# 9base GraphicsMagick MultiMC R Signal-Desktop alsa-plugins-pulseaudio apache-fop ario # GUI (GTK) MPD client aspell-en aspell-ru autoconf automake aws-cli base-system bat bind-utils bison bluez bottom bzip2-dbg c-ares-dbg cairo-dbg cheese chromium clang cmake collectd collectd-dbg cronie cryptsetup cups curl dbus-devel dbus-libs-dbg dejavu-fonts-ttf device-mapper-dbg dfc dict dictd dmenu dnsmasq-dbg docker docker-compose doxygen dunst e2fsprogs-libs-dbg element-desktop # Matrix.org client, replaces Riot elinks elixir encfs erlang-doc erlang-wx eudev-libudev-dbg expat-dbg extra-cmake-modules feh figlet firefox flatpak flex font-iosevka font-misc-misc font-util-dbg fontconfig-dbg freetype-dbg fribidi-dbg fswatch fuse-dbg gcc gdb gdbm-dbg gettext-devel-tools gimp git-all glib-dbg glibc-dbg glu-devel gmp-dbg gmp-devel gnome-keyring gnuplot gnutls-dbg gparted gpick graphite-dbg graphviz grub-i386-efi grub-x86_64-efi gvfs-afc gvfs-mtp gvfs-smb gvim hsetroot htop i3lock icu-devel icu-libs-dbg iptables-dbg jansson-dbg jq lagrange less-dbg lftp libX11-dbg libX11-devel libXau-dbg libXdmcp-dbg libXext-dbg libXft-devel libXinerama-devel libXrender-dbg libaio-dbg libapparmor-dbg libblkid-dbg libcap-ng-dbg libcrypto1.1-dbg libcrypto45 libcrypto46 libcurl-dbg libdatrie-dbg libdb-dbg libedit-dbg libelf-dbg libesmtp-dbg libev-dbg libevent-dbg libffi-dbg libfontenc-dbg libgcc-dbg libgcrypt-dbg libglvnd-dbg libgpg-error-dbg libharfbuzz-dbg libidn2-dbg libldap-dbg liblz4-devel liblzma-dbg libmariadbclient-dbg libmd-devel libmnl-dbg libmount-dbg libnet-snmp-dbg libnetfilter_conntrack-dbg libnfnetlink-dbg libnftnl-dbg libnl3-dbg libnuma-dbg libparted-dbg libpcap-dbg libpciaccess-dbg libpcre-dbg libpng-dbg libreadline8-dbg libreoffice libsasl-dbg libsensors-dbg libsodium-dbg libsodium-devel libssh2-dbg libssl1.1-dbg libssl47 libssl48 libstdc++-dbg libtasn1-dbg libthai-dbg libtirpc-dbg libtool libunbound-dbg libunistring-dbg libuuid-dbg libvirt-dbg libxcb-dbg libxml2-dbg libzstd-dbg lm_sensors lvm2 lxdm lzo-dbg mDNSResponder # Bonjour make man-pages-devel mate mate-extra mdadm mediainfo mit-krb5-libs-dbg mkfontscale-dbg mlocate moreutils mpc mpd mpeg4ip mpv mtools multitail mupdf nawk # The one, true implementation of AWK ncmpc ncmpcpp ncurses-devel ncurses-libs-dbg neofetch net-tools # ifconfig et al netbsd-wtf nettle-dbg network-manager-applet nghttp2-dbg nmap nodejs ntfs-3g nvidia onefetch # Like neofetch, but for git repos. openbsd-netcat openntpd openssh openssl-dbg openssl-devel p11-kit-dbg p7zip pango-dbg parallel patch pciutils-dbg pcmanfm pcre-devel perl-File-MimeInfo perl-IPC-System-Simple perl-List-MoreUtils-XS # Dependency of feedgnuplot, which isn't in Void repos. perl-String-ShellQuote perl-dbg pfetch picom # Replaces compton. pidgin pixman-dbg pkg-config python3-dbg python3-devel python3-pip qutebrowser racket racket-doc ripgrep rrdtool-dbg rsync run-parts-dbg runit-iptables rustup sacc # gopher client scrot sct setxkbmap shellcheck smartmontools snappy-devel socklog socklog-void sox speedtest-cli sqlite-dbg strace streamripper swi-prolog sxiv sysstat system-config-printer tealdeer terminus-font texinfo thunderbird tig tmux tree udisks2 ueberzug # For drawing images on terminals. Something built from src needed it. unixodbc-devel unrar unzip vim vlc void-repo-debug void-repo-nonfree vscode vsv wget whois words-en words-ru wxWidgets-devel xauth xbindkeys xdg-user-dirs xen-libs-dbg xinput xkcdpass xorg-input-drivers xorg-minimal xorg-video-drivers xprop xrandr xscreensaver xsv # CLI CSV tool xtools xwininfo # Needed for picom-trans to work, but isn't a dep of picom. yajl-dbg youtube-dl zathura zathura-djvu zathura-pdf-mupdf zeal zlib-dbg zsh zsh-completions zsh-history-substring-search zsh-syntax-highlighting