# Debian packages I DO want, but are not part of the minimal install. vim vim-gtk3 tree htop zsh zsh-syntax-highlighting git tig make apt-file jq curl lftp aspell cheese newsboat nmap build-essential xkcdpass dunst hsetroot feh xbindkeys gawk original-awk libnotify-bin # dwm build libx11-dev libxft-dev libxinerama-dev # X11 compositor compton # Web browsers qutebrowser chromium # SoX: Swiss army knife of sound processing # provides the play command sox # Shell script linter shellcheck # File managers ranger nnn pcmanfm # GNU Parallel. # Some of my scripts still use it, though it can mostly be replaced with # xargs -P $N. parallel xfonts-terminus # fuzzy finder fzf # meta-package for both client and server packages ssh # PDF utilities poppler-utils # X11 API man pages libx11-doc # a pretty df dfc # Music Player daemon and clients mpd mpc ncmpc ncmpcpp # Dictionary dictd dict dict-gcide dict-jargon dict-wn # Provides hxpipe utility, used by khatus weather sensor html-xml-utils