--- /dev/null
+TARGET := dupfiles.native
+.PHONY: all build clean run
+ @$(MAKE) -s clean
+ @$(MAKE) -s build
+ @ocamlbuild -cflags '-w A' $(TARGET)
+ @ocamlbuild -clean
+ @find ~ -type f | egrep -v '/.git/' | ./$(TARGET)
--- /dev/null
+open Printf
+module List = ListLabels
+module Stream : sig
+ val lines : in_channel -> f:(string -> unit) -> unit
+end = struct
+ module S = Stream
+ let lines_of_channel ic =
+ S.from (fun _ ->
+ match input_line ic with
+ | exception End_of_file ->
+ None
+ | line ->
+ Some line
+ )
+ let iter t ~f =
+ S.iter f t
+ let lines ic ~f =
+ iter (lines_of_channel ic) ~f
+let main ic =
+ let paths_by_digest = Hashtbl.create 1_000_000 in
+ Stream.lines ic ~f:(fun path ->
+ try
+ let digest = Digest.file path in
+ let paths =
+ match Hashtbl.find_opt paths_by_digest digest with
+ | None ->
+ []
+ | Some paths ->
+ paths
+ in
+ Hashtbl.replace paths_by_digest digest (path :: paths)
+ with Sys_error e ->
+ eprintf "WARNING: Failed to process %S: %S\n%!" path e
+ );
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun digest paths ->
+ let n_paths = List.length paths in
+ if n_paths > 1 then begin
+ printf "%s %d\n%!" (Digest.to_hex digest) n_paths;
+ List.iter paths ~f:(fun path -> printf " %s\n%!" path)
+ end
+ )
+ paths_by_digest
+let () =
+ let ic = ref stdin in
+ Arg.parse [] (fun filename -> ic := open_in filename) "";
+ main !ic;
+ close_in !ic