module List = ListLabels module Error = Tiger_error module Test = Tiger_test let read_file filepath = let {Unix.st_size=size; _} = Unix.stat filepath in let buf = Buffer.create size in let ic = open_in filepath in let rec read () = try Buffer.add_channel buf ic size; read () with End_of_file -> () in read (); close_in ic; Buffer.contents buf let out_lexing_of_filename = let open Tiger_parser in function | "test01.tig" -> Some [ LET; TYPE; ID "arrtype"; EQ; ARRAY; OF; ID "int"; VAR; ID "arr1"; COLON; ID "arrtype"; ASSIGN; ID "arrtype"; LBRACK; INT 10; RBRACK; OF; INT 0; IN; ID "arr1"; END ] | "test02.tig" -> Some [ LET; TYPE; ID "myint"; EQ; ID "int"; TYPE; ID "arrtype"; EQ; ARRAY; OF; ID "myint"; VAR; ID "arr1"; COLON; ID "arrtype"; ASSIGN; ID "arrtype"; LBRACK; INT 10; RBRACK; OF; INT 0; IN; ID "arr1"; END ] | "test03.tig" -> Some [ LET; TYPE; ID "rectype"; EQ; LBRACE; ID "name"; COLON; ID "string"; COMMA; ID "age"; COLON; ID "int"; RBRACE; VAR; ID "rec1"; COLON; ID "rectype"; ASSIGN; ID "rectype"; LBRACE; ID "name"; EQ; STRING "Nobody"; COMMA; ID "age"; EQ; INT 1000; RBRACE; IN; ID "rec1"; DOT; ID "name"; ASSIGN; STRING "Somebody"; SEMICOLON; ID "rec1"; END ] | "test04.tig" -> Some [ LET; FUNCTION; ID "nfactor"; LPAREN; ID "n"; COLON; ID "int"; RPAREN; COLON; ID "int"; EQ; IF; ID "n"; EQ; INT 0; THEN; INT 1; ELSE; ID "n"; TIMES; ID "nfactor"; LPAREN; ID "n"; MINUS; INT 1; RPAREN; IN; ID "nfactor"; LPAREN; INT 10; RPAREN; END ] | "test09.tig" -> Some [IF; LPAREN; INT 5; GT; INT 4; RPAREN; THEN; INT 13; ELSE; STRING " "] | _ -> (* TODO: Fill-in other expected cases *) None let out_parsing_of_filename _ = (* TODO: Fill-in expected cases *) None let is_error_expected_parsing_of_filename = let module E = Tiger_error in function | "test49.tig" -> Some Error.is_invalid_syntax (* TODO: Be more specific - test position *) | _ -> (* TODO: Fill-in other expected cases *) None (* TODO: test18.tig - error : definition of recursive functions is interrupted*) (* TODO: test21.tig - error : procedure returns value and procedure is used in arexpr *) let is_error_expected_semant_of_filename = let module E = Tiger_error in function | "test17.tig" | "test33.tig" -> Some Error.is_unknown_type (* TODO: Be more specific - which type? *) | "test20.tig" -> Some Error.is_unknown_id (* TODO: Be more specific - the unknown id is "i" *) | "test22.tig" -> Some Error.is_no_such_field_in_record (* TODO: Be more specific - which field? *) | "test24.tig" -> Some Error.is_not_an_array (* TODO: Be more specific *) | "test25.tig" -> Some Error.is_not_a_record (* TODO: Be more specific *) | "test09.tig" | "test11.tig" | "test13.tig" | "test14.tig" | "test23.tig" | "test26.tig" | "test28.tig" | "test29.tig" | "test31.tig" | "test32.tig" | "test34.tig" | "test43.tig" -> Some Error.is_wrong_type (* TODO: Be more specific - what expected, what given? *) | _ -> (* TODO: Fill-in other expected cases *) None let test_case_of_filename filename ~dir = filename ~code:(read_file (Filename.concat dir filename)) ~out_lexing:(out_lexing_of_filename filename) ~out_parsing:(out_parsing_of_filename filename) ~is_error_expected_parsing:(is_error_expected_parsing_of_filename filename) ~is_error_expected_semant:(is_error_expected_semant_of_filename filename) let is_filename_starts_with_dot filename = match filename.[0] with | exception Invalid_argument _ -> (* Filename should not be an empty string *) assert false | '.' -> true | _ -> false let is_filename_not_hidden filename = not (is_filename_starts_with_dot filename) let read ~from_dir:dir = Sys.readdir dir |> Array.to_list |> List.filter ~f:is_filename_not_hidden |> List.filter ~f:(fun filename -> Filename.check_suffix filename ".tig") |> List.sort ~cmp:compare |> ~f:(test_case_of_filename ~dir)