-module(hope_gen_dictionary). -export_type( [ t/2 ]). -type t(_Key, _Value) :: term(). -callback empty() -> t(_K, _V). -callback get(t(K, V), K) -> hope_option:t(V). -callback get(t(K, V), K, V) -> V. -callback get(t(K, V), K, V, fun((V) -> boolean())) -> V. -callback set(t(K, V), K, V) -> t(K, V). -callback update(t(K, V), K, fun((hope_option:t(V)) -> V)) -> t(K, V). -callback pop(t(K, V), K) -> {hope_option:t(V), t(K, V)}. -callback map(t(K, V), fun((K, V) -> V)) -> t(K, V). -callback filter(t(K, V), fun((K, V) -> boolean())) -> t(K, V). -callback fold(t(K, V), fun((K, V, Acc) -> Acc), Acc) -> Acc. -callback iter(t(K, V), fun((K, V) -> ok)) -> ok. %% TODO: Decide if validation is to be done. If yes - wrap in hope_result:t/1 -callback of_kv_list([{K, V}]) -> t(K, V). -callback to_kv_list(t(K, V)) -> [{K, V}].