# GraphicsMagick R Signal-Desktop alsa-plugins-pulseaudio apache-fop aspell-en aspell-ru autoconf automake base-system bat bind-utils bison bluez cheese cmake cronie cryptsetup curl dejavu-fonts-ttf dfc dict dictd dmenu docker dunst encfs feh figlet firefox flatpak flex font-iosevka font-misc-misc fswatch gcc gimp git-all gmp-devel gnome-keyring gpick graphviz grub-i386-efi grub-x86_64-efi gvfs-afc gvfs-mtp gvfs-smb gvim hsetroot htop i3lock jq libX11-devel libXft-devel libXinerama-devel libressl-devel libsodium-devel libtool lvm2 lxdm make man-pages-devel mate mate-extra mdadm mlocate moreutils mpc mpd mupdf nawk ncmpc ncmpcpp ncurses-devel neofetch net-tools netbsd-wtf network-manager-applet nodejs-lts nvidia openbsd-netcat openntpd openssh parallel patch pcmanfm pfetch picom # Replaces compton. pkg-config python3-devel python3-pip racket racket-doc ripgrep rsync runit-iptables rustup scrot sct setxkbmap shellcheck socklog socklog-void sox speedtest-cli sxiv terminus-font thunderbird tig tmux tree udisks2 unixodbc-devel vim void-repo-nonfree vscode wget whois words-en words-ru xauth xbindkeys xinput xkcdpass xorg-input-drivers xorg-minimal xorg-video-drivers xprop xrandr xscreensaver xtools xwininfo # Needed for picom-trans to work, but isn't a dep of picom. zathura zathura-djvu zathura-pdf-mupdf zeal zsh zsh-completions zsh-history-substring-search zsh-syntax-highlighting