,num_neighbors :: integer()
,replies_pending :: integer()
,gen_id :: integer()
+ ,early_msgs :: list()
,num_neighbors = length(NeighborNames)
,live_neighbors = 0
,replies_pending = 0
+ ,early_msgs = []
{ok, State}.
handle_cast({next_gen, GenID},
- #state{cell_state=CellState
+ #state{name=Name
+ ,cell_state=CellState
+ ,early_msgs=EarlyMsgs
}=State) ->
ok = cast_all(Neighbors, {state_broadcast, GenID, CellState}),
- {noreply, State#state{replies_pending=NumNeighbors, gen_id=GenID}};
+ % Put stashed messages back in the mailbox,
+ % now that we're ready to handle them
+ ok = cast_to(Name, EarlyMsgs),
+ NewState = State#state{replies_pending=NumNeighbors
+ ,gen_id=GenID
+ ,early_msgs=[]
+ },
+ {noreply, NewState};
-%% If we receive 'state_broadcast' before we receive 'next_gen', throw it back
-%% in the queue. (Took me a while to realize this, but sometimes it is
-%% possible. The more there're cells, the more likely this is to happen.)
+%% If we receive 'state_broadcast' before we receive 'next_gen',
+%% stash it until we do.
+%% Took me a while to realize this, but sometimes it is possible. The more
+%% there're cells, the more likely this is to happen.
handle_cast({state_broadcast, ReceivedGenID, _NeighborState}=Msg,
- #state{gen_id=GenID, name=Name}=State) when GenID =/= ReceivedGenID->
- ok = gen_server:cast(Name, Msg),
- {noreply, State};
+ #state{gen_id=GenID
+ ,early_msgs=EarlyMsgs
+ }=State) when GenID =/= ReceivedGenID ->
+ {noreply, State#state{early_msgs=[Msg|EarlyMsgs]}};
%% Now that we can be sure that this request is for the current generation, we
%% Internal
%% ============================================================================
+% Cast different messages to a single destination
+cast_to(_, []) -> ok;
+cast_to(Server, [Msg | Msgs]) ->
+ ok = gen_server:cast(Server, Msg),
+ cast_to(Server, Msgs).
+% Cast the same message to multiple destinations
cast_all([], _) -> ok;
cast_all([Server | Servers], Msg) ->
ok = gen_server:cast(Server, Msg),