open Core.Std
+let (|-) g f x = f (g x)
module Terminal : sig
type color = [ `green
| `red
-module Msg = struct
- type t = string
-module State = struct
- type t = string
module PhenoType : sig
type t
module Cell = struct
- type t = { msg : Msg.t
+ module State = struct
+ type t = Alive of char
+ | Dead
+ end
+ type t = { state : State.t
; pheno : PhenoType.t
- ; state : State.t
module type RULE = sig
val create : unit -> Cell.t
- val transition : state:State.t -> inputs:Msg.t list -> Cell.t
+ val transition : self:Cell.State.t
+ -> neighbors:Cell.State.t list
+ -> Cell.t
module Life : RULE = struct
- type state = D | A
+ module State : sig
+ type t = D | A
+ val of_int : int -> t
- let state_of_string : (string -> state) = function
- | "D" -> D
- | "A" -> A
- | _ -> assert false
+ val to_int : t -> int
- let state_of_int : (int -> state) = function
- | 0 -> D
- | 1 -> A
- | _ -> assert false
+ val to_cell : t -> Cell.t
- let int_of_state : (state -> int) = function
- | D -> 0
- | A -> 1
+ val of_cell_state : Cell.State.t -> t
+ end = struct
+ type t = D | A
- let string_of_state : (state -> string) = function
- | D -> "D"
- | A -> "A"
+ let of_int = function
+ | 0 -> D
+ | 1 -> A
+ | _ -> assert false
- let msg_of_state : (state -> Msg.t) =
- string_of_state
+ let to_int = function
+ | D -> 0
+ | A -> 1
- let pheno_of_state : (state -> PhenoType.t) = function
- | D -> PhenoType.create ' ' None
- | A -> PhenoType.create 'o' (Some `white)
+ let to_pheno = function
+ | D -> PhenoType.create ' ' None
+ | A -> PhenoType.create 'o' (Some `white)
- let int_of_msg msg =
- msg |> state_of_string |> int_of_state
+ let of_cell_state = function
+ | Cell.State.Dead -> D
+ | Cell.State.Alive 'A' -> A
+ | Cell.State.Alive _ -> D (* Foreign cell *)
+ let to_cell_state = function
+ | D -> Cell.State.Dead
+ | A -> Cell.State.Alive 'A'
+ let to_cell t =
+ { Cell.state = t |> to_cell_state
+ ; Cell.pheno = t |> to_pheno
+ }
+ end
let next state ~live_neighbors =
match state with
- | A when live_neighbors < 2 -> D
- | A when live_neighbors < 4 -> A
- | A when live_neighbors > 3 -> D
- | D when live_neighbors = 3 -> A
- | A -> A
- | D -> D
- let cell_of_state s =
- { Cell.msg = s |> msg_of_state
- ; Cell.pheno = s |> pheno_of_state
- ; Cell.state = s |> string_of_state
- }
+ | State.A when live_neighbors < 2 -> State.D
+ | State.A when live_neighbors < 4 -> State.A
+ | State.A when live_neighbors > 3 -> State.D
+ | State.D when live_neighbors = 3 -> State.A
+ | State.A -> State.A
+ | State.D -> State.D
let create () =
- 2 |> state_of_int |> cell_of_state
- let live_neighbors inputs =
- inputs
- |> List.filter ~f:(function "D" | "A" -> true | _ -> false)
- |> ~f:int_of_msg
- |> List.fold_left ~init:0 ~f:(+)
- let transition ~state ~inputs =
- state
- |> state_of_string
- |> next ~live_neighbors:(live_neighbors inputs)
- |> cell_of_state
+ 2 |> State.of_int |> State.to_cell
+ let live_neighbors neighbors =
+ neighbors |> ~f:(State.of_cell_state |- State.to_int)
+ |> List.fold_left ~init:0 ~f:(+)
+ let transition ~self ~neighbors =
+ self |> State.of_cell_state
+ |> next ~live_neighbors:(live_neighbors neighbors)
+ |> State.to_cell
module ForestFire : RULE = struct
- type state = E | T | B
+ module State : sig
+ type t = E | T | B
- let string_of_state : (state -> string) = function
- | E -> "E"
- | T -> "T"
- | B -> "B"
+ val is_burning : t -> bool
- let msg_of_state : (state -> Msg.t) =
- string_of_state
+ val of_int : int -> t
- let pheno_of_state : (state -> PhenoType.t) = function
- | E -> PhenoType.create ' ' None
- | T -> PhenoType.create 'T' (Some `green)
- | B -> PhenoType.create '#' (Some `red)
+ val to_int : t -> int
- let cell_of_state s =
- { Cell.msg = s |> msg_of_state
- ; Cell.pheno = s |> pheno_of_state
- ; Cell.state = s |> string_of_state
- }
+ val to_cell : t -> Cell.t
+ val of_cell_state : Cell.State.t -> t
+ end = struct
+ type t = E | T | B
+ let is_burning = function
+ | E -> false
+ | T -> false
+ | B -> true
- let state_of_string : (string -> state) = function
- | "E" -> E
- | "T" -> T
- | "B" -> B
- | _ -> assert false
+ let of_int = function
+ | 0 -> E
+ | 1 -> T
+ | 2 -> B
+ | _ -> assert false
- let state_of_int : (int -> state) = function
- | 0 -> E
- | 1 -> T
- | 2 -> B
- | _ -> assert false
+ let to_int = function
+ | E -> 0
+ | T -> 1
+ | B -> 2
+ let to_pheno = function
+ | E -> PhenoType.create ' ' None
+ | T -> PhenoType.create 'T' (Some `green)
+ | B -> PhenoType.create '#' (Some `red)
+ let of_cell_state = function
+ | Cell.State.Dead -> E
+ | Cell.State.Alive 'T' -> T
+ | Cell.State.Alive 'B' -> B
+ | Cell.State.Alive _ -> E (* Foreign cell *)
+ let to_cell_state = function
+ | E -> Cell.State.Dead
+ | T -> Cell.State.Alive 'T'
+ | B -> Cell.State.Alive 'B'
+ let to_cell t =
+ { Cell.state = t |> to_cell_state
+ ; Cell.pheno = t |> to_pheno
+ }
+ end
let create () =
- 3 |> state_of_int |> cell_of_state
+ 3 |> State.of_int |> State.to_cell
let f = 0.000001 (* Probability of spontaneous ignition *)
let p = 0.1 (* Probability of spontaneous growth *)
let next state ~burning_neighbors =
match state, burning_neighbors with
- | E, _ when is_probable p -> T
- | E, _ -> E
- | T, 0 when is_probable f -> B
- | T, _ when burning_neighbors > 0 -> B
- | T, _ -> T
- | B, _ -> E
- let burning_neighbors inputs =
- inputs
- |> List.filter_map ~f:(function "B" -> Some 1 | _ -> None)
- |> List.fold_left ~init:0 ~f:(+)
- let transition ~state ~inputs =
- state
- |> state_of_string
- |> next ~burning_neighbors:(burning_neighbors inputs)
- |> cell_of_state
+ | State.E, _ when is_probable p -> State.T
+ | State.E, _ -> State.E
+ | State.T, 0 when is_probable f -> State.B
+ | State.T, _ when burning_neighbors > 0 -> State.B
+ | State.T, _ -> State.T
+ | State.B, _ -> State.E
+ let burning_neighbors neighbors =
+ neighbors |> ~f:State.of_cell_state
+ |> List.filter ~f:State.is_burning
+ |> ~f:State.to_int
+ |> List.fold_left ~init:0 ~f:(+)
+ let transition ~self ~neighbors =
+ self |> State.of_cell_state
+ |> next ~burning_neighbors:(burning_neighbors neighbors)
+ |> State.to_cell
let neighbors = Matrix.get_neighbors t.grid point in
let data =
- ~state:data.Cell.state
- ~inputs:( neighbors ~f:(fun cell ->
+ ~self:data.Cell.state
+ ~neighbors:( neighbors ~f:(fun c ->
{rule; data}