-module(beam_stats_consumer_statsd_SUITE). -include_lib("beam_stats/include/beam_stats.hrl"). -include_lib("beam_stats/include/beam_stats_ets_table.hrl"). -include_lib("beam_stats/include/beam_stats_process.hrl"). -include_lib("beam_stats/include/beam_stats_process_ancestry.hrl"). -include_lib("beam_stats/include/beam_stats_processes.hrl"). -export( [ all/0 , groups/0 ]). %% Test cases -export( [ t_full_cycle/1 ]). -define(GROUP, beam_stats_consumer_statsd). %% ============================================================================ %% Common Test callbacks %% ============================================================================ all() -> [{group, ?GROUP}]. groups() -> Tests = [ t_full_cycle ], Properties = [], [{?GROUP, Properties, Tests}]. %% ============================================================================ %% Test cases %% ============================================================================ t_full_cycle(_Cfg) -> meck:new(beam_stats_source), BEAMStatsExpected = meck_expect_beam_stats(), BEAMStatsComputed = beam_stats_state:export(beam_stats_state:new()), ct:log("BEAMStatsExpected: ~p~n", [BEAMStatsExpected]), ct:log("BEAMStatsComputed: ~p~n", [BEAMStatsComputed]), BEAMStatsExpected = BEAMStatsComputed, {ok,[hope,beam_stats]} = application:ensure_all_started(beam_stats), ct:log("beam_stats started~n"), ServerPort = 8125, {ok, ServerSocket} = gen_udp:open(ServerPort, [binary, {active, false}]), ct:log("UDP server started started~n"), {ok, _} = beam_stats_consumer:add(beam_stats_consumer_statsd, [ {consumption_interval , 60000} , {dst_host , "localhost"} , {dst_port , ServerPort} , {src_port , 8124} , {num_msgs_per_packet , 10} ] ), ct:log("consumer added~n"), _ = meck_expect_beam_stats( % Double the original values, so that deltas will equal originals after % 1 update of new beam_stats_state:t() [ {io_bytes_in , 6} , {io_bytes_out , 14} , {context_switches , 10} ] ), ct:log("meck_expect_beam_stats ok~n"), {} = beam_stats_producer:sync_produce_consume(), ct:log("produced and consumed~n"), ok = application:stop(beam_stats), ct:log("beam_stats stopped~n"), ResultOfReceive1 = gen_udp:recv(ServerSocket, 0), ResultOfReceive2 = gen_udp:recv(ServerSocket, 0), ResultOfReceive3 = gen_udp:recv(ServerSocket, 0), ResultOfReceive4 = gen_udp:recv(ServerSocket, 0), ok = gen_udp:close(ServerSocket), {ok, {_, _, PacketReceived1}} = ResultOfReceive1, {ok, {_, _, PacketReceived2}} = ResultOfReceive2, {ok, {_, _, PacketReceived3}} = ResultOfReceive3, {ok, {_, _, PacketReceived4}} = ResultOfReceive4, ct:log("PacketReceived1: ~n~s~n", [PacketReceived1]), ct:log("PacketReceived2: ~n~s~n", [PacketReceived2]), ct:log("PacketReceived3: ~n~s~n", [PacketReceived3]), ct:log("PacketReceived4: ~n~s~n", [PacketReceived4]), PacketsCombined = << PacketReceived1/binary , PacketReceived2/binary , PacketReceived3/binary , PacketReceived4/binary >>, ct:log("PacketsCombined: ~n~s~n", [PacketsCombined]), MsgsExpected = [ <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.io.bytes_in:3|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.io.bytes_out:7|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.context_switches:5|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.reductions:9|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.run_queue:17|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.memory.mem_type_foo:1|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.memory.mem_type_bar:2|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.memory.mem_type_baz:3|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.ets_table.size.foo.foo:5|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.ets_table.memory.foo.foo:40|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.ets_table.size.bar.37:8|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.ets_table.memory.bar.37:64|g">> % Processes totals , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.processes_count_all:3|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.processes_count_exiting:0|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.processes_count_garbage_collecting:0|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.processes_count_registered:1|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.processes_count_runnable:0|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.processes_count_running:3|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.processes_count_suspended:0|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.processes_count_waiting:0|g">> % Process 1 , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.process_memory.named--reg_name_foo:15|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.process_total_heap_size.named--reg_name_foo:25|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.process_stack_size.named--reg_name_foo:10|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.process_message_queue_len.named--reg_name_foo:0|g">> % Process 2 , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.process_memory.spawned-via--bar_mod-bar_fun-1--NONE--NONE:25|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.process_total_heap_size.spawned-via--bar_mod-bar_fun-1--NONE--NONE:35|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.process_stack_size.spawned-via--bar_mod-bar_fun-1--NONE--NONE:40|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.process_message_queue_len.spawned-via--bar_mod-bar_fun-1--NONE--NONE:5|g">> % Process 3 , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.process_memory.spawned-via--baz_mod-baz_fun-3--baz_otp_mod-baz_otp_fun-2--0_0_0-0_1_0:25|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.process_total_heap_size.spawned-via--baz_mod-baz_fun-3--baz_otp_mod-baz_otp_fun-2--0_0_0-0_1_0:35|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.process_stack_size.spawned-via--baz_mod-baz_fun-3--baz_otp_mod-baz_otp_fun-2--0_0_0-0_1_0:40|g">> , <<"beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.process_message_queue_len.spawned-via--baz_mod-baz_fun-3--baz_otp_mod-baz_otp_fun-2--0_0_0-0_1_0:1|g">> ], MsgsReceived = binary:split(PacketsCombined, <<"\n">>, [global, trim]), RemoveExpectedFromReceived = fun (Expected, Received) -> ct:log( "Looking for expected msg ~p in remaining received ~p~n", [Expected, Received] ), true = lists:member(Expected, Received), Received -- [Expected] end, [] = lists:foldl(RemoveExpectedFromReceived, MsgsReceived, MsgsExpected), meck:unload(beam_stats_source). meck_expect_beam_stats() -> meck_expect_beam_stats([]). meck_expect_beam_stats(Overrides) -> IOBytesIn = hope_kv_list:get(Overrides, io_bytes_in , 3), IOBytesOut = hope_kv_list:get(Overrides, io_bytes_out, 7), ContextSwitches = hope_kv_list:get(Overrides, context_switches, 5), Pid0 = list_to_pid("<0.0.0>"), Pid1 = list_to_pid("<0.1.0>"), Pid2 = list_to_pid("<0.2.0>"), Pid3 = list_to_pid("<0.3.0>"), Process1 = #beam_stats_process { pid = Pid1 , registered_name = {some, reg_name_foo} , ancestry = #beam_stats_process_ancestry { raw_initial_call = {foo_mod, foo_fun, 2} , otp_initial_call = none , otp_ancestors = none } , status = running , memory = 15 , total_heap_size = 25 , stack_size = 10 , message_queue_len = 0 }, Process2 = #beam_stats_process { pid = Pid2 , registered_name = none , ancestry = #beam_stats_process_ancestry { raw_initial_call = {bar_mod, bar_fun, 1} , otp_initial_call = none , otp_ancestors = none } , status = running , memory = 25 , total_heap_size = 35 , stack_size = 40 , message_queue_len = 5 }, Process3 = #beam_stats_process { pid = Pid3 , registered_name = none , ancestry = #beam_stats_process_ancestry { raw_initial_call = {baz_mod, baz_fun, 3} , otp_initial_call = {some, {baz_otp_mod, baz_otp_fun, 2}} , otp_ancestors = {some, [Pid0, Pid1]} } , status = running , memory = 25 , total_heap_size = 35 , stack_size = 40 , message_queue_len = 1 }, Processes = #beam_stats_processes { individual_stats = [ Process1 , Process2 , Process3 ] , count_all = 3 , count_exiting = 0 , count_garbage_collecting = 0 , count_registered = 1 , count_runnable = 0 , count_running = 3 , count_suspended = 0 , count_waiting = 0 }, ETSTableStatsFoo = #beam_stats_ets_table { id = foo , name = foo , size = 5 , memory = 40 }, ETSTableStatsBar = #beam_stats_ets_table { id = 37 , name = bar , size = 8 , memory = 64 }, meck:expect(beam_stats_source, erlang_memory, fun () -> [{mem_type_foo, 1}, {mem_type_bar, 2}, {mem_type_baz, 3}] end), meck:expect(beam_stats_source, erlang_node, fun () -> 'node_foo@host_bar' end), meck:expect(beam_stats_source, erlang_registered, fun () -> [reg_name_foo] end), meck:expect(beam_stats_source, erlang_statistics, fun (io ) -> {{input, IOBytesIn}, {output, IOBytesOut}} ; (context_switches) -> {ContextSwitches, 0} ; (reductions ) -> {0, 9} % 1st element is unused ; (run_queue ) -> 17 end ), meck:expect(beam_stats_source, ets_all, fun () -> [foo, 37] end), meck:expect(beam_stats_source, erlang_system_info, fun (wordsize) -> 8 end), meck:expect(beam_stats_source, ets_info, fun (foo, memory) -> 5 ; (foo, name ) -> foo ; (foo, size ) -> 5 ; (37 , memory) -> 8 ; (37 , name ) -> bar ; (37 , size ) -> 8 end ), meck:expect(beam_stats_source, erlang_processes, fun () -> [Pid1, Pid2, Pid3] end), meck:expect(beam_stats_source, os_timestamp, fun () -> {1, 2, 3} end), meck:expect(beam_stats_source, erlang_process_info, fun (P, K) when P == Pid1 -> case K of dictionary -> {K, []} ; initial_call -> {K, {foo_mod, foo_fun, 2}} ; registered_name -> {K, reg_name_foo} ; status -> {K, running} ; memory -> {K, 15} ; total_heap_size -> {K, 25} ; stack_size -> {K, 10} ; message_queue_len -> {K, 0} end ; (P, K) when P == Pid2 -> case K of dictionary -> {K, []} ; initial_call -> {K, {bar_mod, bar_fun, 1}} ; registered_name -> [] ; status -> {K, running} ; memory -> {K, 25} ; total_heap_size -> {K, 35} ; stack_size -> {K, 40} ; message_queue_len -> {K, 5} end ; (P, K) when P == Pid3 -> Dict = [ {'$initial_call', {baz_otp_mod, baz_otp_fun, 2}} , {'$ancestors' , [Pid0, Pid1]} ], case K of dictionary -> {K, Dict} ; initial_call -> {K, {baz_mod, baz_fun, 3}} ; registered_name -> [] ; status -> {K, running} ; memory -> {K, 25} ; total_heap_size -> {K, 35} ; stack_size -> {K, 40} ; message_queue_len -> {K, 1} end end ), #beam_stats { timestamp = {1, 2, 3} , node_id = 'node_foo@host_bar' , memory = [{mem_type_foo, 1}, {mem_type_bar, 2}, {mem_type_baz, 3}] , io_bytes_in = IOBytesIn , io_bytes_out = IOBytesOut , context_switches = ContextSwitches , reductions = 9 , run_queue = 17 , ets = [ETSTableStatsFoo, ETSTableStatsBar] , processes = Processes }.