# Ubuntu packages at # Surprisingly not in base install! tree htop zsh zsh-syntax-highlighting tig make apt-file jq curl lftp aspell aspell-en # English aspell-ru # Russian aspell-el # Greek cheese newsboat nmap build-essential xkcdpass dunst hsetroot feh xbindkeys gawk original-awk libnotify-bin r-base locate units snapd # https://snapcraft.io/docs/installing-snap-on-debian encfs xscreensaver xscreensaver-data xscreensaver-data-extra mplayer mpv whois mono-complete screengrab tlp # Laptop power management tools erlang elixir openconnect # VPN cllient compatible with Cisco's AnyConnect graphviz graphviz-doc cups ddgr # Duck Duck Go CLI client wikipedia2text # Wikipedia CLI client neofetch time # Surprisingly, GNU time isn't installed by default! ffmpeg pandoc nq # Unix CLI queue utility neomutt lm-sensors fslint # File system maintenance utilities goaccess # Web server log analyzer xinput # Configure touchpad python3-pip db-util dnsutils # dig and friends debian-goodies # Misc. helper scripts. See: apt show debian-goodies zeal # Documentation browser, like Dash.app mlterm nginx-doc tmux font-manager #tup # fast build system # Not available in Ubuntu repos clang rhash jsbeautifier pidgin pidgin-skype rig # Random Identity Generator fortune-mod exfat-utils # exFAT filesystem support linux-doc # Kernel docs. Found it with: apt-file search power_supply_class.txt # "modern" ls alternative: uses colours to distinguish file types and metadata; # does other things good too, like drawing a tree. # https://the.exa.website/ #exa # Not available in Ubuntu repos # Screen color temperature setters redshift # Lots of code and features, adjusts automatically throughout the day. sct # 80 lines of C, does nothing automatically. graphicsmagick graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat # provides /usr/bin/convert cvs # Emacs emacs-nox # Vim vim vim-gtk3 # Mate caja caja-open-terminal #mate-equake-applet # monitors earthquakes # Not available in Ubuntu repos #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Git #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ git # Large File Support git-lfs # Integration with other VCS git-cvs git-svn # GUI git-gui git-cola # HiDPI. Overall nicer than default. # Documentation git-doc gitmagic # Web gitweb lighttpd # Was needed by 'git instaweb' highlight # Syntax highlighter which can be used by gitweb. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # subversion subversion subversion-tools # Guile guile-2.0 guile-2.0-doc # Racket racket # Chez Scheme chezscheme # Lisp sbcl # SML smlnj smlnj-doc # Xapian desktop search: xapian-omega # index with omindex xapian-tools # search with quest # Librem 15v4 Bluetooth. # A post-install reboot may be insufficient if incorrect firmware was loaded # before, so a cold shutdown is best. # # Apparently the firmware is loaded into the card's memory, which isn't cleared # as long as power is supplied (and between reboots - it is). # # Ref: https://tracker.pureos.net/T23 (different situation, same idea) #firmware-atheros # Not available in Ubuntu repos # To connect to headphones: pulseaudio-module-bluetooth # dwm build libx11-dev libxft-dev libxinerama-dev # X11 compositor compton # Web browsers qutebrowser chromium-browser lynx elinks firefox # Gopher clients #sacc # Not available in Ubuntu repos # SoX: Swiss army knife of sound processing # provides the play command sox # Shell script linter shellcheck # File managers ranger nnn pcmanfm # GNU Parallel. # Some of my scripts still use it, though it can mostly be replaced with # xargs -P $N. parallel # fuzzy finder #fzf # Not available in Ubuntu repos # meta-package for both client and server packages ssh # PDF utilities poppler-utils mupdf mupdf-tools atril zathura zathura-cb zathura-djvu zathura-pdf-poppler zathura-ps # X11 API man pages libx11-doc # a pretty df dfc # Music Player daemon and clients mpd mpc libmpdclient-dev # mpd/client.h ncmpc ncmpcpp # ncurses libncurses5-dev ncurses-doc ncurses-examples # Dictionary dictd # server dict # client dict-gcide # Collaborative International Dictionary of English dict-jargon # hacker slang dict-wn # WordNet dict-freedict-eng-rus # English-Russian dict-freedict-eng-ell # English-Modern Greek dict-freedict-eng-lat # English-Latin dict-freedict-lat-eng # Latin-English # Provides hxpipe utility, used by khatus weather sensor html-xml-utils # Provides urlencode, among other things: gridsite-clients # Image viewers eog # Eye of GNOME eom # Eye of MATE sxiv shotwell # Photo manager # Networking tools: # - netstat # - ifconfig # - ipmaddr # - iptunnel # - mii-tool # - nameif # - plipconfig # - rarp # - route # - slattach # - arp net-tools # Net monitoring speedometer cbm # Internet speed test speedtest-cli # Retro net finger # Games colobot warzone2100 # GNOME themes adwaita-icon-theme-full adwaita-qt gnome-themes-standard gnome-themes-ubuntu lxappearance # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GTK ifuse # Mount iPhone