open Printf module List = ListLabels module String = StringLabels module Sym = Tiger_symbol module Pos = Tiger_position module Indent : sig type t val init : enabled:bool -> unit:string -> t val next : t -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = { unit : string option ; levels : int } let init ~enabled ~unit = { unit = if enabled then Some unit else None ; levels = 0 } let next t = {t with levels = succ t.levels} let to_string = function | {unit=None; _} -> "" | {unit=Some u; levels} -> let rec add = function | 0 -> "" | n -> u ^ (add (pred n)) in "\n" ^ (add levels) end type oper = | PlusOp | MinusOp | TimesOp | DivideOp | EqOp | NeqOp | LtOp | LeOp | GtOp | GeOp type exp = | NilExp | IntExp of int | StringExp of { string : string ; pos : Pos.t } | CallExp of { func : Sym.t ; args : exp list ; pos : Pos.t } | OpExp of { left : exp ; oper : oper ; right : exp ; pos : Pos.t } | RecordExp of { fields : (Sym.t * exp * Pos.t) list ; typ : Sym.t ; pos : Pos.t } | SeqExp of (exp * Pos.t) list | AssignExp of { var : var ; exp : exp ; pos : Pos.t } | IfExp of { test : exp ; then' : exp ; else' : exp option ; pos : Pos.t } | WhileExp of { test : exp ; body : exp ; pos : Pos.t } | ForExp of { var : Sym.t ; escape : bool ref (* Whoa - why a mutable cell in AST? *) ; lo : exp ; hi : exp ; body : exp ; pos : Pos.t } | BreakExp of Pos.t | LetExp of { decs : dec list ; body : exp ; pos : Pos.t } | ArrayExp of { typ : Sym.t ; size : exp ; init : exp ; pos : Pos.t } | VarExp of var and var = | SimpleVar of { symbol : Sym.t ; pos : Pos.t } | FieldVar of { var : var ; symbol : Sym.t ; pos : Pos.t } | SubscriptVar of { var : var ; exp : exp ; pos : Pos.t } and dec = | FunDecs of (* "FunctionDec" in Appel's code *) fundec list | VarDec of { name : Sym.t ; escape : bool ref (* Again, why mutable? *) ; typ : (Sym.t * Pos.t) option ; init : exp ; pos : Pos.t } | TypeDecs of (* "TypeDec" in Appel's code *) typedec list and ty = | NameTy of { symbol : Sym.t ; pos : Pos.t } | RecordTy of field list | ArrayTy of { symbol : Sym.t ; pos : Pos.t } and field = | Field of { name : Sym.t ; escape : bool ref ; typ : Sym.t ; pos : Pos.t } and typedec = | TypeDec of (* An anonymous record in Appel's code *) { name : Sym.t ; ty : ty ; pos : Pos.t } and fundec = | FunDec of { name : Sym.t ; params : field list ; result : (Sym.t * Pos.t) option ; body : exp ; pos : Pos.t } type t = exp let op_to_string op = match op with | PlusOp -> "PlusOp" | MinusOp -> "MinusOp" | TimesOp -> "TimesOp" | DivideOp -> "DivideOp" | EqOp -> "EqOp" | NeqOp -> "NeqOp" | LtOp -> "LtOp" | LeOp -> "LeOp" | GtOp -> "GtOp" | GeOp -> "GeOp" let xs_to_string ?(sep=",") ~f ~indent xs = let i = Indent.to_string indent in xs |> ~f:(fun x -> i ^ (f x)) |> String.concat ~sep let mexp name params ~indent = let params = xs_to_string ~f:(fun x -> x) ~indent params in sprintf "%s[%s]" name params let field_to_string ~indent (Field {name; typ; _}) = let name = Sym.to_string name in let typ = Sym.to_string typ in let indent = Indent.to_string indent in sprintf "%s%s : %s" indent name typ let fields_to_string fields ~indent = let fields = fields ~f:(field_to_string ~indent) in mexp "" fields ~indent let rec exp_to_string ~indent exp = let indent = indent in let mexp = mexp ~indent in (match exp with | NilExp -> mexp "NilExp" [] | IntExp i -> mexp "IntExp" [(string_of_int i)] | StringExp {string; _} -> mexp "StringExp" [sprintf "%S" string] | CallExp {func; args; _} -> let func = Sym.to_string func in let args = args ~f:(exp_to_string ~indent) in mexp "CallExp" [func; mexp "" args] | OpExp {left; oper; right; _} -> let op_exp = let indent = indent in let oper = op_to_string oper in let left = exp_to_string ~indent left in let right = exp_to_string ~indent right in mexp oper [left; right] in mexp "OpExp" [op_exp] | RecordExp {fields; typ; _} -> let fields = fields ~f:(fun (sym, exp, _) -> sprintf "%s = %s" (Sym.to_string sym) (exp_to_string ~indent exp) ) in let typ = Sym.to_string typ in mexp "RecordExp" [typ; mexp "" fields] | SeqExp exps -> exps |> ~f:(fun (e, _) -> exp_to_string e ~indent) |> mexp "SeqExp" | AssignExp {var; exp; _} -> let var = var_to_string ~indent var in let exp = exp_to_string ~indent exp in mexp "AssignExp" [var; exp] | IfExp {test; then'; else'; _} -> let test = exp_to_string ~indent test in let then' = exp_to_string ~indent then' in (match else' with | None -> mexp "IfThen" [test; then'] | Some e -> mexp "IfThenElse" [test; then'; (exp_to_string ~indent e)] ) | WhileExp {test; body; _} -> let test = exp_to_string ~indent test in let body = exp_to_string ~indent body in mexp "WhileExp" [test; body] | ForExp {var; lo; hi; body; _} -> mexp "ForExp" [ (Sym.to_string var) ; (exp_to_string ~indent lo) ; (exp_to_string ~indent hi) ; (exp_to_string ~indent body) ] | BreakExp _ -> mexp "BreakExp" [] | LetExp {decs; body; _} -> let decs = decs ~f:(dec_to_string ~indent) in let body = exp_to_string ~indent body in mexp "LetExp" [mexp "" decs; body] | ArrayExp {typ; size; init; _} -> let typ = Sym.to_string typ in let size = exp_to_string ~indent size in let init = exp_to_string ~indent init in mexp "ArrayExp" [typ; size; init] | VarExp var -> mexp "VarExp" [(var_to_string ~indent var)] ) and var_to_string ~indent var = let indent = indent in let mexp = mexp ~indent in match var with | SimpleVar {symbol; _} -> mexp "SimpleVar" [(Sym.to_string symbol)] | FieldVar {var; symbol; _} -> mexp "FieldVar" [ (var_to_string ~indent var) ; (Sym.to_string symbol) ] | SubscriptVar {var; exp; _} -> mexp "SubscriptVar[%s]" [ (var_to_string ~indent var) ; (exp_to_string ~indent exp) ] and dec_to_string ~indent dec = let indent = indent in let mexp = mexp ~indent in match dec with | VarDec {name; typ; init; _} -> let name = Sym.to_string name in let init = exp_to_string ~indent init in (match typ with | Some (typ, _) -> let typ = Sym.to_string typ in mexp "VarDec" [name; typ; init] | None -> mexp "VarDec" [name; init] ) | TypeDecs type_decs -> mexp "TypeDecs" ( type_decs ~f:(type_dec_to_string ~indent)) | FunDecs fun_decs -> mexp "FunDecs" ( fun_decs ~f:(fun_dec_to_string ~indent)) and fun_dec_to_string ~indent fun_dec = let indent = indent in let mexp = mexp ~indent in match fun_dec with | FunDec {name; params; body; _} -> let name = Sym.to_string name in let params = fields_to_string ~indent params in let body = exp_to_string ~indent body in mexp "FunDec" [name; params; body] and type_dec_to_string ~indent type_dec = let indent = indent in let mexp = mexp ~indent in match type_dec with | TypeDec {name; ty; _} -> mexp "TypeDec" [ (Sym.to_string name) ; (ty_to_string ~indent ty) ] and ty_to_string ~indent ty = let mexp = mexp ~indent in match ty with | NameTy {symbol; _} -> mexp "NameTy" [(Sym.to_string symbol)] | ArrayTy {symbol; _} -> mexp "ArrayTy" [(Sym.to_string symbol)] | RecordTy fields -> mexp "RecordTy" [(fields_to_string ~indent fields)] let to_string = let unit = String.make 4 ' ' in let indent = Indent.init ~enabled:true ~unit in exp_to_string ~indent