#lang typed/racket/no-check (require openssl/sha1) (require racket/date) (require net/head net/uri-codec net/url) (require (prefix-in info: "info.rkt")) (module+ test (require rackunit)) (define-type Url net/url-structs:url) (define-type Out-Format (U 'single-line 'multi-line)) (define-type Timeline-Order (U 'old->new 'new->old)) (define-type Result (∀ (α β) (U (cons 'ok α) (cons 'error β)))) (define-type Download-Result (Result (U 'skipped-cached 'downloaded-new) (U 'timeout (Pair 'unsupported-url-scheme String) (Pair 'http-not-ok Positive-Integer) (Pair 'net-error Any) (Pair 'other Any)))) (struct Hist ([freq : Nonnegative-Integer] [last : Nonnegative-Integer]) #:transparent) (define-type Url-Nick-Hist (Immutable-HashTable Url (Immutable-HashTable (Option String) Hist))) (struct User ([url : Url] [nick : (Option String)])) (struct User-Agent ([user : User] [prog : Prog])) (struct Prog ([name : String] [version : String])) (struct Msg ([ts-epoch : Integer] [ts-orig : String] [from : Peer] [text : String] [mentions : (Listof Peer)])) (struct Peer ([nick : (Option String)] [url : Url] [url-str : String] [comment : (Option String)]) #:transparent) (: prog Prog) (define prog (Prog "tt" (info:#%info-lookup 'version))) (: user-default User) (define user-default (User (string->url "https://github.com/xandkar/tt") #f)) (: user->str (-> User String)) (define (user->str user) (match-define (User u0 n) user) (define u (url->string u0)) (if n (format "+~a; @~a" u n) (format "+~a" u ))) (: user-agent->str (-> User-Agent String)) (define (user-agent->str ua) (match-define (User-Agent u p) ua) (format "~a/~a (~a)" (Prog-name p) (Prog-version p) (user->str u))) (: user->user-agent User) (define (user->user-agent user) (User-Agent user prog)) (: user-agent-str String) (define user-agent-str (user-agent->str (user->user-agent user-default))) (: set-user-agent-str (-> Path-String Void)) (define (set-user-agent-str filename) (set! user-agent-str (user-agent->str (user->user-agent (file->user filename)))) (log-info "User-Agent string is now set to: ~v" user-agent-str)) (: file->user (-> Path-String User)) (define (file->user filename) (if (file-exists? filename) (match (file->peers filename) [(list p) (log-info "User-Agent. Found one peer in file: ~v. Using the found peer: ~a" filename (peer->str p)) (peer->user p)] [(list* p _) (log-warning "User-Agent. Multiple peers in file: ~v. Picking arbitrary: ~a" filename (peer->str p)) (peer->user p)] ['() (log-warning "User-Agent. No peers found in file: ~v. Using the default user: ~a" filename user-default) user-default]) (begin (log-warning "User-Agent. File doesn't exist: ~v. Using the default user: ~a" filename user-default) user-default))) (: peer->user (-> Peer User)) (define (peer->user p) (match-define (Peer n u _ _) p) (User u n)) (: peers-equal? (-> Peer Peer Boolean)) (define (peers-equal? p1 p2) (equal? (Peer-url-str p1) (Peer-url-str p2))) (: peer-hash (-> Peer Fixnum)) (define (peer-hash p) (equal-hash-code (Peer-url-str p))) (define-custom-set-types peers #:elem? Peer? peers-equal? peer-hash) ; XXX Without supplying above explicit hash procedure, we INTERMITTENTLY get ; the following contract violations: ; ; custom-elem-contents: contract violation ; expected: custom-elem? ; given: #f ; context...: ; /usr/share/racket/collects/racket/private/set-types.rkt:104:0: custom-set->list ; /home/siraaj/proj/pub/tt/tt.rkt:716:0: crawl ; /usr/share/racket/collects/racket/cmdline.rkt:191:51 ; body of (submod "/home/siraaj/proj/pub/tt/tt.rkt" main) ; ; TODO Investigate why and make a minimal reproducible test case. (: peers-merge (-> (Listof Peer) * (Listof Peer))) (define (peers-merge . peer-sets) (define (merge-2 p1 p2) (match* (p1 p2) [((Peer n1 _ _ _) (Peer n2 _ _ _)) #:when (and n1 n2) p1] ; TODO compare which is more-common? [((Peer #f _ _ _) (Peer #f _ _ _)) p1] ; TODO update with most-common nick? [((Peer n1 _ _ _) (Peer #f _ _ _)) p1] [((Peer #f _ _ _) (Peer n2 _ _ _)) p2])) (: merge-n (-> (Listof Peer) Peer)) (define (merge-n peers) (match peers ['() (raise 'impossible)] [(list p) p] [(list* p1 p2 ps) (merge-n (cons (merge-2 p1 p2) ps))])) (sort (map merge-n (group-by Peer-url-str (append* peer-sets))) (match-lambda** [((Peer _ _ u1 _) (Peer _ _ u2 _)) (stringurl u1) u1 #f)] [p2 (Peer "a" (string->url u1) u1 #f)] [p3 (Peer "b" (string->url u2) u2 #f)] [s1 (list p1)] [s2 (list p2 p3)]) (check-equal? (list p3 p2) (peers-merge s1 s2)) (check-equal? (list p3 p2) (peers-merge s2 s1)))) (: tt-home-dir Path-String) (define tt-home-dir (build-path (expand-user-path "~") ".tt")) (: pub-peers-dir Path-String) (define pub-peers-dir (build-path tt-home-dir "peers")) (: concurrent-filter-map (∀ (α β) (-> Natural (-> α β) (Listof α) (Listof β)))) (define (concurrent-filter-map num-workers f xs) ; TODO preserve order of elements OR communicate that reorder is expected ; TODO switch from mailboxes to channels (define (make-worker id f) (define parent (current-thread)) (λ () (define self : Thread (current-thread)) (: work (∀ (α) (-> α))) (define (work) (thread-send parent (cons 'next self)) (match (thread-receive) ['done (thread-send parent (cons 'exit id))] [(cons 'unit x) (begin (define y (f x)) (when y (thread-send parent (cons 'result y))) (work))])) (work))) (: dispatch (∀ (α β) (-> (Listof Nonnegative-Integer) (Listof α) (Listof β)))) (define (dispatch ws xs ys) (if (empty? ws) ys (match (thread-receive) [(cons 'exit w) (dispatch (remove w ws =) xs ys)] [(cons 'result y) (dispatch ws xs (cons y ys))] [(cons 'next thd) (match xs ['() (begin (thread-send thd 'done) (dispatch ws xs ys))] [(cons x xs) (begin (thread-send thd (cons 'unit x)) (dispatch ws xs ys))])]))) (define workers (range num-workers)) (define threads (map (λ (id) (thread (make-worker id f))) workers)) (define results (dispatch workers xs '())) (for-each thread-wait threads) results) (module+ test (let* ([f (λ (x) (if (even? x) x #f))] [xs (range 11)] [actual (sort (concurrent-filter-map 10 f xs) <)] [expected (sort ( filter-map f xs) <)]) (check-equal? actual expected "concurrent-filter-map"))) (: msg-print (-> Out-Format Integer Msg Void)) (define msg-print (let* ([colors (vector 36 33)] [n (vector-length colors)]) (λ (out-format color-i msg) (let ([color (vector-ref colors (modulo color-i n))] [nick (Peer-nick (Msg-from msg))] [url (Peer-url-str (Msg-from msg))] [text (Msg-text msg)]) (match out-format ['single-line (let ([nick (if nick nick url)]) (printf "~a \033[1;37m<~a>\033[0m \033[0;~am~a\033[0m~n" (parameterize ([date-display-format 'iso-8601]) (date->string (seconds->date (Msg-ts-epoch msg)) #t)) nick color text))] ['multi-line (let ([nick (if nick (string-append nick " ") "")]) (printf "~a (~a)~n\033[1;37m<~a~a>\033[0m~n\033[0;~am~a\033[0m~n~n" (parameterize ([date-display-format 'rfc2822]) (date->string (seconds->date (Msg-ts-epoch msg)) #t)) (Msg-ts-orig msg) nick url color text))]))))) (: rfc3339->epoch (-> String (Option Nonnegative-Integer))) (define rfc3339->epoch (let ([re (pregexp "^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2}))?(\\.[0-9]+)?(Z|([+-])([0-9]{1,2}):?([0-9]{2}))?$")]) (λ (ts) (match (regexp-match re ts) [(list _wholething yyyy mm dd HH MM _:SS SS _fractional tz-whole tz-sign tz-HH tz-MM) (let* ([tz-offset (match* (tz-whole tz-sign tz-HH tz-MM) [("Z" #f #f #f) 0] [(_ (or "-" "+") (? identity h) (? identity m)) (let ([h (string->number h)] [m (string->number m)] ; Reverse to get back to UTC: [op (match tz-sign ["+" -] ["-" +])]) (op 0 (+ (* 60 m) (* 60 (* 60 h)))))] [(a b c d) (log-warning "Impossible TZ string: ~v, components: ~v ~v ~v ~v" tz-whole a b c d) 0])] [ts-orig ts] [local-time? #f] [ts-epoch (find-seconds (if SS (string->number SS) 0) (string->number MM) (string->number HH) (string->number dd) (string->number mm) (string->number yyyy) local-time?)]) (+ ts-epoch tz-offset))] [_ (log-debug "Invalid timestamp: ~v" ts) #f])))) (: str->msg (-> Peer String (Option Msg))) (define str->msg (let ([re (pregexp "^([^\\s\t]+)[\\s\t]+(.*)$")]) (λ (from str) (define from-str (peer->str from)) (define str-head (substring str 0 (min 100 (string-length str)))) (with-handlers* ([exn:fail? (λ (e) (log-debug "Failed to parse msg: ~v, from: ~v, at: ~v, because: ~v" str-head from-str e) #f)]) (match (regexp-match re str) [(list _wholething ts-orig text) (let ([ts-epoch (rfc3339->epoch ts-orig)]) (if ts-epoch (let ([mentions (filter-map (λ (m) (match (regexp-match #px"@<([^>]+)>" m) [(list _wholething nick-url) (str->peer nick-url)])) (regexp-match* #px"@<[^\\s]+([\\s]+)?[^>]+>" text))]) (Msg ts-epoch ts-orig from text mentions)) (begin (log-debug "Msg rejected due to invalid timestamp. From:~v. Line:~v" from-str str-head) #f)))] [_ (log-debug "Non-msg line. From:~v. Line:~v" from-str str-head) #f]))))) (module+ test ; TODO Test for when missing-nick case (let* ([tzs (for*/list ([d '("-" "+")] [h '("5" "05")] [m '("00" ":00" "57" ":57")]) (string-append d h m))] [tzs (list* "" "Z" tzs)]) (for* ([n '("fake-nick")] [u '("http://fake-url")] [p (list (Peer n (string->url u) u #f))] [s '("" ":10")] [f '("" ".1337")] [z tzs] [sep (list "\t" " ")] [txt '("foo bar baz" "'jaz poop bear giraffe / tea" "@*\"``")]) (let* ([ts (string-append "2020-11-18T22:22" (if (non-empty-string? s) s ":00") z)] [m (str->msg p (string-append ts sep txt))]) (check-not-false m) (check-equal? (Msg-from m) p) (check-equal? (Msg-text m) txt) (check-equal? (Msg-ts-orig m) ts (format "Given: ~v" ts)) ))) (let* ([ts "2020-11-18T22:22:09-0500"] [tab " "] [text "Lorem ipsum"] [nick "foo"] [url "http://bar/"] [peer (Peer nick (string->url url) url #f)] [actual (str->msg peer (string-append ts tab text))] [expected (Msg 1605756129 ts peer text '())]) (check-equal? (Msg-ts-epoch actual) (Msg-ts-epoch expected) "str->msg ts-epoch") (check-equal? (Msg-ts-orig actual) (Msg-ts-orig expected) "str->msg ts-orig") (check-equal? (Peer-nick (Msg-from actual)) (Peer-nick (Msg-from expected)) "str->msg nick") (check-equal? (Peer-url (Msg-from actual)) (Peer-url (Msg-from expected)) "str->msg url") (check-equal? (Peer-url-str (Msg-from actual)) (Peer-url-str (Msg-from expected)) "str->msg url-str") (check-equal? (Msg-text actual) (Msg-text expected) "str->msg text"))) (: str->lines (-> String (Listof String))) (define (str->lines str) (string-split str (regexp "[\r\n]+"))) (module+ test (check-equal? (str->lines "abc\ndef\n\nghi") '("abc" "def" "ghi"))) ; TODO Should return 2 things: 1) msgs; 2) metadata parsed from comments ; TODO Update peer nick based on metadata? (: str->msgs (-> Peer String (Listof Msg))) (define (str->msgs peer str) (filter-map (λ (line) (str->msg peer line)) (filter-comments (str->lines str)))) (: cache-dir Path-String) (define cache-dir (build-path tt-home-dir "cache")) (define cache-object-dir (build-path cache-dir "objects")) (: url->cache-file-path-v1 (-> Url Path-String)) (define (url->cache-file-path-v1 url) (define (hash-sha1 str) : (-> String String) (define in (open-input-string str)) (define digest (sha1 in)) (close-input-port in) digest) (build-path cache-object-dir (hash-sha1 (url->string url)))) (: url->cache-file-path-v2 (-> Url Path-String)) (define (url->cache-file-path-v2 url) (build-path cache-object-dir (uri-encode (url->string url)))) (define url->cache-object-path url->cache-file-path-v2) (define (url->cache-etag-path url) (build-path cache-dir "etags" (uri-encode (url->string url)))) (define (url->cache-lmod-path url) (build-path cache-dir "lmods" (uri-encode (url->string url)))) (: url-read-cached (-> Url (Option String))) (define (url-read-cached url) (define path-v1 (url->cache-file-path-v1 url)) (define path-v2 (url->cache-file-path-v2 url)) (when (file-exists? path-v1) (rename-file-or-directory path-v1 path-v2 #t)) (if (file-exists? path-v2) (file->string path-v2) (begin (log-debug "Cache file not found for URL: ~a" (url->string url)) #f))) (: str->url (-> String (Option String))) (define (str->url s) (with-handlers* ([exn:fail? (λ (e) #f)]) (string->url s))) (: peer->str (-> Peer String)) (define (peer->str peer) (match-define (Peer n _ u c) peer) (format "~a~a~a" (if n (format "~a " n) "") u (if c (format " # ~a" c) ""))) (: str->peer (-> String (Option Peer))) (define (str->peer str) (log-debug "Parsing peer string: ~v" str) (match (regexp-match #px"(([^\\s\t]+)[\\s\t]+)?([a-zA-Z]+://[^\\s\t]*)[\\s\t]*(#\\s*(.*))?" str) [(list _wholething _nick-with-space nick url _comment-with-hash comment) (match (str->url url) [#f (log-error "Invalid URL in peer string: ~v" str) #f] [url (Peer nick url (url->string url) comment)])] [_ (log-debug "Invalid peer string: ~v" str) #f])) (module+ test (check-equal? (str->peer "foo http://bar/file.txt # some rando") (Peer "foo" (str->url "http://bar/file.txt") "http://bar/file.txt" "some rando")) (check-equal? (str->peer "http://bar/file.txt # some rando") (Peer #f (str->url "http://bar/file.txt") "http://bar/file.txt" "some rando")) (check-equal? (str->peer "http://bar/file.txt #") (Peer #f (str->url "http://bar/file.txt") "http://bar/file.txt" "")) (check-equal? (str->peer "http://bar/file.txt#") ; XXX URLs can have #s (Peer #f (str->url "http://bar/file.txt#") "http://bar/file.txt#" #f)) (check-equal? (str->peer "http://bar/file.txt") (Peer #f (str->url "http://bar/file.txt") "http://bar/file.txt" #f)) (check-equal? (str->peer "foo http://bar/file.txt") (Peer "foo" (str->url "http://bar/file.txt") "http://bar/file.txt" #f)) (check-equal? (str->peer "foo bar # baz") #f) (check-equal? (str->peer "foo bar://baz # quux") (Peer "foo" (str->url "bar://baz") "bar://baz" "quux")) (check-equal? (str->peer "foo bar//baz # quux") #f)) (: filter-comments (-> (Listof String) (Listof String))) (define (filter-comments lines) (filter-not (λ (line) (string-prefix? line "#")) lines)) (: str->peers (-> String (Listof Peer))) (define (str->peers str) (filter-map str->peer (filter-comments (str->lines str)))) (: peers->file (-> (Listof Peers) Path-String Void)) (define (peers->file peers path) (make-parent-directory* path) (display-lines-to-file (map peer->str (sort peers (match-lambda** [((Peer n1 _ _ _) (Peer n2 _ _ _)) (stringpeers (-> Path-String (Listof Peer))) (define (file->peers file-path) (if (file-exists? file-path) (str->peers (file->string file-path)) (begin (log-warning "File does not exist: ~v" (path->string file-path)) '()))) (define re-rfc2822 #px"^(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun), ([0-9]{2}) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) ([0-9]{4}) ([0-2][0-9]):([0-6][0-9]):([0-6][0-9]) GMT") (: b->n (-> Bytes (Option Number))) (define (b->n b) (string->number (bytes->string/utf-8 b))) (: mon->num (-> Bytes Natural)) (define/match (mon->num mon) [(#"Jan") 1] [(#"Feb") 2] [(#"Mar") 3] [(#"Apr") 4] [(#"May") 5] [(#"Jun") 6] [(#"Jul") 7] [(#"Aug") 8] [(#"Sep") 9] [(#"Oct") 10] [(#"Nov") 11] [(#"Dec") 12]) (: rfc2822->epoch (-> Bytes (Option Nonnegative-Integer))) (define (rfc2822->epoch timestamp) (match (regexp-match re-rfc2822 timestamp) [(list _ _ dd mo yyyy HH MM SS) #:when (and dd mo yyyy HH MM SS) (find-seconds (b->n SS) (b->n MM) (b->n HH) (b->n dd) (mon->num mo) (b->n yyyy) #f)] [_ #f])) (: header-get (-> (Listof Bytes) Bytes (Option Bytes))) (define (header-get headers name) (match (filter-map (curry extract-field name) headers) [(list val) val] [_ #f])) (: url-download-http-from-port (-> Url (Listof (U Bytes String)) Input-Port (U 'skipped-cached 'downloaded-new))) ; TODO 'ok|'error ? (define (url-download-http-from-port u headers body-input) ; TODO Update message db from here? or where? ; - 1st try can just be an in-memory set that gets written-to ; and read-from disk as a whole. (define u-str (url->string u)) (log-debug "url-download-http-from-port ~v into ~v" u-str cached-object-path) (define cached-object-path (url->cache-object-path u)) (define cached-etag-path (url->cache-etag-path u)) (define cached-lmod-path (url->cache-lmod-path u)) (define etag (header-get headers #"ETag")) (define lmod (header-get headers #"Last-Modified")) (define lmod-curr (if lmod (rfc2822->epoch lmod) #f)) (define lmod-prev (if (file-exists? cached-lmod-path) (rfc2822->epoch (file->bytes cached-lmod-path)) #f)) (log-debug "lmod-curr:~v lmod-prev:~v" lmod-curr lmod-prev) (define cached? (or (and etag (file-exists? cached-etag-path) (bytes=? etag (file->bytes cached-etag-path)) (begin (log-debug "ETags match, skipping the rest of ~v" u-str) #t)) (and lmod-curr lmod-prev (<= lmod-curr lmod-prev) (begin (log-debug "Last-Modified <= current skipping the rest of ~v" u-str) #t)))) (if (not cached?) (begin (log-debug "Downloading the rest of ~v. ETag: ~a, Last-Modified: ~v" u-str etag lmod) (make-parent-directory* cached-object-path) (make-parent-directory* cached-etag-path) (make-parent-directory* cached-lmod-path) (call-with-output-file cached-object-path (curry copy-port body-input) #:exists 'replace) (when etag (display-to-file etag cached-etag-path #:exists 'replace)) (when lmod (display-to-file lmod cached-lmod-path #:exists 'replace)) 'downloaded-new) 'skipped-cached)) (: url-download-http (-> Positive-Float Url Download-Result)) (define (url-download-http timeout u) (define u-str (url->string u)) (define timeout-chan (make-channel)) (define result-chan (make-channel)) (define timeout-thread (thread (λ () ; Doing this instead of sync/timeout to distinguish error values, ; rather than just have #f to work with. (sleep timeout) (channel-put timeout-chan '(error . timeout))))) (define result-thread (thread (λ () (define result (with-handlers ; TODO Maybe name each known errno? (exn:fail:network:errno-errno e) ([exn:fail:network? (λ (e) `(error . (net-error . ,e)))] [exn? (λ (e) `(error . (other . ,e)))]) (define-values (status-line headers body-input) (http-sendrecv/url u #:headers (list (format "User-Agent: ~a" user-agent-str)))) (log-debug "headers: ~v" headers) (log-debug "status-line: ~v" status-line) (define status (string->number (second (string-split (bytes->string/utf-8 status-line))))) (log-debug "status: ~v" status) (let ([result ; TODO Handle redirects. ; TODO Should a redirect update a peer URL? (match status [200 `(ok . ,(url-download-http-from-port u headers body-input))] [_ `(error . (http-not-ok . ,status))])]) (close-input-port body-input) result))) (channel-put result-chan result)))) (define result (sync timeout-chan result-chan)) (kill-thread result-thread) (kill-thread timeout-thread) result) (: url-download (-> Positive-Float Url Download-Result)) (define (url-download timeout u) (match (url-scheme u) ; TODO Support Gopher. [(or "http" "https") (url-download-http timeout u)] [scheme `(error . (unsupported-url-scheme . ,scheme))])) (: timeline-print (-> Out-Format (Listof Msg) Void)) (define (timeline-print out-format timeline) (match timeline ['() (void)] [(cons first-msg _) (void (foldl (match-lambda** [((and m (Msg _ _ from _ _)) (cons prev-from i)) (let ([i (if (peers-equal? prev-from from) i (+ 1 i))]) (msg-print out-format i m) (cons from i))]) (cons (Msg-from first-msg) 0) timeline))])) (: peer->msgs (-> Peer (Listof Msg))) (define (peer->msgs peer) (match-define (Peer nick url url-str _) peer) (log-debug "Reading peer nick:~v url:~v" nick url-str) (define msgs-data (url-read-cached url)) ; TODO Expire cache (if msgs-data (str->msgs peer msgs-data) '())) (: peer-download (-> Positive-Float Peer (Result (U 'skipped-cached 'downloaded-new) Any))) (define (peer-download timeout peer) (match-define (Peer nick url u _) peer) (log-info "Download BEGIN URL:~a" u) (define-values (results _tm-cpu-ms tm-real-ms _tm-gc-ms) (time-apply url-download (list timeout url))) (define result (car results)) (log-info "Download END in ~a seconds, URL:~a, result:~s" (/ tm-real-ms 1000.0) u result) result) (: timeline-download (-> Integer Positive-Float (Listof Peer) Void)) (define (timeline-download num-workers timeout peers) (define results (concurrent-filter-map num-workers (λ (p) (cons p (peer-download timeout p))) peers)) (define peers-ok (filter-map (match-lambda [(cons p (cons 'ok _)) p] [(cons _ (cons 'error e)) #f]) results)) (define peers-err (filter-map (match-lambda [(cons _ (cons 'ok _)) #f] [(cons p (cons 'error e)) (struct-copy Peer p [comment (format "~s" e)])]) results)) (peers->file peers-ok (build-path tt-home-dir "peers-last-downloaded-ok.txt")) (peers->file peers-err (build-path tt-home-dir "peers-last-downloaded-err.txt"))) (: peers->timeline (-> (Listof Peer) (Listof Msg))) (define (peers->timeline peers) (append* (filter-map peer->msgs peers))) (: timeline-sort (-> (Listof Msg) timeline-order (Listof Msgs))) (define (timeline-sort msgs order) (define cmp (match order ['old->new <] ['new->old >])) (sort msgs (λ (a b) (cmp (Msg-ts-epoch a) (Msg-ts-epoch b))))) (: paths->peers (-> (Listof String) (Listof Peer))) (define (paths->peers paths) (let* ([paths (match paths ['() (let ([peer-refs-file (build-path tt-home-dir "following.txt")]) (log-debug "No peer ref file paths provided, defaulting to ~v" (path->string peer-refs-file)) (list peer-refs-file))] [paths (log-debug "Peer ref file paths provided: ~v" paths) (map string->path paths)])] [peers (apply peers-merge (map file->peers paths))]) (log-info "Read-in ~a peers." (length peers)) peers)) (: cache-filename->peer (-> Path-String (Option Peer))) (define (cache-filename->peer filename) (define nick #f) ; TODO Look it up in the nick-db when it exists. (define url-str (uri-decode (path->string filename))) ; TODO Can these crash? (match (str->url url-str) [#f #f] [url (Peer nick url url-str #f)])) (: peers-cached (-> (Listof Peer))) (define (peers-cached) ; TODO Expire cache? (filter-map cache-filename->peer (directory-list cache-object-dir))) (: peers-mentioned (-> (Listof Msg) (Listof Peer))) (define (peers-mentioned msgs) (append* (map Msg-mentions msgs))) (: peers-filter-denied-domains (-> (Listof Peer) (Listof Peer))) (define (peers-filter-denied-domains peers) (define deny-file (build-path tt-home-dir "domains-deny.txt")) (define denied-hosts (list->set (map string-trim (filter-comments (file->lines deny-file))))) (define denied-domain-patterns (set-map denied-hosts (λ (h) (pregexp (string-append "\\." h "$"))))) (filter (λ (p) (define host (url-host (Peer-url p))) (not (or (set-member? denied-hosts host) (ormap (λ (d) (regexp-match? d host)) denied-domain-patterns)))) peers)) (: log-writer-stop (-> Thread Void)) (define (log-writer-stop log-writer) (log-message (current-logger) 'fatal 'stop "Exiting." #f) (thread-wait log-writer)) (: log-writer-start (-> Log-Level Thread)) (define (log-writer-start level) (let* ([logger (make-logger #f #f level #f)] [log-receiver (make-log-receiver logger level)] [log-writer (thread (λ () (parameterize ([date-display-format 'iso-8601]) (let loop () (match-define (vector level msg _ topic) (sync log-receiver)) (unless (equal? topic 'stop) (eprintf "~a [~a] ~a~n" (date->string (current-date) #t) level msg) (loop))))))]) (current-logger logger) log-writer)) (: msgs->nick-hist (-> (Listof Msg) Url-Nick-Hist)) (define (msgs->nick-hist msgs) (foldl (λ (msg url->nick->hist) (match-define (Msg curr _ from _ mentions) msg) (foldl (λ (peer url->nick->hist) (match-define (Peer nick url _ _) peer) (if nick (hash-update url->nick->hist url (λ (nick->hist) (hash-update nick->hist nick (match-lambda [(Hist freq prev) (Hist (+ 1 freq) (max prev curr))]) (Hist 0 0))) (hash)) url->nick->hist)) url->nick->hist (cons from mentions))) (hash) msgs)) (: url-nick-hist->file (-> Url-Nick-Hist Path-String Void)) (define (url-nick-hist->file unh filepath) (define out (open-output-file filepath #:exists 'replace)) (for-each (match-lambda [(cons url nick->hist) (displayln (url->string url) out) (for-each (match-lambda [(cons nick (Hist freq last)) (displayln (format " ~a ~a ~a" nick freq last) out)]) (sort (hash->list nick->hist) (match-lambda** [((cons _ (Hist a _)) (cons _ (Hist b _))) (> a b)])))]) (sort (hash->list unh) (λ (a b) (stringdir (-> Url-Nick-Hist Path-String Void)) (define (url-nick-hist->dir unh dirpath) (hash-for-each unh (λ (url nick->hist) (define filename (string-append (uri-encode (url->string url)) ".txt")) (define filepath (build-path dirpath filename)) (make-parent-directory* filepath) (display-lines-to-file (map (match-lambda [(cons nick (Hist freq last)) (format "~a ~a ~a" nick freq last)]) (sort (hash->list nick->hist) (match-lambda** [((cons _ (Hist a _)) (cons _ (Hist b _))) (> a b)]))) filepath #:exists 'replace)))) (: update-nicks-history-files (-> Url-Nick-Hist Void)) (define (update-nicks-history-files unh) (define nicks-dir (build-path tt-home-dir "nicks")) (url-nick-hist->file unh (build-path nicks-dir "seen.txt")) (url-nick-hist->dir unh (build-path nicks-dir "seen"))) (: url-nick-hist-most-by (-> Url-Nick-Hist Url (-> Hist Nonnegative-Integer) (Option String))) (define (url-nick-hist-most-by url->nick->hist url by) (match (hash-ref url->nick->hist url #f) [#f #f] [nick->hist (match (sort (hash->list nick->hist) (λ (a b) (> (by (cdr a)) (by (cdr b))))) ['() #f] [(cons (cons nick _) _) nick])])) (: url-nick-hist-latest (-> Url-Nick-Hist Url (Option String))) (define (url-nick-hist-latest unh url) (url-nick-hist-most-by unh url Hist-last)) (: url-nick-hist-common (-> Url-Nick-Hist Url (Option String))) (define (url-nick-hist-common unh url) (url-nick-hist-most-by unh url Hist-freq)) (: peers-update-nick-to-common (-> Url-Nick-Hist (Listof Peer) (Listof Peer))) (define (peers-update-nick-to-common unh peers) (map (λ (p) (match (url-nick-hist-common unh (Peer-url p)) [#f p] [n (struct-copy Peer p [nick n])])) peers)) (module+ test (let* ([url-str "http://foo"] [url (string->url url-str)] [nick1 "a"] [nick2 "b"] [nick3 "c"] [ts-str-1 "2021-11-29T23:29:08-0500"] [ts-str-2 "2021-11-29T23:30:00-0500"] [ts-1 (rfc3339->epoch ts-str-1)] [ts-2 (rfc3339->epoch ts-str-2)] [msgs (map (match-lambda [(cons ts-str nick) (str->msg (str->peer "test http://test") (string-append ts-str " Hi @<" nick " " url-str ">"))]) (list (cons ts-str-2 nick1) (cons ts-str-1 nick2) (cons ts-str-1 nick2) (cons ts-str-1 nick3) (cons ts-str-1 nick3) (cons ts-str-1 nick3)))] [hist (msgs->nick-hist msgs)]) (check-equal? (hash-ref (hash-ref hist url) nick1) (Hist 1 ts-2)) (check-equal? (hash-ref (hash-ref hist url) nick2) (Hist 2 ts-1)) (check-equal? (hash-ref (hash-ref hist url) nick3) (Hist 3 ts-1)) (check-equal? (url-nick-hist-common hist url) nick3) (check-equal? (url-nick-hist-latest hist url) nick1))) (: crawl (-> Void)) (define (crawl) ; TODO Test the non-io parts of crawling (let* ([peers-all-file (build-path pub-peers-dir "all.txt")] [peers-mentioned-file (build-path pub-peers-dir "mentioned.txt")] [peers-parsed-file (build-path pub-peers-dir "downloaded-and-parsed.txt")] [peers-cached-file (build-path pub-peers-dir "downloaded.txt")] [peers-cached (peers-cached)] [cached-timeline (peers->timeline peers-cached)] [url-nick-hist (msgs->nick-hist cached-timeline)] [peers-mentioned-curr (peers-mentioned cached-timeline)] [peers-mentioned-prev (file->peers peers-mentioned-file)] [peers-all-prev (file->peers peers-all-file)] [peers-mentioned (peers-merge peers-mentioned-prev peers-mentioned-curr)] [peers-all (peers-update-nick-to-common url-nick-hist (peers-merge peers-mentioned peers-all-prev peers-cached))] [peers-discovered (set->list (set-subtract (make-immutable-peers peers-all) (make-immutable-peers peers-all-prev)))] [peers-parsed (filter (λ (p) (> (length (peer->msgs p)) 0)) peers-all)]) ; TODO Deeper de-duping (log-info "Known peers cached ~a" (length peers-cached)) (log-info "Known peers mentioned: ~a" (length peers-mentioned)) (log-info "Known peers parsed ~a" (length peers-parsed)) (log-info "Known peers total: ~a" (length peers-all)) (log-info "Discovered ~a new peers:~n~a" (length peers-discovered) (pretty-format (map (match-lambda [(Peer n _ u c) (list n u c)]) peers-discovered))) (update-nicks-history-files url-nick-hist) (peers->file peers-cached peers-cached-file) (peers->file peers-mentioned peers-mentioned-file) (peers->file peers-parsed peers-parsed-file) (peers->file peers-all peers-all-file))) (: read (-> (Listof String) Number Number Timeline-Order Out-Format Void)) (define (read file-paths ts-min ts-max order out-format) (let* ([peers (paths->peers file-paths)] [msgs (timeline-sort (peers->timeline peers) order)] [include? (λ (m) (and (or (not ts-min) (>= (Msg-ts-epoch m) ts-min)) (or (not ts-max) (<= (Msg-ts-epoch m) ts-max))))]) (timeline-print out-format (filter include? msgs)))) (: upload (-> Void)) (define (upload) ; FIXME Should not exit from here, but only after cleanup/logger-stoppage. (if (system (path->string (build-path tt-home-dir "hooks" "upload"))) (exit 0) (exit 1))) (: download (-> (Listof String) Positive-Integer Positive-Float Void)) (define (download file-paths num-workers timeout) (let* ([peers-given (paths->peers file-paths)] [peers-kept (peers-filter-denied-domains peers-given)] [peers-denied (set-subtract peers-given peers-kept)]) (log-info "Denied ~a peers" (length peers-denied)) (define-values (_res _cpu real-ms _gc) (time-apply timeline-download (list num-workers timeout peers-kept))) (log-info "Downloaded timelines from ~a peers in ~a seconds." (length peers-kept) (/ real-ms 1000.0)))) (: dispatch (-> String Void)) (define (dispatch command) (match command [(or "d" "download") ; 20 was fastest out of the tried: 1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30. (let ([num-workers : Positive-Integer 20] [timeout : Positive-Flonum 10.0]) (command-line #:program "tt download" #:once-each [("-j" "--jobs") positive-integer "Number of concurrent jobs." (set! num-workers (assert (string->number positive-integer) (conjoin exact-positive-integer?)))] [("-t" "--timeout") positive-float "Timeout seconds per request." (set! timeout (assert (string->number positive-float) (conjoin positive? flonum?)))] #:args file-paths (download file-paths num-workers timeout)))] [(or "u" "upload") (command-line #:program "tt upload" #:args () (upload))] [(or "r" "read") (let ([out-format 'multi-line] [order 'old->new] [ts-min #f] [ts-max #f]) (command-line #:program "tt read" #:once-each [("-r" "--rev") "Reverse displayed timeline order." (set! order 'new->old)] [("-m" "--min") m "Earliest time to display (ignore anything before it)." (set! ts-min (rfc3339->epoch m))] [("-x" "--max") x "Latest time to display (ignore anything after it)." (set! ts-max (rfc3339->epoch x))] #:once-any [("-s" "--short") "Short output format" (set! out-format 'single-line)] [("-l" "--long") "Long output format" (set! out-format 'multi-line)] #:args file-paths (read file-paths ts-min ts-max order out-format)))] [(or "c" "crawl") (command-line #:program "tt crawl" #:args () (crawl))] [command (eprintf "Error: invalid command: ~v\n" command) (eprintf "Please use the \"--help\" option to see a list of available commands.\n") (exit 1)])) (module+ main (let ([log-level 'info]) (command-line #:program "tt" #:once-each [("-d" "--debug") "Enable debug log level." (set! log-level 'debug)] #:help-labels "" "and is one of" "r, read : Read the timeline (offline operation)." "d, download : Download the timeline." ; TODO Add path dynamically "u, upload : Upload your twtxt file (alias to execute ~/.tt/hooks/upload)." "c, crawl : Discover new peers mentioned by known peers (offline operation)." "" #:args (command . args) (define log-writer (log-writer-start log-level)) (current-command-line-arguments (list->vector args)) (set-user-agent-str (build-path tt-home-dir "user.txt")) ; TODO dispatch should return status with which we should exit after cleanups (dispatch command) (log-writer-stop log-writer))))