%{ open Printf %} /* Declarations */ %token AND %token ARRAY %token ASSIGN %token BREAK %token COLON %token COMMA %token DIVIDE %token DO %token DOT %token ELSE %token END %token EOF %token EQ %token FOR %token FUNCTION %token GE %token GT %token ID %token IF %token IN %token INT %token LBRACE %token LBRACK %token LE %token LET %token LPAREN %token LT %token MINUS %token NEQ %token NIL %token OF %token OR %token PLUS %token RBRACE %token RBRACK %token RPAREN %token SEMICOLON %token STRING %token THEN %token TIMES %token TO %token TYPE %token VAR %token WHILE /* from lowest precedence */ %left THEN %left ELSE %nonassoc ASSIGN %left OF DO %left OR %left AND %nonassoc EQ NEQ GT LT GE LE %left PLUS MINUS %left TIMES DIVIDE %nonassoc UMINUS /* to highest precedence */ %type program %start program %% program: | exp EOF { sprintf "program[%s]" $1 } ; exp: | NIL { "nil[]" } | INT { sprintf "int[%d]" $1 } | MINUS exp %prec UMINUS { sprintf "negation[%s]" $2 } | ID LBRACK exp RBRACK OF exp { let type_id = $1 in let number_of_elements = $3 in let initial_value = $6 in sprintf "array[type[%s], size[%s], val[%s]]" type_id number_of_elements initial_value } | ID LBRACE rec_field_assignments RBRACE { let type_id = $1 in let rec_field_assignments = $3 in sprintf "record[type[%s], rec_field_assignments[%s]]" type_id rec_field_assignments } | lvalue { $1 } | lvalue ASSIGN exp { sprintf "assign[%s := %s]" $1 $3 } | STRING { sprintf "string[%S]" $1 } | ID LPAREN RPAREN { let id = $1 in sprintf "fun_call[%s, []]" id } | ID LPAREN fun_args RPAREN { let id = $1 in let fun_args = $3 in sprintf "fun_call[%s, %s]" id fun_args } | exp PLUS exp { sprintf "op_plus[%s + %s]" $1 $3 } | exp MINUS exp { sprintf "op_minus[%s - %s]" $1 $3 } | exp TIMES exp { sprintf "op_times[%s * %s]" $1 $3 } | exp DIVIDE exp { sprintf "op_divide[%s / %s]" $1 $3 } | exp EQ exp { sprintf "op_eq[%s = %s]" $1 $3 } | exp NEQ exp { sprintf "op_neq[%s <> %s]" $1 $3 } | exp GT exp { sprintf "op_gt[%s > %s]" $1 $3 } | exp LT exp { sprintf "op_lt[%s < %s]" $1 $3 } | exp GE exp { sprintf "op_ge[%s >= %s]" $1 $3 } | exp LE exp { sprintf "op_le[%s <= %s]" $1 $3 } | exp AND exp { sprintf "op_and[%s & %s]" $1 $3 } | exp OR exp { sprintf "op_or[%s | %s]" $1 $3 } | IF exp THEN exp ELSE exp { let e1 = $2 in let e2 = $4 in let e3 = $6 in sprintf "if_then_else[%s, then[%s], else[%s]]" e1 e2 e3 } | IF exp THEN exp { sprintf "if_then[%s, then[%s]]" $2 $4 } | WHILE exp DO exp { sprintf "while[%s, do[%s]]" $2 $4 } | FOR ID ASSIGN exp TO exp DO exp { let id = $2 in let e1 = $4 in let e2 = $6 in let e3 = $8 in sprintf "for[%s := %s, to[%s], do[%s]]" id e1 e2 e3 } | BREAK { "break[]" } | LPAREN exps RPAREN { sprintf "exps[%s]" $2 } | LET decs IN exps END { let decs = $2 in let exps = $4 in sprintf "let[decs[%s], in[exps[%s]]]" decs exps } | LPAREN RPAREN { (* Perhaps "void"? *) "unit[]" } ; rec_field_assignments: | ID EQ exp { let id = $1 in let exp = $3 in sprintf "%S = %s" id exp } | ID EQ exp COMMA rec_field_assignments { let id = $1 in let exp = $3 in let rec_field_assignments = $5 in sprintf "%S = %s, %s" id exp rec_field_assignments } ; exps: | exp { let exp = $1 in sprintf "%s" exp } | exp SEMICOLON exps { let exp = $1 in let exps = $3 in sprintf "%s; %s" exp exps } ; decs: | dec { sprintf "%s" $1 } | dec decs { sprintf "%s %s" $1 $2 } ; dec: /* Tydec */ | TYPE ID EQ ID { let type_id_new = $2 in let type_id_orig = $4 in sprintf "tydec_alias[from[%s], to[%s]]" type_id_new type_id_orig } | TYPE ID EQ LBRACE RBRACE { let type_id = $2 in sprintf "tydec_empty_record[%s]" type_id } | TYPE ID EQ LBRACE tyfields RBRACE { let type_id = $2 in let tyfields = $5 in sprintf "tydec_record[%s, fields[%s]]" type_id tyfields } | TYPE ID EQ ARRAY OF ID { let type_id = $2 in let element_type_id = $6 in sprintf "tydec_array[%s, elements_of_type[%s]]" type_id element_type_id } /* Vardec */ | VAR ID ASSIGN exp { let id = $2 in let exp = $4 in sprintf "vardec[%s, exp[%s]]" id exp } | VAR ID COLON ID ASSIGN exp { let id = $2 in let type_id = $4 in let exp = $6 in sprintf "vardec[%s, type_id[%s], exp[%s]]" id type_id exp } /* Fundec */ | FUNCTION ID LPAREN RPAREN EQ exp { let id = $2 in let exp = $6 in sprintf "fundec[%s, arguments[], exp[%s]]" id exp } | FUNCTION ID LPAREN tyfields RPAREN EQ exp { let id = $2 in let tyfields = $4 in let exp = $7 in sprintf "fundec[%s, arguments[%s], exp[%s]]" id tyfields exp } | FUNCTION ID LPAREN tyfields RPAREN COLON ID EQ exp { let id = $2 in let tyfields = $4 in let type_id = $7 in let exp = $9 in sprintf "fundec[%s, tyfields[%s], type_id[%s], exp[%s]]" id tyfields type_id exp } ; tyfields: | ID COLON ID { let id_1 = $1 in let id_2 = $3 in sprintf "%s : %s" id_1 id_2 } | ID COLON ID COMMA tyfields { let id_1 = $1 in let id_2 = $3 in let tyfield = sprintf "%s : %s" id_1 id_2 in let tyfields = $5 in sprintf "%s, %s" tyfield tyfields } ; fun_args: | exp { $1 } | exp COMMA fun_args { sprintf "%s, %s" $1 $3 } ; lvalue: | ID lvalue_part { let id = $1 in let part = $2 in sprintf "lvalue[%s, part[%s]]" id part } ; lvalue_part: | {"epsilon[]"} | lvalue_subscript {$1} | lvalue_field_access {$1} ; lvalue_subscript: | LBRACK exp RBRACK { let exp = $2 in sprintf "subscript[%s]" exp } ; lvalue_field_access: | DOT ID { let field = $2 in sprintf "field_access[%s]" field } ; %%