-Experimental, system monitor and status (bar) reporter I use with
+Experimental system-monitor and status (bar) reporter I use with
[dwm](https://dwm.suckless.org/) on GNU/Linux.
+In my `~/.xinitrc` I have something like the following:
+( $BIN/khatus \
+ --wifi_interface 'wlp3s0' \
+| stdbuf -o L tee \
+ >(stdbuf -o L "$BIN"/khatus_bar \
+ -v Opt_Mpd_Song_Max_Chars=10 \
+ -v Opt_Net_Interfaces_To_Show=wlp3s0 \
+ -v Opt_Pulseaudio_Sink=0 \
+ | "$BIN"/khatus_actuate_status_bar_to_xsetroot_name \
+ ) \
+ >(stdbuf -o L "$BIN"/khatus_monitor_energy \
+ | "$BIN"/khatus_actuate_alert_to_notify_send \
+ ) \
+ >(stdbuf -o L "$BIN"/khatus_monitor_errors \
+ | "$BIN"/khatus_actuate_alert_to_notify_send \
+ ) \
+) \
+2> >($BIN/twrap.sh >> $HOME/var/log/khatus/main.log) \
+1> /dev/null \
+(where `twrap` is a simple script which prefixes a timestamp to each line)
+The idea is to support appending any number of ad-hoc, experimental monitors by
+giving maximum flexibility for what to do with the sensor outputs, while
+maintaining some uniformity of msg formats (again, to ease ad-hoc combinations
+(e.g. Does the CPU get hotter when MPD is playing Wu-Tang?)). `khatus_bar`,
+`khatus_monitor_energy` and `khatus_monitor_errors` are just some initial
+### 2.0
+In an effort to simplify the components and their interfaces, I removed the
+concept of a global controller from the previous design (which, at least for
+now, is superfluous), so now it is essentially a pub-sub - parallel publishers
+(sensors) write to a pipe, which is then copied to any number of interested
+subscribers that can filter-out what they need and then do whatever they want
+with the data. Status bar is one such subscriber:
+`P1 > pipe&; P2 > pipe&; ... PN > pipe&; tail -f pipe | tee >(S1) >(S2) ... >(SN) > /dev/null
+The cool thing is that, because the pipe is always read (`tail -f ... > /dev/null`),
+the publishers are never blocked, so we get a live stream of event to which we
+can attach any number of interested subscribers (` ... tee ... `) and, because
+the pipe is named, if a subscriber needs to - it too can publish something to
+the pipe without being blocked.
+parallel +----------+ +----------+ +----------+
+stateless | sensor_1 | | sensor_2 | ... | sensor_n |
+collectors +----------+ +----------+ +----------+
+ | | | |
+ data data data data
+ | | | |
+ V V V V
+multiplexing +-------------+-----------+---------+
+to a pipe |
+ |
+ V
+copying to +-------------+-+---------+---------+
+subscribers | | | |
+ V V V V
+ +------------+ ... +----------------+
+any number of | status bar | | energy monitor |
+parallel +------------+ +----------------+
+subscribers | |
+ V V
+ +----------------+ +-------------+
+ | xsetroot -name | | notify-send |
+ +----------------+ +-------------+
+### 1.0
+This was an improvement of having everything in one script, but the controller
+was still way too complicated for no good reason.
parallel +----------+ +----------+ +----------+
stateless | sensor_1 | | sensor_2 | ... | sensor_n |
+### 0.x
+A single script, re-executed in a loop at some intervals, serially grabbing all
+the needed data and outputting a status bar string, then passed to `xsetroot -name`,
+while saving state in files (e.g. previous totals, to be converted to deltas).
+This actually worked surprisingly-OK, but had limitations:
+- I use an SSD and want to minimize disk writes
+- not flexible-enough to support my main goal - easy experimentation with
+ various ad-hoc monitors:
+ - I want to set different update intervals for different data sources
+ - I don't want long-running data collectors to block the main loop
### Actuator
Actuator is anything that takes action upon controller messages. A few generic
ones are included:
- `khatus_actuate_alert_to_notify_send`
- `khatus_actuate_status_bar_to_xsetroot_name`
-and, by default, are left disconnected from the controller's output, so if
-desired - it needs to be manually attached when starting `khatus`. For example,
-in my `.xinitrc` I have:
-$BIN/khatus \
-2> >($BIN/twrap >> $HOME/var/log/khatus.log) \
-| tee \
- >($BIN/khatus_actuate_status_bar_to_xsetroot_name) \
- >(grep -v MpdNowPlaying | $BIN/khatus_actuate_alert_to_notify_send) \
-2> >($BIN/twrap >> $HOME/var/log/khatus-actuators.log) \
-(where `twrap` is a simple script which prefixes a timestamp to each line)
-The idea is to give maximum flexibility for what to do with the controller
-output, say, for instance:
-$BIN/khatus \
-| tee \
-... \
->(grep '^REPORT' | actuate_report_to_email) \
->(grep '^ALERT' | grep mpd | actuate_alert_to_email) \
->(grep '^ALERT' | grep IntrusionAttempt | actuate_intruder_to_iptables_drop) \
->(grep '^ALERT' | grep NewDevice | actuate_alert_to_notify_send)
->(grep '^ALERT' | grep DiskError | actuate_call_mom)
-... and so on, for any other such fun you might imagine.
+and, by default, are left disconnected from the data feed, so if desired - need
+to be manually attached when starting `khatus`. See usage section.
### Errors
Any errors encountered by any sensor are propagated as alerts by the
+- status bar templating language
- retry/cache for sensors fetching flaky remote resources (such as weather)
- throttling of broken sensors (constantly returns errors)
- alert specification language
- priority
- snooze time (if already alerted, when to re-alert?)
- text: subject/body
-- more-structured controller API: a sensor submits a list of k/v pairs
Redesign notes