#lang racket (require openssl/sha1) (require racket/date) (require http-client) (require rfc3339-old) (module+ test (require rackunit)) (struct msg (ts_epoch ts_rfc3339 nick uri text)) (struct feed (nick uri)) (define (concurrent-filter-map num_workers f xs) ; TODO preserve order of elements OR communicate that reorder is expected ; TODO switch from mailboxes to channels (define (make-worker id f) (define parent (current-thread)) (λ () (define self (current-thread)) (define (work) (thread-send parent (cons 'next self)) (match (thread-receive) ['done (thread-send parent (cons 'exit id))] [(cons 'unit x) (begin (define y (f x)) (when y (thread-send parent (cons 'result y))) (work))])) (work))) (define (dispatch ws xs ys) (if (empty? ws) ys (match (thread-receive) [(cons 'exit w) (dispatch (remove w ws =) xs ys)] [(cons 'result y) (dispatch ws xs (cons y ys))] [(cons 'next thd) (match xs ['() (begin (thread-send thd 'done) (dispatch ws xs ys))] [(cons x xs) (begin (thread-send thd (cons 'unit x)) (dispatch ws xs ys))])]))) (define workers (range num_workers)) (define threads (map (λ (id) (thread (make-worker id f))) workers)) (define results (dispatch workers xs '())) (for-each thread-wait threads) results) (module+ test (let* ([f (λ (x) (if (even? x) x #f))] [xs (range 11)] [actual (sort (concurrent-filter-map 10 f xs) <)] [expected (sort ( filter-map f xs) <)]) (check-equal? actual expected "concurrent-filter-map"))) (define msg-print (let* ([colors (vector 36 33)] [n (vector-length colors)]) (λ (out-format color-i msg) (let ([color (vector-ref colors (modulo color-i n))] [nick (msg-nick msg)] [uri (msg-uri msg)] [text (msg-text msg)]) (match out-format ['single-line (printf "~a \033[1;37m<~a>\033[0m \033[0;~am~a\033[0m~n" (parameterize ([date-display-format 'iso-8601]) (date->string (seconds->date [msg-ts_epoch msg]) #t)) nick color text)] ['multi-line (printf "~a~n\033[1;37m<~a ~a>\033[0m~n\033[0;~am~a\033[0m~n~n" (parameterize ([date-display-format 'rfc2822]) (date->string (seconds->date [msg-ts_epoch msg]) #t)) nick uri color text)]))))) ; TODO Implement rfc3339->epoch and remove dependency on rfc3339-old (define str->msg (let ([re (pregexp "^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2})?)(\\.[0-9]+)?([^\\s\t]*)[\\s\t]+(.*)$")]) (λ (nick uri str) (with-handlers* ([exn:fail? (λ (e) (log-error "Failed to parse msg: ~v, from: ~v, at: ~v, because: ~v" str nick uri e) #f)]) (match (regexp-match re str) [(list _wholething ts s _fractional tz text) (let* ([ts_rfc3339 (string-append ts (if s "" ":00") (if tz tz ""))] [t (string->rfc3339-record ts_rfc3339)] [s (rfc3339-record:second t)] ; TODO handle tz offset [ts_epoch (find-seconds [if s s 0] [rfc3339-record:minute t] [rfc3339-record:hour t] [rfc3339-record:mday t] [rfc3339-record:month t] [rfc3339-record:year t])]) (msg ts_epoch ts_rfc3339 nick uri text))] [_ (log-debug "Non-msg line from nick:~a, line:~a" nick str) #f]))))) (module+ test (let* ([tzs (for*/list ([d '("-" "+")] [h '("5" "05")] [m '("00" ":00" "57" ":57")]) (string-append d h m))] [tzs (list* "" "Z" tzs)]) (for* ([n '("fake-nick")] [u '("fake-uri")] [s '("" ":10")] [f '("" ".1337")] [z tzs] [sep (list "\t" " ")] [txt '("foo bar baz" "'jaz poop bear giraffe / tea" "@*\"``")]) (let* ([ts (string-append "2020-11-18T22:22" (if (non-empty-string? s) s ":00") z)] [m (str->msg n u (string-append ts sep txt))]) (check-not-false m) (check-equal? (msg-nick m) n) (check-equal? (msg-uri m) u) (check-equal? (msg-text m) txt) (check-equal? (msg-ts_rfc3339 m) ts (format "Given: ~v" ts)) ))) (let* ([ts "2020-11-18T22:22:09-0500"] [tab " "] [text "Lorem ipsum"] [nick "foo"] [uri "bar"] [actual (str->msg nick uri (string-append ts tab text))] [expected (msg 1605756129 ts nick uri text)]) ; FIXME re-enable after handling tz offset ;(check-equal? ; (msg-ts_epoch actual) ; (msg-ts_epoch expected) ; "str->msg ts_epoch") (check-equal? (msg-ts_rfc3339 actual) (msg-ts_rfc3339 expected) "str->msg ts_rfc3339") (check-equal? (msg-nick actual) (msg-nick expected) "str->msg nick") (check-equal? (msg-uri actual) (msg-uri expected) "str->msg uri") (check-equal? (msg-text actual) (msg-text expected) "str->msg text"))) (define (str->lines str) (string-split str (regexp "[\r\n]+"))) (module+ test (check-equal? (str->lines "abc\ndef\n\nghi") '("abc" "def" "ghi"))) (define (str->msgs nick uri str) (filter-map (λ (line) (str->msg nick uri line)) (str->lines str))) (define (hash-sha1 str) (define in (open-input-string str)) (define digest (sha1 in)) (close-input-port in) digest) (define (uri-read-cached uri) (define cache-file-path (expand-user-path (string-append "~/.tt/cache/" (hash-sha1 uri)))) (if (file-exists? cache-file-path) (file->string cache-file-path) (begin (log-warning "Cache file not found for URI: ~a" uri) ""))) ; uri-download : String -> Void (define (uri-download uri) (define cache-file-path (expand-user-path (string-append "~/.tt/cache/" (hash-sha1 uri)))) (log-info "uri-download ~a" uri) ; TODO Timeout. Currently hangs on slow connections. (let* ([resp (http-get uri)] [status (http-response-code resp)] [body (http-response-body resp)]) (log-debug "finished GET ~a status:~a body length:~a" uri status (string-length body)) ; TODO Handle redirects (if (= status 200) (display-to-file body cache-file-path #:exists 'replace) ; TODO A more-informative exception (raise status)))) (define (timeline-print out-format timeline) (void (foldl (match-lambda** [((and m (msg _ _ nick _ _)) (cons prev-nick i)) (let ([i (if (string=? prev-nick nick) i (+ 1 i))]) (msg-print out-format i m) (cons nick i))]) (cons "" 0) timeline))) ; feed->msgs : Feed -> (Listof Msg) (define (feed->msgs feed) (log-info "Reading feed nick:~a uri:~a" (feed-nick feed) (feed-uri feed)) (define uri (feed-uri feed)) (str->msgs (feed-nick feed) uri (uri-read-cached uri))) ; feed-download : Feed -> Void (define (feed-download feed) (log-info "Downloading feed nick:~a uri:~a" (feed-nick feed) (feed-uri feed)) (with-handlers ([exn:fail:network? (λ (e) (log-error "Network error nick:~a uri:~a exn:~a" (feed-nick feed) (feed-uri feed) e) #f)] [integer? (λ (status) (log-error "HTTP error nick:~a uri:~a status:~a" (feed-nick feed) (feed-uri feed) status) #f)]) (uri-download (feed-uri feed)))) ; timeline-download : Integer -> (Listof Feed) -> Void (define (timeline-download num_workers feeds) ; TODO No need for map - can just iter (void (concurrent-filter-map num_workers feed-download feeds))) ; TODO timeline contract : time-sorted list of messages ; timeline-read : (U 'old->new 'new->old) -> (Listof Feeds) -> (Listof Msg) (define (timeline-read order feeds) (define cmp (match order ['old->new <] ['new->old >])) (sort (append* (filter-map feed->msgs feeds)) (λ (a b) (cmp (msg-ts_epoch a) (msg-ts_epoch b))))) (define (str->feed str) ; TODO validation (define toks (string-split str)) (apply feed toks)) (define (filter-comments lines) (filter-not (λ (line) (string-prefix? line "#")) lines)) (define (str->feeds str) (map str->feed (filter-comments (str->lines str)))) (define (file->feeds filename) (str->feeds (file->string filename))) (define (user-agent prog-name prog-version) (let* ([prog-uri "https://github.com/xandkar/tt"] [user-feed-file (expand-user-path "~/twtxt-me.txt")] [user (if (file-exists? user-feed-file) (let ([user (first (file->feeds user-feed-file))]) (format "+~a; @~a" (feed-uri user) (feed-nick user))) (format "+~a" prog-uri))]) (format "~a/~a (~a)" prog-name prog-version user))) (define (start-logger level) (let* ([logger (make-logger #f #f level #f)] [log-receiver (make-log-receiver logger level)]) (void (thread (λ () (parameterize ([date-display-format 'iso-8601]) (let loop () (define data (sync log-receiver)) (define level (vector-ref data 0)) (define msg (vector-ref data 1)) (define ts (date->string (current-date) #t)) (eprintf "~a [~a] ~a~n" ts level msg) (loop)))))) (current-logger logger))) (module+ main (require (prefix-in info: setup/getinfo)) (let ([log-level 'info]) (command-line #:program "tt" #:once-each [("-d" "--debug") "Enable debug log level." (set! log-level 'debug)] #:help-labels "" "and is one of" "r, read i : Read the timeline." "d, download : Download the timeline." "" #:args (command . args) (start-logger log-level) (current-command-line-arguments (list->vector args)) (match command [(or "d" "download") (let ([num_workers 15]) ; 15 was fastest out of the tried: 1, 5, 10, 20. (command-line #:program "tt download" #:once-each [("-j" "--jobs") njobs "Number of concurrent jobs." (set! num_workers (string->number njobs))] #:args (filename) (current-http-client/response-auto #f) (let* ([prog-name "tt"] [prog-version ((info:get-info (list prog-name)) 'version)] [user-agent (user-agent prog-name prog-version)]) (current-http-client/user-agent user-agent)) (timeline-download num_workers (file->feeds filename)) ))] [(or "r" "read") (let ([out-format 'multi-line] [order 'old->new]) (command-line #:program "tt read" #:once-each [("-r" "--rev") "Reverse displayed timeline order." (set! order 'new->old)] #:once-any [("-s" "--short") "Short output format" (set! out-format 'single-line)] [("-l" "--long") "Long output format" (set! out-format 'multi-line)] #:args (filename) (timeline-print out-format (timeline-read order (file->feeds filename)))))] ))))