- [ ] Convert to Typed Racket - requires: build executable (otherwise too slow) - [x] Build executable Implies fix of "collection not found" when executing the built executable outside the source directory: collection-path: collection not found collection: "tt" in collection directories: context...: /usr/share/racket/collects/racket/private/collect.rkt:11:53: fail /usr/share/racket/collects/setup/getinfo.rkt:17:0: get-info /usr/share/racket/collects/racket/contract/private/arrow-val-first.rkt:555:3 /usr/share/racket/collects/racket/cmdline.rkt:191:51 '|#%mzc:p - [ ] Support redirects - should permanent redirects update the feed somehow? - [ ] Support time ranges (i.e. reading the timeline between given time points) - [x] Implement rfc3339->epoch - [x] Remove dependency on rfc3339-old - [x] remove dependency on http-client - [ ] optional text wrap - [ ] write - [x] caching (use cache by default, unless explicitly asked for update) - [x] value --> cache - [x] value <-- cache requires: d command - [ ] timeline limits - [ ] feed set operations (perhaps better done externally?) - [ ] timeline as a result of a query (feed set op + filter expressions) - [ ] named timelines - [ ] config files - [ ] parse "following" from feed - following = - [ ] parse mentions: - @ | @ - [ ] highlight mentions - [ ] filter on mentions - [ ] highlight hashtags - [ ] filter on hashtags - [ ] hashtags as channels? initial hashtag special? - [ ] query language - [ ] console logger colors by level ('error) - [ ] file logger ('debug) - [-] commands: - [x] r | read - see timeline ops above - [ ] w | write - arg or stdin - nick expand to URI - [ ] q | query - see timeline ops above - see hashtag and channels above - [x] d | download - [x] u | upload - calls user-configured command to upload user's own feed file to their server Looks like a better CLI parser than "racket/cmdline": https://docs.racket-lang.org/natural-cli/ But it is no longer necessary now that I've figured out how to chain (command-line ..) calls. - [ ] Suport immutable timelines - store individual messages (possibly in something like DBM or SQLite)