echo 'currentsong' \
- | nc 6600 \
- | awk '
- /^OK/ {
- next
- }
- {
- key = $1
- sub("^" key " +", "")
- val = $0
- data[key] = val
- }
- END {
- name = data["Name:"]
- title = data["Title:"]
- file = data["file:"]
- if (name) {
- out = name
- } else if (title) {
- out = title
- } else if (file) {
- last = split(file, parts, "/")
- out = parts[last]
- } else {
- out = ""
- }
- print out
- }
- '
-produce_weather() {
- weather_station_id="$1"
- metar -d "$weather_station_id" 2>&1 \
- | awk '
- /METAR pattern not found in NOAA data/ {
- failures++
- }
- /^Temperature/ {
- celsius = $3;
- fahrenheit = (celsius * (9 / 5)) + 32;
- temperature = fahrenheit
- }
- END {
- if (failures > 0) {
- temperature = "--"
- }
- print temperature "°F"
- }'
-produce_datetime() {
- date +'%a %b %d %H:%M:%S'
consume() {
- prefixes_of_net_interfaces_to_show="$3"
+ dir_bin="$3"
+ prefixes_of_net_interfaces_to_show="$4"
tail -f "$pipe" \
- | stdbuf -o L awk \
+ | stdbuf -o L "$dir_bin"/khatus_controller \
-v opt_debug="$debug" \
-v opt_mpd_song_max_chars=10 \
- -v opt_prefixes_of_net_interfaces_to_show="$prefixes_of_net_interfaces_to_show" \
- '
- /^in:ENERGY/\
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- db["energy_state"] = $1
- db["energy_percentage"] = $2
- }
- /^in:MEMORY/\
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- db["memory_total"] = $1
- db["memory_used"] = $2
- }
- /^in:FAN +status:/\
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- db["fan_status"] = $2
- }
- /^in:FAN +speed:/\
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- db["fan_speed"] = $2
- }
- /^in:FAN +level:/\
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- db["fan_level"] = $2
- }
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- db["temperature"] = $1
- }
- /^in:LOAD_AVG/\
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- set_load_avg()
- }
- /^in:DISK_IO/\
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- set_disk_io()
- }
- /^in:DISK_SPACE/\
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- db["disk_space_used"] = msg_body
- }
- /^in:NET_ADDR_IO/\
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- set_net_addr_io()
- }
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- db["net_wifi_status"] = msg_body
- }
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- db["bluetooth_power"] = msg_body
- }
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- set_screen_brightness()
- }
- /^in:VOLUME/\
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- db["volume"] = msg_body
- }
- /^in:MPD_STATE/\
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- db["mpd_state"] = $1
- db["mpd_curr_song_time"] = $2
- db["mpd_curr_song_percent"] = $3
- }
- /^in:MPD_SONG/\
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- db["mpd_curr_song_name"] = msg_body
- }
- /^in:WEATHER/\
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- db["weather_temperature"] = msg_body
- }
- /^in:DATE_TIME/\
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- db["datetime"] = msg_body
- }
- /^out:BAR/\
- {
- split_msg_parts()
- print make_bar()
- }
- function set_load_avg( sched) {
- split($4, sched, "/")
- db["load_avg_1min"] = $1
- db["load_avg_5min"] = $2
- db["load_avg_15min"] = $3
- db["kern_sched_queue_runnable"] = sched[1]
- db["kern_sched_queue_total"] = sched[2]
- db["kern_sched_latest_pid"] = $5
- }
- function set_disk_io( curr_w, curr_r, prev_w, prev_r) {
- curr_w = $1
- curr_r = $2
- prev_w = db["disk_io_curr_w"]
- prev_r = db["disk_io_curr_r"]
- db["disk_io_curr_w"] = curr_w
- db["disk_io_curr_r"] = curr_r
- db["disk_io_diff_w"] = curr_w - prev_w
- db["disk_io_diff_r"] = curr_r - prev_r
- }
- function set_net_addr_io( \
- interface, address, io_curr_w, io_curr_r, io_prev_w, io_prev_r\
- ) {
- interface = $1
- address = $2
- io_curr_w = $3
- io_curr_r = $4
- if (interface) {
- if (address && io_curr_w && io_curr_r) {
- # recalculate
- io_prev_w = net_io_curr_w[interface]
- io_prev_r = net_io_curr_r[interface]
- net_addr[interface] = address
- net_io_curr_w[interface] = io_curr_w
- net_io_curr_r[interface] = io_curr_r
- net_io_diff_w[interface] = io_curr_w - io_prev_w
- net_io_diff_r[interface] = io_curr_r - io_prev_r
- } else {
- # clear
- net_addr[interface] = ""
- net_io_curr_w[interface] = 0
- net_io_curr_r[interface] = 0
- net_io_diff_w[interface] = 0
- net_io_diff_r[interface] = 0
- }
- }
- }
- function set_screen_brightness( max, cur) {
- max = $1
- cur = $2
- db["screen_brightness"] = (cur / max) * 100
- }
- function split_msg_parts() {
- msg_head = $1
- sub("^" msg_head " +", "")
- msg_body = $0
- debug(msg_head, msg_body)
- }
- function make_bar( position, bar, sep, i, j) {
- position[++i] = make_status_energy()
- position[++i] = make_status_mem()
- position[++i] = make_status_cpu()
- position[++i] = make_status_disk()
- position[++i] = make_status_net()
- position[++i] = sprintf("B=%s", db["bluetooth_power"])
- position[++i] = sprintf("*%d%%", db["screen_brightness"])
- position[++i] = sprintf("(%s)", db["volume"])
- position[++i] = make_status_mpd()
- position[++i] = db["weather_temperature"]
- position[++i] = db["datetime"]
- bar = ""
- sep = ""
- for (j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
- bar = bar sep position[j]
- sep = " "
- }
- return bar
- }
- function make_status_energy( state, direction_of_change) {
- state = db["energy_state"]
- if (state == "discharging") {
- direction_of_change = "<"
- } else if (state == "charging") {
- direction_of_change = ">"
- } else {
- direction_of_change = "="
- };
- printf("E%s%s", direction_of_change, db["energy_percentage"])
- }
- function make_status_mem( total, used, percent, status) {
- total = db["memory_total"]
- used = db["memory_used"]
- # To avoid division by zero when data is missing
- if (total && used) {
- percent = round((used / total) * 100)
- status = sprintf("%d%%", percent)
- } else {
- status = "__"
- }
- return sprintf("M=%s", status)
- }
- function make_status_cpu( load, temp, fan) {
- load = db["load_avg_1min"]
- temp = db["temperature"] / 1000
- fan = db["fan_speed"]
- return sprintf("C=[%4.2f %d°C %4drpm]", load, temp, fan)
- }
- function make_status_disk( bytes_per_sector, bytes_per_mb, w, r) {
- bytes_per_sector = 512
- bytes_per_mb = 1024 * 1024
- w = (db["disk_io_diff_w"] * bytes_per_sector) / bytes_per_mb
- r = (db["disk_io_diff_r"] * bytes_per_sector) / bytes_per_mb
- return \
- sprintf("D=[%s %0.3f▲ %0.3f▼]", db["disk_space_used"], w, r)
- }
- function make_status_net( \
- out,
- number_of_interfaces_to_show,
- n,
- array_of_prefixes_of_interfaces_to_show,
- prefix,
- interface,
- label,
- count_printed,
- sep,
- io_stat,
- dw, dr,
- bytes_per_unit\
- ) {
- out = ""
- number_of_interfaces_to_show = \
- split(\
- opt_prefixes_of_net_interfaces_to_show,\
- array_of_prefixes_of_interfaces_to_show,\
- ","\
- )
- for (n = 1; n <= number_of_interfaces_to_show; n++) {
- prefix = array_of_prefixes_of_interfaces_to_show[n]
- for (interface in net_addr) {
- if (interface ~ ("^" prefix)) {
- label = substr(interface, 1, 1)
- if (net_addr[interface]) {
- bytes_per_mb = 1024 * 1024 # TODO: option
- dw = net_io_diff_w[interface] / bytes_per_mb
- dr = net_io_diff_r[interface] / bytes_per_mb
- io_stat = sprintf("%0.3f▲ %0.3f▼", dw, dr)
- } else {
- io_stat = "--"
- }
- if (interface ~ "^w") {
- label = label ":" db["net_wifi_status"]
- }
- if (++count_printed > 1) {
- sep = " "
- } else {
- sep = ""
- }
- out = out sep label ":" io_stat
- }
- }
- }
- return sprintf("N[%s]", out)
- }
- function make_status_mpd( state, status) {
- state = db["mpd_state"]
- if (state == "play") {
- status = make_status_mpd_state_known("▶")
- } else if (state == "pause") {
- status = make_status_mpd_state_known("❚❚")
- } else if (state == "stop") {
- status = make_status_mpd_state_known("⬛")
- } else {
- status = make_status_mpd_state_unknown("--")
- }
- return sprintf("[%s]", status)
- }
- function make_status_mpd_state_known(symbol) {
- return sprintf(\
- "%s %s %s %s",
- symbol,
- db["mpd_curr_song_time"],
- db["mpd_curr_song_percent"],
- substr(db["mpd_curr_song_name"], 1, opt_mpd_song_max_chars)\
- )
- }
- function make_status_mpd_state_unknown(symbol) {
- return sprintf("%s", symbol)
- }
- function round(n) {
- return int(n + 0.5)
- }
- function debug(location, msg) {
- if (opt_debug) {
- print_error(location, msg)
- }
- }
- function print_error(location, msg) {
- print(location " ==> " msg) > "/dev/stderr"
- }
- '
-produce_bar_req() {
- echo ''
+ -v opt_prefixes_of_net_interfaces_to_show="$prefixes_of_net_interfaces_to_show"
spawn() {
- cmd="$1"
- pipe="$2"
- msg_head="$3"
- interval="$4"
+ pipe="$1"
+ dir_bin="$2"
+ cmd="$3"
+ msg_head="$4"
+ interval="$5"
while true; do
- $cmd | while read line; do
+ "$dir_bin"/$cmd | while read line; do
echo "${msg_head} $line" > "$pipe"
sleep "$interval"
main() {
# Defaults
+ dir_bin="$HOME/bin"
dir_data=$(mktemp -d)
# User-overrides
+ long_options+=',bin_dir:'
+ --bin_dir)
+ dir_bin="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
shift 2
( echo "Khatus starting with the following parameters:"
( echo " debug|= $debug"
+ echo " dir_bin|= $dir_bin"
echo " dir_data|= $dir_data"
echo " pipe|= $pipe"
echo " screen_brightness_device_name|= $screen_brightness_device_name"
rm -f "$pipe"
mkfifo "$pipe"
- cmd_produce_screen_brightness='produce_screen_brightness'
- cmd_produce_screen_brightness+=" $screen_brightness_device_path"
+ cmd_sens_screen_brightness='khatus_sensor_screen_brightness'
+ cmd_sens_screen_brightness+=" $screen_brightness_device_path"
- cmd_produce_weather="produce_weather $weather_station_id"
+ cmd_sens_weather="khatus_sensor_weather $weather_station_id"
- cmd_produce_disk_space="produce_disk_space $disk_space_device"
+ cmd_sens_disk_space="khatus_sensor_disk_space $disk_space_device"
- cmd_produce_disk_io="produce_disk_io $disk_io_device"
+ cmd_sens_disk_io="khatus_sensor_disk_io $disk_io_device"
- cmd_produce_temperature="produce_temperature $thermal_zone"
+ cmd_sens_temperature="khatus_sensor_temperature $thermal_zone"
- cmd_produce_fan="produce_fan $fan_path"
+ cmd_sens_fan="khatus_sensor_fan $fan_path"
# TODO: Redirect each worker's stderr to a dedicated log file
- spawn produce_datetime "$pipe" 'in:DATE_TIME' $interval_inp_datetime
- spawn "$cmd_produce_screen_brightness" "$pipe" 'in:SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS' $interval_inp_brightness
- spawn "$cmd_produce_weather" "$pipe" 'in:WEATHER' $interval_inp_weather
- spawn produce_mpd_state "$pipe" 'in:MPD_STATE' $interval_inp_mpd_state
- spawn produce_mpd_song "$pipe" 'in:MPD_SONG' $interval_inp_mpd_song
- spawn produce_volume "$pipe" 'in:VOLUME' $interval_inp_volume
- spawn produce_bluetooth_power "$pipe" 'in:BLUETOOTH_POWER' $interval_inp_bluetooth
- spawn produce_net_wifi_status "$pipe" 'in:NET_WIFI_STATUS' $interval_inp_net_wifi
- spawn produce_net_addr_io "$pipe" 'in:NET_ADDR_IO' $interval_inp_net_io
- spawn "$cmd_produce_disk_space" "$pipe" 'in:DISK_SPACE' $interval_inp_disk_space
- spawn "$cmd_produce_disk_io" "$pipe" 'in:DISK_IO' $interval_inp_disk_io
- spawn produce_loadavg "$pipe" 'in:LOAD_AVG' $interval_inp_loadavg
- spawn "$cmd_produce_temperature" "$pipe" 'in:TEMPERATURE' $interval_inp_temp
- spawn "$cmd_produce_fan" "$pipe" 'in:FAN' $interval_inp_fan
- spawn produce_memory "$pipe" 'in:MEMORY' $interval_inp_mem
- spawn produce_energy "$pipe" 'in:ENERGY' $interval_inp_energy
- spawn produce_bar_req "$pipe" 'out:BAR' $interval_outp_bar
+ spawn "$pipe" "$dir_bin" khatus_sensor_datetime 'in:DATE_TIME' $interval_inp_datetime
+ spawn "$pipe" "$dir_bin" "$cmd_sens_screen_brightness" 'in:SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS' $interval_inp_brightness
+ spawn "$pipe" "$dir_bin" "$cmd_sens_weather" 'in:WEATHER' $interval_inp_weather
+ spawn "$pipe" "$dir_bin" khatus_sensor_mpd_state 'in:MPD_STATE' $interval_inp_mpd_state
+ spawn "$pipe" "$dir_bin" khatus_sensor_mpd_song 'in:MPD_SONG' $interval_inp_mpd_song
+ spawn "$pipe" "$dir_bin" khatus_sensor_volume 'in:VOLUME' $interval_inp_volume
+ spawn "$pipe" "$dir_bin" khatus_sensor_bluetooth_power 'in:BLUETOOTH_POWER' $interval_inp_bluetooth
+ spawn "$pipe" "$dir_bin" khatus_sensor_net_wifi_status 'in:NET_WIFI_STATUS' $interval_inp_net_wifi
+ spawn "$pipe" "$dir_bin" khatus_sensor_net_addr_io 'in:NET_ADDR_IO' $interval_inp_net_io
+ spawn "$pipe" "$dir_bin" "$cmd_sens_disk_space" 'in:DISK_SPACE' $interval_inp_disk_space
+ spawn "$pipe" "$dir_bin" "$cmd_sens_disk_io" 'in:DISK_IO' $interval_inp_disk_io
+ spawn "$pipe" "$dir_bin" khatus_sensor_loadavg 'in:LOAD_AVG' $interval_inp_loadavg
+ spawn "$pipe" "$dir_bin" "$cmd_sens_temperature" 'in:TEMPERATURE' $interval_inp_temp
+ spawn "$pipe" "$dir_bin" "$cmd_sens_fan" 'in:FAN' $interval_inp_fan
+ spawn "$pipe" "$dir_bin" khatus_sensor_memory 'in:MEMORY' $interval_inp_mem
+ spawn "$pipe" "$dir_bin" khatus_sensor_energy 'in:ENERGY' $interval_inp_energy
+ spawn "$pipe" "$dir_bin" khatus_sensor_bar_req 'out:BAR' $interval_outp_bar
consume \
"$pipe" \
"$debug" \
+ "$dir_bin" \
--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/bin/awk -f
+ split_msg_parts()
+ db["energy_state"] = $1
+ db["energy_percentage"] = $2
+ split_msg_parts()
+ db["memory_total"] = $1
+ db["memory_used"] = $2
+/^in:FAN +status:/\
+ split_msg_parts()
+ db["fan_status"] = $2
+/^in:FAN +speed:/\
+ split_msg_parts()
+ db["fan_speed"] = $2
+/^in:FAN +level:/\
+ split_msg_parts()
+ db["fan_level"] = $2
+ split_msg_parts()
+ db["temperature"] = $1
+ split_msg_parts()
+ set_load_avg()
+ split_msg_parts()
+ set_disk_io()
+ split_msg_parts()
+ db["disk_space_used"] = msg_body
+ split_msg_parts()
+ set_net_addr_io()
+ split_msg_parts()
+ db["net_wifi_status"] = msg_body
+ split_msg_parts()
+ db["bluetooth_power"] = msg_body
+ split_msg_parts()
+ set_screen_brightness()
+ split_msg_parts()
+ db["volume"] = msg_body
+ split_msg_parts()
+ db["mpd_state"] = $1
+ db["mpd_curr_song_time"] = $2
+ db["mpd_curr_song_percent"] = $3
+ split_msg_parts()
+ db["mpd_curr_song_name"] = msg_body
+ split_msg_parts()
+ db["weather_temperature"] = msg_body
+ split_msg_parts()
+ db["datetime"] = msg_body
+ split_msg_parts()
+ print make_bar()
+function set_load_avg( sched) {
+ split($4, sched, "/")
+ db["load_avg_1min"] = $1
+ db["load_avg_5min"] = $2
+ db["load_avg_15min"] = $3
+ db["kern_sched_queue_runnable"] = sched[1]
+ db["kern_sched_queue_total"] = sched[2]
+ db["kern_sched_latest_pid"] = $5
+function set_disk_io( curr_w, curr_r, prev_w, prev_r) {
+ curr_w = $1
+ curr_r = $2
+ prev_w = db["disk_io_curr_w"]
+ prev_r = db["disk_io_curr_r"]
+ db["disk_io_curr_w"] = curr_w
+ db["disk_io_curr_r"] = curr_r
+ db["disk_io_diff_w"] = curr_w - prev_w
+ db["disk_io_diff_r"] = curr_r - prev_r
+function set_net_addr_io( \
+ interface, address, io_curr_w, io_curr_r, io_prev_w, io_prev_r\
+) {
+ interface = $1
+ address = $2
+ io_curr_w = $3
+ io_curr_r = $4
+ if (interface) {
+ if (address && io_curr_w && io_curr_r) {
+ # recalculate
+ io_prev_w = net_io_curr_w[interface]
+ io_prev_r = net_io_curr_r[interface]
+ net_addr[interface] = address
+ net_io_curr_w[interface] = io_curr_w
+ net_io_curr_r[interface] = io_curr_r
+ net_io_diff_w[interface] = io_curr_w - io_prev_w
+ net_io_diff_r[interface] = io_curr_r - io_prev_r
+ } else {
+ # clear
+ net_addr[interface] = ""
+ net_io_curr_w[interface] = 0
+ net_io_curr_r[interface] = 0
+ net_io_diff_w[interface] = 0
+ net_io_diff_r[interface] = 0
+ }
+ }
+function set_screen_brightness( max, cur) {
+ max = $1
+ cur = $2
+ db["screen_brightness"] = (cur / max) * 100
+function split_msg_parts() {
+ msg_head = $1
+ sub("^" msg_head " +", "")
+ msg_body = $0
+ debug(msg_head, msg_body)
+function make_bar( position, bar, sep, i, j) {
+ position[++i] = make_status_energy()
+ position[++i] = make_status_mem()
+ position[++i] = make_status_cpu()
+ position[++i] = make_status_disk()
+ position[++i] = make_status_net()
+ position[++i] = sprintf("B=%s", db["bluetooth_power"])
+ position[++i] = sprintf("*%d%%", db["screen_brightness"])
+ position[++i] = sprintf("(%s)", db["volume"])
+ position[++i] = make_status_mpd()
+ position[++i] = db["weather_temperature"]
+ position[++i] = db["datetime"]
+ bar = ""
+ sep = ""
+ for (j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
+ bar = bar sep position[j]
+ sep = " "
+ }
+ return bar
+function make_status_energy( state, direction_of_change) {
+ state = db["energy_state"]
+ if (state == "discharging") {
+ direction_of_change = "<"
+ } else if (state == "charging") {
+ direction_of_change = ">"
+ } else {
+ direction_of_change = "="
+ };
+ printf("E%s%s", direction_of_change, db["energy_percentage"])
+function make_status_mem( total, used, percent, status) {
+ total = db["memory_total"]
+ used = db["memory_used"]
+ # To avoid division by zero when data is missing
+ if (total && used) {
+ percent = round((used / total) * 100)
+ status = sprintf("%d%%", percent)
+ } else {
+ status = "__"
+ }
+ return sprintf("M=%s", status)
+function make_status_cpu( load, temp, fan) {
+ load = db["load_avg_1min"]
+ temp = db["temperature"] / 1000
+ fan = db["fan_speed"]
+ return sprintf("C=[%4.2f %d°C %4drpm]", load, temp, fan)
+function make_status_disk( bytes_per_sector, bytes_per_mb, w, r) {
+ bytes_per_sector = 512
+ bytes_per_mb = 1024 * 1024
+ w = (db["disk_io_diff_w"] * bytes_per_sector) / bytes_per_mb
+ r = (db["disk_io_diff_r"] * bytes_per_sector) / bytes_per_mb
+ return \
+ sprintf("D=[%s %0.3f▲ %0.3f▼]", db["disk_space_used"], w, r)
+function make_status_net( \
+ out,
+ number_of_interfaces_to_show,
+ n,
+ array_of_prefixes_of_interfaces_to_show,
+ prefix,
+ interface,
+ label,
+ count_printed,
+ sep,
+ io_stat,
+ dw, dr,
+ bytes_per_unit\
+) {
+ out = ""
+ number_of_interfaces_to_show = \
+ split(\
+ opt_prefixes_of_net_interfaces_to_show,\
+ array_of_prefixes_of_interfaces_to_show,\
+ ","\
+ )
+ for (n = 1; n <= number_of_interfaces_to_show; n++) {
+ prefix = array_of_prefixes_of_interfaces_to_show[n]
+ for (interface in net_addr) {
+ if (interface ~ ("^" prefix)) {
+ label = substr(interface, 1, 1)
+ if (net_addr[interface]) {
+ bytes_per_mb = 1024 * 1024 # TODO: option
+ dw = net_io_diff_w[interface] / bytes_per_mb
+ dr = net_io_diff_r[interface] / bytes_per_mb
+ io_stat = sprintf("%0.3f▲ %0.3f▼", dw, dr)
+ } else {
+ io_stat = "--"
+ }
+ if (interface ~ "^w") {
+ label = label ":" db["net_wifi_status"]
+ }
+ if (++count_printed > 1) {
+ sep = " "
+ } else {
+ sep = ""
+ }
+ out = out sep label ":" io_stat
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return sprintf("N[%s]", out)
+function make_status_mpd( state, status) {
+ state = db["mpd_state"]
+ if (state == "play") {
+ status = make_status_mpd_state_known("▶")
+ } else if (state == "pause") {
+ status = make_status_mpd_state_known("❚❚")
+ } else if (state == "stop") {
+ status = make_status_mpd_state_known("⬛")
+ } else {
+ status = make_status_mpd_state_unknown("--")
+ }
+ return sprintf("[%s]", status)
+function make_status_mpd_state_known(symbol) {
+ return sprintf(\
+ "%s %s %s %s",
+ symbol,
+ db["mpd_curr_song_time"],
+ db["mpd_curr_song_percent"],
+ substr(db["mpd_curr_song_name"], 1, opt_mpd_song_max_chars)\
+ )
+function make_status_mpd_state_unknown(symbol) {
+ return sprintf("%s", symbol)
+function round(n) {
+ return int(n + 0.5)
+function debug(location, msg) {
+ if (opt_debug) {
+ print_error(location, msg)
+ }
+function print_error(location, msg) {
+ print(location " ==> " msg) > "/dev/stderr"