let active_vassals = ref njobs in
let results = Queue.create () in
let rec dispatch () =
- match Ipc.recv ic with
- | ((Exiting i) : ('input, 'output) msg_from_vassal) ->
+ match ((Ipc.recv ic) : ('input, 'output) msg_from_vassal) with
+ | Exiting i ->
close_out ocs.(i);
decr active_vassals;
if !active_vassals = 0 then
dispatch ()
- | ((Ready i) : ('input, 'output) msg_from_vassal) ->
+ | Ready i ->
Ipc.send ocs.(i) (Job (next t));
dispatch ()
- | ((Result (i, result)) : ('input, 'output) msg_from_vassal) ->
+ | Result (i, result) ->
Queue.add result results;
Ipc.send ocs.(i) (Job (next t));
dispatch ()
let oc = Unix.out_channel_of_descr lord_pipe_w in
let rec work msg =
Ipc.send oc msg;
- match Ipc.recv ic with
- | (Job (Some x) : 'input msg_from_lord) ->
+ match (Ipc.recv ic : 'input msg_from_lord) with
+ | Job (Some x) ->
work (Result (i, (x, f x)))
- | (Job None : 'input msg_from_lord) ->
+ | Job None ->
Ipc.send oc (Exiting i)
work (Ready i);