module Error = Tiger_error module Test = Tiger_test let book = [ "Book test 1: an array type and an array variable" ~code: " \ /* an array type and an array variable */ \ let \ type arrtype = array of int \ var arr1:arrtype := \ arrtype [10] of 0 \ in \ arr1 \ end \ " ~out_lexing:( let open Tiger_parser in [ LET; TYPE; ID "arrtype"; EQ; ARRAY; OF; ID "int"; VAR; ID "arr1"; COLON; ID "arrtype"; ASSIGN; ID "arrtype"; LBRACK; INT 10; RBRACK; OF; INT 0; IN; ID "arr1"; END ] ) ; "Book test 2: arr1 is valid since expression 0 is int = myint" ~code: " \ /* arr1 is valid since expression 0 is int = myint */ \ let \ type myint = int \ type arrtype = array of myint \ var arr1:arrtype := \ arrtype [10] of 0 \ in \ arr1 \ end \ " ~out_lexing:( let open Tiger_parser in [ LET; TYPE; ID "myint"; EQ; ID "int"; TYPE; ID "arrtype"; EQ; ARRAY; OF; ID "myint"; VAR; ID "arr1"; COLON; ID "arrtype"; ASSIGN; ID "arrtype"; LBRACK; INT 10; RBRACK; OF; INT 0; IN; ID "arr1"; END ] ) ; "Book test 3: a record type and a record variable" ~code: " \ /* a record type and a record variable */ \ let \ type rectype = \ { name : string \ , age : int \ } \ var rec1 : rectype := \ rectype \ { name = \"Nobody\" \ , age = 1000 \ } \ in \ := \"Somebody\"; \ rec1 \ end \ " ~out_lexing:( let open Tiger_parser in [ LET; TYPE; ID "rectype"; EQ; LBRACE; ID "name"; COLON; ID "string"; COMMA; ID "age"; COLON; ID "int"; RBRACE; VAR; ID "rec1"; COLON; ID "rectype"; ASSIGN; ID "rectype"; LBRACE; ID "name"; EQ; STRING "Nobody"; COMMA; ID "age"; EQ; INT 1000; RBRACE; IN; ID "rec1"; DOT; ID "name"; ASSIGN; STRING "Somebody"; SEMICOLON; ID "rec1"; END ] ) ; "Book test 4: define a recursive function" ~code: " \ /* define a recursive function */ \ let \ \ /* calculate n! */ \ function nfactor(n: int): int = \ if n = 0 \ then 1 \ else n * nfactor(n-1) \ \ in \ nfactor(10) \ end \ " ~out_lexing:( let open Tiger_parser in [ LET; FUNCTION; ID "nfactor"; LPAREN; ID "n"; COLON; ID "int"; RPAREN; COLON; ID "int"; EQ; IF; ID "n"; EQ; INT 0; THEN; INT 1; ELSE; ID "n"; TIMES; ID "nfactor"; LPAREN; ID "n"; MINUS; INT 1; RPAREN; IN; ID "nfactor"; LPAREN; INT 10; RPAREN; END ] ) ; "Book test 9: error : types of then - else differ" ~code: " \ /* error : types of then - else differ */ \ if (5>4) then 13 else \" \" \ " ~out_lexing:( let open Tiger_parser in [ IF; LPAREN; INT 5; GT; INT 4; RPAREN; THEN; INT 13; ELSE; STRING " " ] ) ; "Book test: 8-queens" ~code: "\ /* A program to solve the 8-queens problem */ \n\ \n\ let \n\ var N := 8 \n\ \n\ type intArray = array of int \n\ \n\ var row := intArray [ N ] of 0 \n\ var col := intArray [ N ] of 0 \n\ var diag1 := intArray [N+N-1] of 0 \n\ var diag2 := intArray [N+N-1] of 0 \n\ \n\ function printboard() = ( \n\ for i := 0 to N-1 do ( \n\ for j := 0 to N-1 do print(if col[i]=j then \" O\" else \" .\"); \n\ print(\"\n\") \n\ ); \n\ print(\"\n\") \n\ ) \n\ \n\ function try(c:int) = ( \n\ /* for i:= 0 to c do print(\".\"); print(\"\n\"); flush();*/ \n\ if c=N \n\ then printboard() \n\ else \n\ for r := 0 to N-1 \n\ do \n\ if row[r]=0 & diag1[r+c]=0 & diag2[r+7-c]=0 \n\ then ( \n\ row[r] := 1; \n\ diag1[r+c] := 1; \n\ diag2[r+7-c] := 1; \n\ col[c] := r; \n\ try(c+1); \n\ row[r] := 0; \n\ diag1[r+c] := 0; \n\ diag2[r+7-c] := 0 \n\ ) \n\ ) \n\ in \n\ try(0) \n\ end \n\ " ] let micro = let open Tiger_parser in [ (let code = "nil" in code ~code ~out_lexing:[NIL]) ; (let code = "5" in code ~code ~out_lexing:[INT 5]) ; (let code = "-5" in code ~code ~out_lexing:[MINUS; INT 5]) ; ( let code = "f()" in code ~code ~out_lexing:[ID "f"; LPAREN; RPAREN] ~is_error_expected_semant:Error.is_unknown_id ) ; (let code = "abc.i" in code ~code ~out_lexing:[ID "abc"; DOT; ID "i"]) ; (let code = "abc[0]" in code ~code ~out_lexing:[ID "abc"; LBRACK; INT 0; RBRACK]) ; (let code = "abc[0] := foo()" in code ~code ~out_lexing: [ID "abc"; LBRACK; INT 0; RBRACK; ASSIGN; ID "foo"; LPAREN; RPAREN]) ; (let code = "abc [5] of nil" in code ~code ~out_lexing: [ID "abc"; LBRACK; INT 5; RBRACK; OF; NIL]) ; ( let code = "f(\"a\", 3, foo)" in code ~code ~out_lexing: [ID "f"; LPAREN; STRING "a"; COMMA; INT 3; COMMA; ID "foo"; RPAREN] ~is_error_expected_semant:Error.is_unknown_id ) ] let all = book @ micro