-#! /bin/sh
+#! /bin/bash
-case "$1" in
- '') dir="$DIR_WALLPAPERS";;
- *) dir="$1";;
+declare -a paths
+declare -i n=0
-# XXX Apparently injecting a filepath with {} is bad: https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2156
-#find "$dir" -type f -exec bash -c 'feh --bg-scale "{}"; read' \;
-find "$dir" -type f -exec bash -c 'feh --bg-scale "$1"; read' shell '{}' \;
+read_command() {
+ local char
+ read -rsn 1 char
+ case "$char" in
+ q | Q) echo 'CMD_QUIT';;
+ h | H) echo 'CMD_MOVE_BACK';;
+ l | L) echo 'CMD_MOVE_FORWARD';;
+ f | F) echo 'CMD_FAVORITE';;
+ *) echo 'CMD_UKNOWN';;
+ esac
+paths_find() {
+ local -r root_dir="$1"
+ local path
+ IFS=$'\n'
+ for path in $(find "$root_dir" -type f)
+ do
+ if file "$path" | grep 'image data' > /dev/null
+ then
+ (( n++ ))
+ # \r jumps to the beginning of the line:
+ printf '\rFound %d images.' "$n" >&2
+ paths["$n"]="$path"
+ fi
+ done
+ unset IFS
+ printf '\n' >&2
+paths_preview() {
+ local -i i
+ local path
+ for ((i=1; i<=n; i++))
+ do
+ path="${paths[$i]}"
+ printf '%d of %d : %s\n' "$i" "$n" "$path"
+ feh --bg-scale "$path"
+ case "$(read_command)" in
+ exit 0;;
+ # TODO Cycle around.
+ # One step further back than needed,
+ # to correct for the upcoming i++.
+ ((i = i - 2))
+ if [[ i -lt 0 ]]; then
+ i=-1
+ fi;;
+ ;;
+ wallpaper_fav
+ ((i--));;
+ # Remain
+ ((i--));;
+ esac
+ done
+main() {
+ local root_dir
+ case "$1" in
+ '') root_dir="$DIR_WALLPAPERS";;
+ *) root_dir="$1";;
+ esac
+ paths_find "$root_dir"
+ paths_preview
+main "$@"