module In_channel : sig
- val lines : in_channel -> string Stream.t
+ val lines : ?delim_null:bool -> in_channel -> string Stream.t
end = struct
- let lines ic =
- Stream.create (fun () ->
- match input_line ic with
- | exception End_of_file ->
- None
- | line ->
- Some line
- )
+ let read_until_newline ic () =
+ match input_line ic with
+ | exception End_of_file ->
+ None
+ | line ->
+ Some line
+ let read_until_null ic =
+ let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ic in
+ fun () -> Input_delim.by_null lexbuf
+ let lines ?(delim_null=false) ic =
+ let reader =
+ if delim_null then
+ read_until_null ic
+ else
+ read_until_newline ic
+ in
+ Stream.create reader
module File : sig
; ignore : string -> bool
; sample : int
; njobs : int
+ ; delim_null : bool
-let make_input_stream input ignore ~metrics =
+let make_input_stream input ignore ~metrics ~delim_null =
let input =
match input with
| Stdin ->
- File.lookup (In_channel.lines stdin)
+ File.lookup (In_channel.lines stdin ~delim_null)
| Directories paths ->
let paths = StrSet.elements (StrSet.of_list paths) in
Stream.concat (List.map paths ~f:File.find)
let time_proc () =
Sys.time ()
-let main {input; output; ignore; sample = sample_len; njobs} =
+let main {input; output; ignore; sample = sample_len; njobs; delim_null} =
let wt0_all = time_wall () in
let pt0_all = time_proc () in
let metrics = M.init () in
let output = make_output_fun output in
- let input = make_input_stream input ignore ~metrics in
+ let input = make_input_stream input ignore ~metrics ~delim_null in
(* TODO: Make a nice(r) abstraction to re-assemble pieces in the pipeline:
* from input to files_by_size
let ignore = ref (fun _ -> false) in
let sample = ref 512 in
let njobs = ref 6 in
+ let input_delim_null = ref false in
let spec =
[ ( "-out"
, Arg.String (fun path ->
, Arg.Set_int njobs
, (sprintf " Number of parallel jobs. Default: %d" !njobs)
+ ; ( "-0"
+ , Arg.Set input_delim_null
+ , ( sprintf
+ ( " Delimit input paths by null character instead of a newline."
+ ^^" Meaningful only when reading candidate paths from stdin."
+ ^^" Default: %B"
+ )
+ !input_delim_null
+ )
+ )
; ignore = !ignore
; sample = !sample
; njobs = !njobs
+ ; delim_null = !input_delim_null
let () =