#! /bin/bash
-# For WEATHER_LOCATION variable
-. ~/lib/login_variables.private.sh
-weather_report=$(curl "http://wttr.in/${WEATHER_LOCATION}?1TFq")
-notify-send "$weather_report" -u low
-# wttr options:
-# 0 # only current weather
-# 1 # current weather + today's forecast
-# 2 # current weather + today's + tomorrow's forecast
-# A # ignore User-Agent and force ANSI output format (terminal)
-# F # do not show the "Follow" line
-# n # narrow version (only day and night)
-# q # quiet version (no "Weather report" text)
-# Q # superquiet version (no "Weather report", no city name)
-# T # switch terminal sequences off (no colors)
+notify-send "$(< ~/.pista-out/weather-summary)" -u low