@$(MAKE) -s build
- @ocamlbuild -cflags '-w A' -pkg 'unix' $(EXE_NAME).$(EXE_TYPE)
+ @ocamlbuild -cflags '-w A' -pkgs 'str,unix' $(EXE_NAME).$(EXE_TYPE)
@cp _build/$(EXE_NAME).$(EXE_TYPE) $(EXE_NAME)
@rm -f $(EXE_NAME).$(EXE_TYPE)
close_out oc
-let main input output =
+let main input output ignore =
let output = make_output_fun output in
let input = make_input_stream input in
let paths_by_digest = Hashtbl.create 1_000_000 in
let path_count = ref 0 in
let t0 = Sys.time () in
- Stream.iter input ~f:(fun path ->
- incr path_count;
+ let process path =
let digest = Digest.file path in
let count, paths =
Hashtbl.replace paths_by_digest digest (count + 1, StrSet.add path paths)
with Sys_error e ->
eprintf "WARNING: Failed to process %S: %S\n%!" path e
+ in
+ Stream.iter input ~f:(fun path ->
+ incr path_count;
+ match ignore with
+ | Some regexp when (Str.string_match regexp path 0) ->
+ ()
+ | Some _ | None ->
+ process path
Hashtbl.iter (fun d (n, ps) -> if n > 1 then output d n ps) paths_by_digest;
let t1 = Sys.time () in
let () =
let input = ref Stdin in
let output = ref Stdout in
+ let ignore = ref None in
let assert_file_exists path =
if Sys.file_exists path then
, " Output to this directory instead of stdout."
+ ; ( "-ignore"
+ , Arg.String (fun regexp -> ignore := Some (Str.regexp regexp))
+ , " Ignore file paths which match this regexp pattern (see Str module)."
+ )
input := Directories (path :: paths)
- main !input !output
+ main !input !output !ignore