X-Git-Url: https://git.xandkar.net/?p=dups.git;a=blobdiff_plain;f=dups.ml;h=6628d99a4260ccecd0f2be5077ad557c3d99cc1d;hp=67a4fd30720051eea4e4cb6fd83a377c46c81cc0;hb=eb6d0f387ce3495e4263d8dd0866bd0d41e476bc;hpb=cfcdf90aaf8b18958ae0d0a1b1cb9793ca9f7909 diff --git a/dups.ml b/dups.ml index 67a4fd3..6628d99 100644 --- a/dups.ml +++ b/dups.ml @@ -2,31 +2,358 @@ open Printf module Array = ArrayLabels module List = ListLabels -module StrSet= Set.Make(String) +module StrSet = Set.Make(String) module Unix = UnixLabels +module Metrics : sig + type t + + val init + : unit -> t + val report + : t + -> wall_time_all:float + -> wall_time_group_by_size:float + -> wall_time_group_by_head:float + -> wall_time_group_by_digest:float + -> proc_time_all:float + -> proc_time_group_by_size:float + -> proc_time_group_by_head:float + -> proc_time_group_by_digest:float + -> unit + + val file_considered + : t -> size:int -> unit + val file_ignored + : t -> size:int -> unit + val file_empty + : t -> unit + val file_sampled + : t -> unit + val chunk_read + : t -> size:int -> unit + val file_unique_size + : t -> size:int -> unit + val file_unique_sample + : t -> size:int -> unit + val file_hashed + : t -> size:int -> unit + val digest + : t -> unit + val redundant_data + : t -> size:int -> unit +end = struct + type t = + { considered_files : int ref + ; considered_bytes : int ref + ; empty : int ref + ; ignored_files : int ref + ; ignored_bytes : int ref + ; unique_size_files : int ref + ; unique_size_bytes : int ref + ; unique_sample_files : int ref + ; unique_sample_bytes : int ref + ; sampled_files : int ref + ; sampled_bytes : int ref + ; hashed_files : int ref + ; hashed_bytes : int ref + ; digests : int ref + ; redundant_data : int ref + } + + let init () = + { considered_files = ref 0 + ; considered_bytes = ref 0 + ; empty = ref 0 + ; ignored_files = ref 0 + ; ignored_bytes = ref 0 + ; unique_size_files = ref 0 + ; unique_size_bytes = ref 0 + ; sampled_files = ref 0 + ; sampled_bytes = ref 0 + ; hashed_files = ref 0 + ; hashed_bytes = ref 0 + ; unique_sample_files = ref 0 + ; unique_sample_bytes = ref 0 + ; digests = ref 0 + ; redundant_data = ref 0 + } + + let add sum addend = + sum := !sum + addend + + let file_considered t ~size = + incr t.considered_files; + add t.considered_bytes size + + let file_ignored {ignored_files; ignored_bytes; _} ~size = + incr ignored_files; + add ignored_bytes size + + let file_empty t = + incr t.empty + + let chunk_read t ~size = + add t.sampled_bytes size + + let file_sampled t = + incr t.sampled_files + + let file_unique_size t ~size = + incr t.unique_size_files; + add t.unique_size_bytes size + + let file_unique_sample t ~size = + incr t.unique_sample_files; + add t.unique_sample_bytes size + + let file_hashed t ~size = + incr t.hashed_files; + add t.hashed_bytes size + + let digest t = + incr t.digests + + let redundant_data t ~size = + add t.redundant_data size + + let report + t + ~wall_time_all + ~wall_time_group_by_size + ~wall_time_group_by_head + ~wall_time_group_by_digest + ~proc_time_all + ~proc_time_group_by_size + ~proc_time_group_by_head + ~proc_time_group_by_digest + = + let b_to_mb b = (float_of_int b) /. 1024. /. 1024. in + let b_to_gb b = (b_to_mb b) /. 1024. in + eprintf "Total time : %.2f wall sec %.2f proc sec\n%!" + wall_time_all + proc_time_all; + eprintf "Considered : %8d files %6.2f Gb\n%!" + !(t.considered_files) + (b_to_gb !(t.considered_bytes)); + eprintf "Sampled : %8d files %6.2f Gb\n%!" + !(t.sampled_files) + (b_to_gb !(t.sampled_bytes)); + eprintf "Hashed : %8d files %6.2f Gb %6.2f wall sec %6.2f proc sec\n%!" + !(t.hashed_files) + (b_to_gb !(t.hashed_bytes)) + wall_time_group_by_digest + proc_time_group_by_digest; + eprintf "Digests : %8d\n%!" + !(t.digests); + eprintf "Duplicates (Hashed - Digests): %8d files %6.2f Gb\n%!" + (!(t.hashed_files) - !(t.digests)) + (b_to_gb !(t.redundant_data)); + eprintf "Skipped due to 0 size : %8d files\n%!" !(t.empty); + eprintf "Skipped due to unique size : %8d files %6.2f Gb %6.2f wall sec %6.2f proc sec\n%!" + !(t.unique_size_files) + (b_to_gb !(t.unique_size_bytes)) + wall_time_group_by_size + proc_time_group_by_size; + eprintf "Skipped due to unique sample : %8d files %6.2f Gb %6.2f wall sec %6.2f proc sec\n%!" + !(t.unique_sample_files) + (b_to_gb !(t.unique_sample_bytes)) + wall_time_group_by_head + proc_time_group_by_head; + eprintf "Ignored due to regex match : %8d files %6.2f Gb\n%!" + !(t.ignored_files) + (b_to_gb !(t.ignored_bytes)) +end + +module M = Metrics + module Stream : sig type 'a t val create : (unit -> 'a option) -> 'a t + val of_queue : 'a Queue.t -> 'a t + val iter : 'a t -> f:('a -> unit) -> unit + val bag_map : 'a t -> njobs:int -> f:('a -> 'b) -> ('a * 'b) t + (** Parallel map with arbitrarily-reordered elements. *) + + val map : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'b t + + val filter : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> 'a t + val concat : ('a t) list -> 'a t + + val group_by : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> ('b * int * 'a list) t end = struct module S = Stream type 'a t = - ('a S.t) list + {mutable streams : ('a S.t) list} + + type ('input, 'output) msg_from_vassal = + | Ready of int + | Result of (int * ('input * 'output)) + | Exiting of int + + type 'input msg_from_lord = + | Job of 'input option let create f = - [S.from (fun _ -> f ())] + {streams = [S.from (fun _ -> f ())]} + + let of_queue q = + create (fun () -> + match Queue.take q with + | exception Queue.Empty -> + None + | x -> + Some x + ) + + let rec next t = + match t.streams with + | [] -> + None + | s :: streams -> + (match S.next s with + | exception Stream.Failure -> + t.streams <- streams; + next t + | x -> + Some x + ) + + let map t ~f = + create (fun () -> + match next t with + | None -> None + | Some x -> Some (f x) + ) + + let filter t ~f = + let rec filter () = + match next t with + | None -> + None + | Some x when f x -> + Some x + | Some _ -> + filter () + in + create filter let iter t ~f = - List.iter t ~f:(S.iter f) + List.iter t.streams ~f:(S.iter f) let concat ts = - List.concat ts + {streams = List.concat (List.map ts ~f:(fun {streams} -> streams))} + + let group_by t ~f = + let groups_tbl = Hashtbl.create 1_000_000 in + let group_update x = + let group = f x in + let members = + match Hashtbl.find_opt groups_tbl group with + | None -> + (1, [x]) + | Some (n, xs) -> + (succ n, x :: xs) + in + Hashtbl.replace groups_tbl group members + in + iter t ~f:group_update; + let groups = Queue.create () in + Hashtbl.iter + (fun name (length, members) -> Queue.add (name, length, members) groups) + groups_tbl; + of_queue groups + + module Ipc : sig + val send : out_channel -> 'a -> unit + val recv : in_channel -> 'a + end = struct + let send oc msg = + Marshal.to_channel oc msg []; + flush oc + + let recv ic = + Marshal.from_channel ic + end + + let lord t ~njobs ~vassals ~ic ~ocs = + eprintf "[debug] [lord] started\n%!"; + let active_vassals = ref njobs in + let results = Queue.create () in + let rec dispatch () = + match Ipc.recv ic with + | ((Exiting i) : ('input, 'output) msg_from_vassal) -> + close_out ocs.(i); + decr active_vassals; + if !active_vassals = 0 then + () + else + dispatch () + | ((Ready i) : ('input, 'output) msg_from_vassal) -> + Ipc.send ocs.(i) (Job (next t)); + dispatch () + | ((Result (i, result)) : ('input, 'output) msg_from_vassal) -> + Queue.add result results; + Ipc.send ocs.(i) (Job (next t)); + dispatch () + in + let rec wait = function + | [] -> () + | vassals -> + let pid, _process_status = Unix.wait () in + (* TODO: handle process_status *) + wait (List.filter vassals ~f:(fun p -> p <> pid)) + in + dispatch (); + close_in ic; + wait vassals; + of_queue results + + let vassal i ~f ~vassal_pipe_r ~lord_pipe_w = + eprintf "[debug] [vassal %d] started\n%!" i; + let ic = Unix.in_channel_of_descr vassal_pipe_r in + let oc = Unix.out_channel_of_descr lord_pipe_w in + let rec work msg = + Ipc.send oc msg; + match Ipc.recv ic with + | (Job (Some x) : 'input msg_from_lord) -> + work (Result (i, (x, f x))) + | (Job None : 'input msg_from_lord) -> + Ipc.send oc (Exiting i) + in + work (Ready i); + close_in ic; + close_out oc; + exit 0 + + let bag_map t ~njobs ~f = + let lord_pipe_r, lord_pipe_w = Unix.pipe () in + let vassal_pipes = Array.init njobs ~f:(fun _ -> Unix.pipe ()) in + let vassal_pipes_r = Array.map vassal_pipes ~f:(fun (r, _) -> r) in + let vassal_pipes_w = Array.map vassal_pipes ~f:(fun (_, w) -> w) in + let vassals = ref [] in + for i=0 to (njobs - 1) do + begin match Unix.fork () with + | 0 -> + Unix.close lord_pipe_r; + vassal i ~f ~lord_pipe_w ~vassal_pipe_r:vassal_pipes_r.(i) + | pid -> + vassals := pid :: !vassals + end + done; + Unix.close lord_pipe_w; + lord + t + ~njobs + ~vassals:!vassals + ~ic:(Unix.in_channel_of_descr lord_pipe_r) + ~ocs:(Array.map vassal_pipes_w ~f:Unix.out_channel_of_descr) end module In_channel : sig @@ -42,19 +369,45 @@ end = struct ) end -module Directory_tree : sig - val find_files : string -> string Stream.t +module File : sig + type t = + { path : string + ; size : int + } + + val find : string -> t Stream.t + (** Find all files in the directory tree, starting from the given root path *) + + val lookup : string Stream.t -> t Stream.t + (** Lookup file info for given paths *) + + val head : t -> len:int -> metrics:M.t -> string + + val filter_out_unique_sizes : t Stream.t -> metrics:M.t -> t Stream.t + val filter_out_unique_heads : t Stream.t -> len:int -> metrics:M.t -> t Stream.t end = struct - let find_files root = + type t = + { path : string + ; size : int + } + + let lookup paths = + Stream.map paths ~f:(fun path -> + let {Unix.st_size = size; _} = Unix.lstat path in + {path; size} + ) + + let find root = let dirs = Queue.create () in let files = Queue.create () in let explore parent = Array.iter (Sys.readdir parent) ~f:(fun child -> let path = Filename.concat parent child in - let {Unix.st_kind = file_kind; _} = Unix.lstat path in + let {Unix.st_kind = file_kind; st_size; _} = Unix.lstat path in match file_kind with | Unix.S_REG -> - Queue.add path files + let file = {path; size = st_size} in + Queue.add file files | Unix.S_DIR -> Queue.add path dirs | Unix.S_CHR @@ -75,6 +428,53 @@ end = struct next () in Stream.create next + + let filter_out_singletons files ~group ~handle_singleton = + let q = Queue.create () in + Stream.iter (Stream.group_by files ~f:group) ~f:(fun group -> + let (_, n, members) = group in + if n > 1 then + List.iter members ~f:(fun m -> Queue.add m q) + else + handle_singleton group + ); + Stream.of_queue q + + let filter_out_unique_sizes files ~metrics = + filter_out_singletons + files + ~group:(fun {size; _} -> size) + ~handle_singleton:(fun (size, _, _) -> M.file_unique_size metrics ~size) + + let head {path; _} ~len ~metrics = + M.file_sampled metrics; + let buf = Bytes.make len ' ' in + let ic = open_in_bin path in + let rec read pos len = + assert (len >= 0); + if len = 0 then + () + else begin + let chunk_size = input ic buf pos len in + M.chunk_read metrics ~size:chunk_size; + if chunk_size = 0 then (* EOF *) + () + else + read (pos + chunk_size) (len - chunk_size) + end + in + read 0 len; + close_in ic; + Bytes.to_string buf + + let filter_out_unique_heads files ~len ~metrics = + filter_out_singletons + files + ~group:(head ~len ~metrics) + ~handle_singleton:(fun (_, _, files) -> + let {size; _} = List.hd files in (* Guaranteed non-empty *) + M.file_unique_sample metrics ~size + ) end type input = @@ -85,73 +485,167 @@ type output = | Stdout | Directory of string -let make_input_stream = function - | Stdin -> - In_channel.lines stdin - | Directories paths -> - let paths = StrSet.elements (StrSet.of_list paths) in - Stream.concat (List.map paths ~f:Directory_tree.find_files) +type opt = + { input : input + ; output : output + ; ignore : string -> bool + ; sample : int + ; njobs : int + } + +let make_input_stream input ignore ~metrics = + let input = + match input with + | Stdin -> + File.lookup (In_channel.lines stdin) + | Directories paths -> + let paths = StrSet.elements (StrSet.of_list paths) in + Stream.concat (List.map paths ~f:File.find) + in + Stream.filter input ~f:(fun {File.path; size} -> + M.file_considered metrics ~size; + let empty = size = 0 in + let ignored = ignore path in + if empty then M.file_empty metrics; + if ignored then M.file_ignored metrics ~size; + (not empty) && (not ignored) + ) let make_output_fun = function | Stdout -> - fun digest n_paths paths -> - printf "%s %d\n%!" (Digest.to_hex digest) n_paths; - List.iter (StrSet.elements paths) ~f:(printf " %S\n%!") + fun digest n_files files -> + printf "%s %d\n%!" (Digest.to_hex digest) n_files; + List.iter files ~f:(fun {File.path; _} -> + printf " %S\n%!" path + ) | Directory dir -> - fun digest _ paths -> + fun digest _ files -> let digest = Digest.to_hex digest in let dir = Filename.concat dir (String.sub digest 0 2) in Unix.mkdir dir ~perm:0o700; let oc = open_out (Filename.concat dir digest) in - List.iter (StrSet.elements paths) ~f:(fun path -> + List.iter files ~f:(fun {File.path; _} -> output_string oc (sprintf "%S\n%!" path) ); close_out oc -let main input output = +let time_wall () = + Unix.gettimeofday () + +let time_proc () = + Sys.time () + +let main {input; output; ignore; sample = sample_len; njobs} = + let wt0_all = time_wall () in + let pt0_all = time_proc () in + let metrics = M.init () in let output = make_output_fun output in - let input = make_input_stream input in - let paths_by_digest = Hashtbl.create 1_000_000 in - let path_count = ref 0 in - let t0 = Sys.time () in - Stream.iter input ~f:(fun path -> - incr path_count; - try - let digest = Digest.file path in - let count, paths = - match Hashtbl.find_opt paths_by_digest digest with - | None -> - (0, StrSet.empty) - | Some (n, paths) -> - (n, paths) + let input = make_input_stream input ignore ~metrics in + (* TODO: Make a nice(r) abstraction to re-assemble pieces in the pipeline: + * + * from input to files_by_size + * from files_by_size to files_by_sample + * from files_by_sample to files_by_digest + * from files_by_digest to output + * + * input |> files_by_size |> files_by_sample |> files_by_digest |> output + *) + + let files = input in + + let wt0_group_by_size = time_wall () in + let pt0_group_by_size = time_proc () in + eprintf "[debug] filtering-out files with unique size\n%!"; + let files = File.filter_out_unique_sizes files ~metrics in + let pt1_group_by_size = time_proc () in + let wt1_group_by_size = time_wall () in + + let wt0_group_by_sample = wt1_group_by_size in + let pt0_group_by_sample = pt1_group_by_size in + eprintf "[debug] filtering-out files with unique heads\n%!"; + let files = + if njobs > 1 then begin + let q = Queue.create () in + files + |> Stream.bag_map ~njobs ~f:(File.head ~len:sample_len ~metrics) + |> Stream.group_by ~f:snd + |> Stream.map ~f:(fun (d, n, pairs) -> (d, n, List.map pairs ~f:fst)) + |> Stream.filter ~f:(fun (_, n, _) -> n > 1) + |> Stream.iter ~f:(fun (_, _, fs) -> List.iter fs ~f:(fun f -> Queue.add f q)) + ; + Stream.of_queue q + end else + File.filter_out_unique_heads files ~len:sample_len ~metrics + in + let pt1_group_by_sample = time_proc () in + let wt1_group_by_sample = time_wall () in + + let wt0_group_by_digest = wt1_group_by_sample in + let pt0_group_by_digest = pt1_group_by_sample in + eprintf "[debug] hashing\n%!"; + let groups = + if njobs > 1 then + let with_digests = + Stream.bag_map files ~njobs ~f:(fun {File.path; _} -> Digest.file path) in - Hashtbl.replace paths_by_digest digest (count + 1, StrSet.add path paths) - with Sys_error e -> - eprintf "WARNING: Failed to process %S: %S\n%!" path e + Stream.map (Stream.group_by with_digests ~f:snd) ~f:( + fun (digest, n, file_digest_pairs) -> + let files = + List.map file_digest_pairs ~f:(fun (file, _) -> + M.file_hashed metrics ~size:file.File.size; + file + ) + in + (digest, n, files) + ) + else + Stream.group_by files ~f:(fun {File.path; size} -> + M.file_hashed metrics ~size; + Digest.file path + ) + in + let pt1_group_by_digest = time_proc () in + let wt1_group_by_digest = time_wall () in + + eprintf "[debug] reporting\n%!"; + Stream.iter groups ~f:(fun (d, n, files) -> + M.digest metrics; + if n > 1 then + M.redundant_data metrics ~size:(n * (List.hd files).File.size); + output d n files ); - Hashtbl.iter (fun d (n, ps) -> if n > 1 then output d n ps) paths_by_digest; - let t1 = Sys.time () in - eprintf "Processed %d files in %f seconds.\n%!" !path_count (t1 -. t0) -let () = - let input = ref Stdin in - let output = ref Stdout in - let assert_file_exists path = - if Sys.file_exists path then - () - else begin - eprintf "File does not exist: %S\n%!" path; + let pt1_all = time_proc () in + let wt1_all = time_wall () in + + M.report metrics + ~wall_time_all: (wt1_all -. wt0_all) + ~wall_time_group_by_size: (wt1_group_by_size -. wt0_group_by_size) + ~wall_time_group_by_head: (wt1_group_by_sample -. wt0_group_by_sample) + ~wall_time_group_by_digest:(wt1_group_by_digest -. wt0_group_by_digest) + ~proc_time_all: (pt1_all -. pt0_all) + ~proc_time_group_by_size: (pt1_group_by_size -. pt0_group_by_size) + ~proc_time_group_by_head: (pt1_group_by_sample -. pt0_group_by_sample) + ~proc_time_group_by_digest:(pt1_group_by_digest -. pt0_group_by_digest) + +let get_opt () : opt = + let assert_ test x msg = + if not (test x) then begin + eprintf "%s\n%!" msg; exit 1 end in + let assert_file_exists path = + assert_ Sys.file_exists path (sprintf "File does not exist: %S" path) + in let assert_file_is_dir path = - if Sys.is_directory path then - () - else begin - eprintf "File is not a directory: %S\n%!" path; - exit 1 - end + assert_ Sys.is_directory path (sprintf "File is not a directory: %S" path) in + let input = ref Stdin in + let output = ref Stdout in + let ignore = ref (fun _ -> false) in + let sample = ref 512 in + let njobs = ref 6 in let spec = [ ( "-out" , Arg.String (fun path -> @@ -161,6 +655,20 @@ let () = ) , " Output to this directory instead of stdout." ) + ; ( "-ignore" + , Arg.String (fun regexp -> + let regexp = Str.regexp regexp in + ignore := fun string -> Str.string_match regexp string 0) + , " Ignore file paths which match this regexp pattern (see Str module)." + ) + ; ( "-sample" + , Arg.Set_int sample + , (sprintf " Byte size of file samples to use. Default: %d" !sample) + ) + ; ( "-j" + , Arg.Set_int njobs + , (sprintf " Number of parallel jobs. Default: %d" !njobs) + ) ] in Arg.parse @@ -175,4 +683,16 @@ let () = input := Directories (path :: paths) ) ""; - main !input !output + assert_ + (fun x -> x > 0) + !sample + (sprintf "Sample size cannot be negative: %d" !sample); + { input = !input + ; output = !output + ; ignore = !ignore + ; sample = !sample + ; njobs = !njobs + } + +let () = + main (get_opt ())