# Naming convention: # Variables: # - global, builtin : ALLCAPS # - global, public : Camel_Snake_Man_Bear_Pig # - global, private : _snake_case_prefixed_underscore # - local : snake_case # Functions: # - global, public : snake_case # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Input # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1 == "OK" { cache_update() } $1 == "OK" && \ $2 == "khatus_sensor_datetime" { # Code for bar_make_status is expected to be passed as an # additional source file, using -f flag. msg_out_ok("status_bar", bar_make_status()) } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Energy # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function bar_make_status_energy( d, p) { d = bar_make_status_energy_direction() p = bar_make_status_energy_percent() return sprintf("E%s%d%%", d, p) } function bar_make_status_energy_percent( charge) { cache_get(charge, "khatus_sensor_energy", "battery_percentage", 0) return charge["value"] } function bar_make_status_energy_direction( state, direction_of_change) { cache_get(state, "khatus_sensor_energy", "battery_state", 0) if (state["value"] == "discharging") { direction_of_change = "<" } else if (state["value"] == "charging") { direction_of_change = ">" } else { direction_of_change = "=" } return direction_of_change } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Memory # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function bar_make_status_mem() { return sprintf("M=%s%%", bar_make_status_mem_percent()) } function bar_make_status_mem_percent( total, used, percent, percent_str) { cache_get(total, "khatus_sensor_memory", "total", 5) cache_get(used , "khatus_sensor_memory", "used" , 5) # Checking total["value"] to avoid division by zero when data is missing if (!total["is_expired"] && \ !used["is_expired"] && \ total["value"] \ ) { percent = util_round((used["value"] / total["value"]) * 100) percent_str = sprintf("%d", percent) } else { percent_str = "__" } return percent_str } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Processes # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function bar_make_status_procs() { # From man ps: # D uninterruptible sleep (usually IO) # R running or runnable (on run queue) # S interruptible sleep (waiting for an event to complete) # T stopped by job control signal # t stopped by debugger during the tracing # W paging (not valid since the 2.6.xx kernel) # X dead (should never be seen) # Z defunct ("zombie") process, terminated but not reaped by its parent # # Additionally, not documented in ps man page: # I Idle # all = bar_make_status_procs_count_all() r = bar_make_status_procs_count_r() d = bar_make_status_procs_count_d() t = bar_make_status_procs_count_t() i = bar_make_status_procs_count_i() z = bar_make_status_procs_count_z() return sprintf("P=[%s %sr %sd %st %si %sz]", all, r, d, t, i, z) } function bar_make_status_procs_count_all() { return cache_get_fmt_def("khatus_sensor_procs", "total_procs", 15, "%d") } function bar_make_status_procs_count_r( src) { src = "khatus_sensor_procs" return cache_get_fmt_def(src, "total_per_state" Kfs "R", 15, "%d", "0") } function bar_make_status_procs_count_d( src) { src = "khatus_sensor_procs" return cache_get_fmt_def(src, "total_per_state" Kfs "D", 15, "%d", "0") } function bar_make_status_procs_count_t( src) { src = "khatus_sensor_procs" return cache_get_fmt_def(src, "total_per_state" Kfs "T", 15, "%d", "0") } function bar_make_status_procs_count_i( src) { src = "khatus_sensor_procs" return cache_get_fmt_def(src, "total_per_state" Kfs "I", 15, "%d", "0") } function bar_make_status_procs_count_z( src) { src = "khatus_sensor_procs" return cache_get_fmt_def(src, "total_per_state" Kfs "Z", 15, "%d", "0") } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CPU # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function bar_make_status_cpu( l, t, f) { l = bar_make_status_cpu_loadavg() t = bar_make_status_cpu_temperature() f = bar_make_status_cpu_fan_speed() return sprintf("C=[%s %s°C %srpm]", l, t, f) } function bar_make_status_cpu_loadavg( src) { src = "khatus_sensor_loadavg" return cache_get_fmt_def(src, "load_avg_1min", 5, "%4.2f") } function bar_make_status_cpu_temperature() { return cache_get_fmt_def("khatus_sensor_temperature", "temp_c", 5, "%d") } function bar_make_status_cpu_fan_speed() { return cache_get_fmt_def("khatus_sensor_fan", "speed", 5, "%4d") } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Disk # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function bar_make_status_disk( u, w, r) { u = bar_make_status_disk_space() w = bar_make_status_disk_io_w() r = bar_make_status_disk_io_r() return sprintf("D=[%s%% %s▲ %s▼]", u, w, r) } function bar_make_status_disk_space( src) { src = "khatus_sensor_disk_space" return cache_get_fmt_def(src, "disk_usage_percentage", 10, "%s") } function bar_make_status_disk_io_w( src) { src = "khatus_sensor_disk_io" return cache_get_fmt_def(src, "sectors_written", 5, "%0.3f") } function bar_make_status_disk_io_r( src) { src = "khatus_sensor_disk_io" return cache_get_fmt_def(src, "sectors_read", 5, "%0.3f") } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Network # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function bar_make_status_net( \ number_of_net_interfaces_to_show, \ net_interfaces_to_show, \ i, \ interface, \ label, \ addr, \ w, \ r, \ out, \ sep \ ) { number_of_net_interfaces_to_show = \ split(Opt_Net_Interfaces_To_Show, net_interfaces_to_show, ",") out = "" sep = "" for (i = number_of_net_interfaces_to_show; i > 0; i--) { interface = net_interfaces_to_show[i] label = substr(interface, 1, 1) if (interface ~ "^w") { label = label ":" bar_make_status_net_wifi(interface) } addr = bar_make_status_net_addr(interface) w = bar_make_status_net_io_w(interface) r = bar_make_status_net_io_r(interface) out = out sep label ":" sprintf("%s▲ %s▼", w, r) sep = " " } return sprintf("N[%s]", out) } function bar_make_status_net_addr(interface, src) { src = "khatus_sensor_net_addr_io" return cache_get_fmt_def(src, "addr" Kfs interface, 5, "%s", "") } function bar_make_status_net_io_w(interface, src) { src = "khatus_sensor_net_addr_io" return cache_get_fmt_def(src, "bytes_written" Kfs interface, 5, "%0.3f") } function bar_make_status_net_io_r(interface, src) { src = "khatus_sensor_net_addr_io" return cache_get_fmt_def(src, "bytes_read" Kfs interface, 5, "%0.3f") } function bar_make_status_net_wifi(interface, src) { src = "khatus_sensor_net_wifi_status" return cache_get_fmt_def(src, "status" Kfs interface, 10, "%s") } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bluetooth # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function bar_make_status_bluetooth() { return sprintf("B=%s", bar_make_status_bluetooth_power()) } function bar_make_status_bluetooth_power( src) { src = "khatus_sensor_bluetooth_power" return cache_get_fmt_def(src, "power_status", 10, "%s") } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Backlight # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function bar_make_status_screen_brightness() { return sprintf("*%s%%", bar_make_status_backlight_percent()) } function bar_make_status_backlight_percent( src) { src = "khatus_sensor_screen_brightness" return cache_get_fmt_def(src, "percentage", 5, "%d") } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Volume # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function bar_make_status_volume() { return sprintf("(%s)", bar_make_status_volume_value()) } # TODO: better name than "bar_make_status_volume_value" ... :) function bar_make_status_volume_value( sink, mu, vl, vr, show) { sink = Opt_Pulseaudio_Sink cache_get(mu, "khatus_sensor_volume", "mute" Kfs sink, 5) cache_get(vl, "khatus_sensor_volume", "vol_left" Kfs sink, 5) cache_get(vr, "khatus_sensor_volume", "vol_right" Kfs sink, 5) show = "--" if (!mu["is_expired"] && !vl["is_expired"] && !vr["is_expired"]) { if (mu["value"] == "yes") {show = "X"} else if (mu["value"] == "no") {show = vl["value"] " " vr["value"]} else { msg_out_error(\ "bar_make_status_volume", \ "Unexpected value for 'mute' field: " mu["value"] \ ) } } return show } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MPD # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function bar_make_status_mpd() { return sprintf("[%s]", bar_make_status_mpd_value()) } function bar_make_status_mpd_value( state, status) { cache_get(state, "khatus_sensor_mpd", "state", 5) if (!state["is_expired"] && state["value"]) { if (state["value"] == "play") { status = bar_make_status_mpd_state_known("▶") } else if (state["value"] == "pause") { status = bar_make_status_mpd_state_known("❚❚") } else if (state["value"] == "stop") { status = bar_make_status_mpd_state_known("⬛") } else { msg_out_error(\ "bar_make_status_mpd", \ "Unexpected value for 'state' field: " state["value"] \ ) status = "--" } } else { status = "--" } return status } function bar_make_status_mpd_state_known(symbol, s, song, time, percentage) { s = "khatus_sensor_mpd" song = cache_get_fmt_def(s, "song" , 5, "%s", "?") time = cache_get_fmt_def(s, "play_time_minimal_units", 5, "%s", "?") percent = cache_get_fmt_def(s, "play_time_percentage" , 5, "%s", "?") song = substr(song, 1, Opt_Mpd_Song_Max_Chars) return sprintf("%s %s %s %s", symbol, time, percent, song) } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Weather # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function bar_make_status_weather() { return sprintf("%s°F", bar_make_status_weather_temp_f()) } function bar_make_status_weather_temp_f( src, hour) { src = "khatus_sensor_weather" hour = 60 * 60 return cache_get_fmt_def(src, "temperature_f", 3 * hour, "%d") } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Datetime # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function bar_make_status_datetime( dt) { return cache_get_fmt_def("khatus_sensor_datetime", "datetime", 5, "%s") }