#! /bin/bash
+set -e
produce_volume() {
pactl list sinks \
| awk '
produce_weather() {
- metar -d "$WEATHER_STATION_ID" 2>&1 \
+ weather_station_id="$1"
+ metar -d "$weather_station_id" 2>&1 \
| awk '
/METAR pattern not found in NOAA data/ {
main() {
- dir_bin="$1"
- dir_data="$2"
- pipe="$dir_data/pipe"
+ # Defaults
+ dir_data="$HOME/.khatus"
+ weather_station_id='KJFK'
+ # User-overrides
+ OPTS=$(
+ getopt \
+ -o '' \
+ -l data-dir:,weather-station: \
+ -- "$@"
+ )
+ eval set -- "$OPTS"
+ while true
+ do
+ case "$1" in
+ --data-dir)
+ dir_data="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ --weather-station)
+ weather_station_id="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ --)
+ shift
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ ( echo "Khatus starting with the following parameters:"
+ ( echo " dir_data|= $dir_data"
+ echo " weather_station_id|= $weather_station_id"
+ ) | column -ts\|
+ echo ''
+ ) >&2
+ pipe="$dir_data/khatus_data_pipe"
+ mkdir -p "$dir_data"
rm -f "$pipe"
mkfifo "$pipe"
- spawn produce_datetime "$pipe" 'in:DATE_TIME' 1
- spawn produce_weather "$pipe" 'in:WEATHER' $(( 30 * 60 ))
- spawn produce_mpd_state "$pipe" 'in:MPD_STATE' 1
- spawn produce_mpd_song "$pipe" 'in:MPD_SONG' 1
- spawn produce_volume "$pipe" 'in:VOLUME' 1
- spawn produce_bar_req "$pipe" 'out:BAR' 1
- consume "$pipe"
+ # TODO: Redirect each worker's stderr to a dedicated log file
+ spawn produce_datetime "$pipe" 'in:DATE_TIME' 1
+ spawn "produce_weather $weather_station_id" "$pipe" 'in:WEATHER' $(( 30 * 60 ))
+ spawn produce_mpd_state "$pipe" 'in:MPD_STATE' 1
+ spawn produce_mpd_song "$pipe" 'in:MPD_SONG' 1
+ spawn produce_volume "$pipe" 'in:VOLUME' 1
+ spawn produce_bar_req "$pipe" 'out:BAR' 1
+ consume "$pipe"
main $@