3 alias gr
='git remote -v'
6 alias c
='cal -vm3' # -v: vertical, -m: start week with Monday, -3: show 3 months (prev, curr, next)
7 alias h
='history | fzf -e'
8 alias l
='ls -lFhv --group-directories-first --color=auto'
10 alias lll
='ll --color=never'
11 alias tree
='tree --dirsfirst'
12 #alias dotnet='~/.dotnet/dotnet'
13 alias fsi
='ledit dotnet /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/2.1.504/FSharp/fsi.exe'
14 alias fsc
='dotnet /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/2.1.504/FSharp/fsc.exe'
16 #alias startx='printf "Use a specialized startx-...\n"'
17 alias mans
='man $(man -k . | sort | fzf -e | awk "{print \$1}")'
18 alias twread
='twtxt timeline --limit 1000 | less'
19 alias todo
='cd ~/doc/TODO && vim TODO.md'
20 alias work_todo
="cd $DIR_WORK/docs/TODO && vim -c NERDTreeFind TODO.txt"
21 alias drafts
='cd ~/doc/drafts && drafts_prepend && vim -c NERDTreeFind drafts.md'
22 alias notes
='cd ~/doc/notes && notes_prepend && vim notes.md'
23 alias bookmarks
='cd ~/doc/bookmarks && vim bookmarks.md'
24 alias ideas
='cd ~/doc/ideas && vim ideas.md'
25 alias quotes
='cd ~/doc/quotations && vim quotations.md'
26 alias bitcoin
='nc ticker.bitcointicker.co 10080' # https://github.com/chubin/awesome-console-services#Money
27 alias weather
='cat ~/.pista-out/weather-summary'
This page took 0.082461 seconds and 3 git commands to generate.