open Core.Std module type MATRIX = sig module Point : sig type t = {r : int; k : int} end type 'a t val create : rs:int -> ks:int -> data:'a -> 'a t val get_neighbors : 'a t -> Point.t -> 'a list val map : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'b t val mapi : 'a t -> f:(Point.t -> data:'a -> 'b) -> 'b t val iter : 'a t -> f:(Point.t -> data:'a -> unit) -> unit val print : 'a t -> to_string:('a -> string) -> unit end module Matrix : MATRIX = struct module Point = struct type t = {r : int; k : int} let (+) p p' = { r = p.r + p'.r ; k = p.k + p'.k } end module Direction = struct type t = NW | N | NE | W | E | SW | S | SE let all = [ NW ; N ; NE ; W ; E ; SW ; S ; SE ] let to_offset = let open Point in function | NW -> {r = -1; k = -1} | N -> {r = -1; k = 0} | NE -> {r = -1; k = 1} | W -> {r = 0; k = -1} | E -> {r = 0; k = 1} | SW -> {r = 1; k = -1} | S -> {r = 1; k = 0} | SE -> {r = 1; k = 1} end type 'a t = 'a array array let create ~rs ~ks ~data = Array.make_matrix ~dimx:rs ~dimy:ks data let iter t ~f = Array.iteri t ~f:( fun r ks -> Array.iteri ks ~f:( fun k data -> f {Point.r; Point.k} ~data ) ) let print t ~to_string = Array.iter t ~f:( fun r -> Array.iter r ~f:(fun x -> printf "%s" (to_string x)); print_newline () ) let map t ~f = t ~f:( ~f:(fun x -> f x)) let mapi t ~f = Array.mapi t ~f:( fun r ks -> Array.mapi ks ~f:( fun k data -> f {Point.r; Point.k} ~data ) ) let get t {Point.r; Point.k} = t.(r).(k) let is_within_bounds t {Point.r; Point.k} = match t with | [||] -> assert false | t -> r >= 0 && r < Array.length t && k >= 0 && k < Array.length t.(0) let neighborhood t point = Direction.all ~f:Direction.to_offset |> ~f:(fun offset_point -> Point.(point + offset_point)) |> List.filter ~f:(is_within_bounds t) let get_neighbors t point = (neighborhood t point) ~f:(get t) end module type CELL = sig type t val create : unit -> t val to_string : t -> string val state : t -> int val react : t -> states:int list -> t end module Conway : CELL = struct type t = D | A let of_int = function | 0 -> D | 1 -> A | _ -> assert false let to_int = function | D -> 0 | A -> 1 let to_string = function | D -> " " | A -> "o" let create () = 2 |> of_int let state = to_int let react t ~states = let live_neighbors = List.fold_left states ~init:0 ~f:(+) in match t with | A when live_neighbors < 2 -> D | A when live_neighbors < 4 -> A | A when live_neighbors > 3 -> D | D when live_neighbors = 3 -> A | A -> A | D -> D end let rec loop bar grid = print_endline bar; Matrix.print grid ~to_string:Conway.to_string; print_endline bar; let grid = Matrix.mapi grid ~f:(fun point ~data:cell -> let neighbors = Matrix.get_neighbors grid point in Conway.react cell ~states:( neighbors ~f:Conway.state) ) in Unix.sleep 1; loop bar grid let main () = Random.self_init (); let rs, ks = Or_error.ok_exn Linux_ext.get_terminal_size () in Matrix.create ~rs:(rs - 3) ~ks ~data:() |> ~f:Conway.create |> loop (String.make ks '-') let spec = let summary = "Polymorphic Cellular Automata" in let spec = Command.Spec.empty in Command.basic ~summary spec main let () = spec