-module(life_cell). -behaviour(gen_server). %% API -export([start_link/1]). %% Callbacks -export([init/1 ,handle_call/3 ,handle_cast/2 ,handle_info/2 ,terminate/2 ,code_change/3 ]). -record(state, {cell_id :: integer() ,name :: string() ,cell_state :: 0 | 1 ,neighbors :: list(atom()) ,live_neighbors :: integer() ,num_neighbors :: integer() ,replies_pending :: integer() ,gen_id :: integer() ,early_msgs :: list() }). %% ============================================================================ %% API %% ============================================================================ start_link({_, Name, _}=Datum) -> ServerName = {local, Name}, Args = [Datum], Opts = [], gen_server:start_link(ServerName, ?MODULE, Args, Opts). %% ============================================================================ %% Callbacks (unused) %% ============================================================================ handle_call(_Msg, _From, State) -> {reply, ok, State}. handle_info(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}. code_change(_Old, State, _Other) -> {ok, State}. terminate(_Reason, State) -> {ok, State}. %% ============================================================================ %% Callbacks %% ============================================================================ init([{CellID, Name, NeighborNames}]) -> State = #state{cell_id = CellID ,name = Name ,cell_state = crypto:rand_uniform(0, 2) ,neighbors = NeighborNames ,num_neighbors = length(NeighborNames) ,live_neighbors = 0 ,replies_pending = 0 ,early_msgs = [] }, {ok, State}. handle_cast({next_gen, GenID}, #state{name=Name ,cell_state=CellState ,neighbors=Neighbors ,num_neighbors=NumNeighbors ,early_msgs=EarlyMsgs }=State) -> ok = life_lib:cast_one2all(Neighbors, {state_broadcast, GenID, CellState}), % Put stashed messages back in the mailbox, % now that we're ready to handle them ok = life_lib:cast_all2one(Name, EarlyMsgs), NewState = State#state{replies_pending=NumNeighbors ,gen_id=GenID ,early_msgs=[] }, {noreply, NewState}; %% If we receive 'state_broadcast' before we receive 'next_gen', %% stash it until we do. %% %% Took me a while to realize this, but sometimes it is possible. The more %% there're cells, the more likely this is to happen. %% handle_cast({state_broadcast, ReceivedGenID, _NeighborState}=Msg, #state{gen_id=GenID ,early_msgs=EarlyMsgs }=State) when GenID =/= ReceivedGenID -> {noreply, State#state{early_msgs=[Msg|EarlyMsgs]}}; %% Now that we can be sure that this request is for the current generation, we %% can handle it handle_cast({state_broadcast, GenID, NeighborState}, #state{cell_id=CellID ,gen_id=GenID ,replies_pending=Pending ,cell_state=CellState ,live_neighbors=LiveNeighbors }=State) -> NewPending = Pending - 1, NewLiveNeighbors = LiveNeighbors + NeighborState, NewState = State#state{replies_pending=NewPending ,live_neighbors=NewLiveNeighbors }, case NewPending of 0 -> NewCellState = new_state(CellState, NewLiveNeighbors), ok = life_time:report_state(CellID, GenID, NewCellState), {noreply, NewState#state{live_neighbors=0 ,cell_state=NewCellState } }; _N -> {noreply, NewState} end; handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}. %% ============================================================================ %% Internal %% ============================================================================ new_state(1, LiveNeighbors) when LiveNeighbors < 2 -> 0; new_state(1, LiveNeighbors) when LiveNeighbors < 4 -> 1; new_state(1, LiveNeighbors) when LiveNeighbors > 3 -> 0; new_state(0, LiveNeighbors) when LiveNeighbors =:= 3 -> 1; new_state(State, _LiveNeighbors) -> State.