-module(x_plane_data). -include("x_plane_datum_defaults.hrl"). -export_type( [ t/0 ]). -export( [ of_bin/1 ]). -type parsing_error() :: packet_unrecognized | packet_length_invalid | x_plane_datum:parsing_error() . -type t() :: [x_plane_datum:t()]. -define(BYTE_SIZE_OF_EACH_BLOCK, 36). -spec of_bin(binary()) -> hope_result:t(t(), parsing_error()). of_bin(<>) -> of_bin(Packet, ?DEFAULT_MAX_INDEX). -spec of_bin(binary(), non_neg_integer()) -> hope_result:t(t(), parsing_error()). of_bin(<<"DATA", _PacketIndexByte:1/bytes, ContiguousBlocks/binary>>, MaxIndex) -> % Packet index byte seems to be changing from X-Plane version to verion. % What is it's meaning? if byte_size(ContiguousBlocks) rem ?BYTE_SIZE_OF_EACH_BLOCK =:= 0 -> Blocks = blocks_split(ContiguousBlocks), ParseBlock = fun (B) -> x_plane_datum:of_bin(B, MaxIndex) end, hope_list:map_result(Blocks, ParseBlock) ; true -> {error, packet_length_invalid} end; of_bin(<<_/binary>>, _) -> {error, packet_unrecognized}. -spec blocks_split(binary()) -> [binary()]. blocks_split(<<>>) -> []; blocks_split(<>) -> [Block | blocks_split(Blocks)].