%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Equivalent to stdlib's orddict, but with a pretty (IMO), uniform interface. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(hope_kv_list). -include_lib("hope_kv_list.hrl"). -behavior(hope_gen_dictionary). -export_type( [ t/2 ]). -export( [ empty/0 , get/2 % get option , get/3 % get existing or default , get/4 % get existing if valid, or default , set/3 , update/3 , pop/2 , iter/2 , map/2 , filter/2 , fold/3 , of_kv_list/1 , to_kv_list/1 , has_key/2 , find_unique_presence_violations/2 % No optional keys , find_unique_presence_violations/3 % Specify optional keys , validate_unique_presence/2 % No optional keys , validate_unique_presence/3 % Specify optional keys , presence_violations_to_list/1 ]). -type t(K, V) :: [{K, V}]. -type presence_violations(A) :: % This is a hack to effectively parametarize the types of record fields. % IMPORTANT: Make sure that the order of fields matches the definition of % #hope_kv_list_presence_violations { hope_kv_list_presence_violations , [A] % keys_missing , [A] % keys_duplicated , [A] % keys_unsupported }. -type presence_error(A) :: {keys_missing , [A]} | {keys_duplicated , [A]} | {keys_unsupported , [A]} . %% ============================================================================ %% API %% ============================================================================ -spec empty() -> []. empty() -> []. -spec get(t(K, V), K) -> hope_option:t(V). get(T, K) -> case lists:keyfind(K, 1, T) of false -> none ; {K, V} -> {some, V} end. -spec get(t(K, V), K, V) -> V. get(T, K, Default) -> Vopt = get(T, K), hope_option:get(Vopt, Default). -spec get(t(K, V), K, V, fun((V) -> boolean())) -> V. get(T, K, Default, IsValid) -> VOpt1 = get(T, K), VOpt2 = hope_option:validate(VOpt1, IsValid), hope_option:get(VOpt2, Default). -spec set(t(K, V), K, V) -> t(K, V). set(T, K, V) -> lists:keystore(K, 1, T, {K, V}). -spec update(t(K, V), K, fun((hope_option:t(V)) -> V)) -> t(K, V). update(T, K, F) -> V1Opt = get(T, K), V2 = F(V1Opt), % TODO: Eliminate the 2nd lookup. set(T, K, V2). -spec pop(t(K, V), K) -> {hope_option:t(V), t(K, V)}. pop(T1, K) -> case lists:keytake(K, 1, T1) of {value, {K, V}, T2} -> {{some, V}, T2} ; false -> {none , T1} end. -spec iter(t(K, V), fun((K, V) -> ok)) -> ok. iter(T, F1) -> F2 = lift_map(F1), lists:foreach(F2, T). -spec map(t(K, V), fun((K, V) -> V)) -> t(K, V). map(T, F1) -> F2 = fun ({K, _}=X) -> {K, apply_map(F1, X)} end, lists:map(F2, T). -spec filter(t(K, V), fun((K, V) -> boolean())) -> t(K, V). filter(T, F1) -> F2 = lift_map(F1), lists:filter(F2, T). -spec fold(t(K, V), fun((K, V, Acc) -> Acc), Acc) -> Acc. fold(T, F1, Accumulator) -> F2 = fun ({K, V}, Acc) -> F1(K, V, Acc) end, lists:foldl(F2, Accumulator, T). -spec to_kv_list(t(K, V)) -> [{K, V}]. to_kv_list(T) -> T. -spec of_kv_list([{K, V}]) -> t(K, V). of_kv_list(List) -> % TODO: Decide if validation is to be done here. Do so if yes. List. -spec validate_unique_presence(T, [K]) -> hope_result:t(T, [presence_error(K)]) when T :: t(K, _V). validate_unique_presence(T, KeysRequired) -> KeysOptional = [], validate_unique_presence(T, KeysRequired, KeysOptional). -spec validate_unique_presence(t(K, _V), [K], [K]) -> hope_result:t(T, [presence_error(K)]) when T :: t(K, _V). validate_unique_presence(T, KeysRequired, KeysOptional) -> case find_unique_presence_violations(T, KeysRequired, KeysOptional) of #hope_kv_list_presence_violations { keys_missing = [] , keys_duplicated = [] , keys_unsupported = [] } -> {ok, T} ; #hope_kv_list_presence_violations{}=Violations -> {error, presence_violations_to_list(Violations)} end. -spec find_unique_presence_violations(t(K, _V), [K]) -> presence_violations(K). find_unique_presence_violations(T, KeysRequired) -> KeysOptional = [], find_unique_presence_violations(T, KeysRequired, KeysOptional). -spec find_unique_presence_violations(t(K, _V), [K], [K]) -> presence_violations(K). find_unique_presence_violations(T, KeysRequired, KeysOptional) -> KeysSupported = KeysRequired ++ KeysOptional, KeysGiven = [K || {K, _V} <- T], KeysGivenUnique = lists:usort(KeysGiven), KeysDuplicated = lists:usort(KeysGiven -- KeysGivenUnique), KeysMissing = KeysRequired -- KeysGivenUnique, KeysUnsupported = KeysGivenUnique -- KeysSupported, #hope_kv_list_presence_violations { keys_missing = KeysMissing , keys_duplicated = KeysDuplicated , keys_unsupported = KeysUnsupported }. -spec presence_violations_to_list(presence_violations(K)) -> [presence_error(K)]. presence_violations_to_list(#hope_kv_list_presence_violations { keys_missing = KeysMissing , keys_duplicated = KeysDuplicated , keys_unsupported = KeysUnsupported }) -> ErrorMissing = case KeysMissing of [] -> [] ; [_|_] -> [{keys_missing, KeysMissing}] end, ErrorDups = case KeysDuplicated of [] -> [] ; [_|_] -> [{keys_duplicated, KeysDuplicated}] end, ErrorUnsupported = case KeysUnsupported of [] -> [] ; [_|_] -> [{keys_unsupported, KeysUnsupported}] end, ErrorDups ++ ErrorMissing ++ ErrorUnsupported. -spec has_key(t(K, _), K) -> boolean(). has_key(T, K1) -> lists:any(fun ({K2, _}) -> K1 =:= K2 end, T). %% ============================================================================ %% Helpers %% ============================================================================ -spec lift_map(F) -> G when F :: fun(( K, V1 ) -> V2) , G :: fun(({K, V1}) -> V2) . lift_map(F) -> fun (X) -> apply_map(F, X) end. -spec apply_map(fun((K, V1) -> V2), {K, V1}) -> V2. apply_map(F, {K, V}) -> F(K, V).