-module(beam_stats_consumer_statsd). -include("include/beam_stats.hrl"). -include("beam_stats_logging.hrl"). -behaviour(beam_stats_consumer). -export_type( [ option/0 ]). %% Consumer interface -export( [ init/1 , consume/2 , terminate/1 ]). -type option() :: {consumption_interval , non_neg_integer()} | {dst_host , inet:ip_address() | inet:hostname()} | {dst_port , inet:port_number()} | {src_port , inet:port_number()} . -define(DEFAULT_DST_HOST, "localhost"). -define(DEFAULT_DST_PORT, 8125). -define(DEFAULT_SRC_PORT, 8124). -type metric_type() :: % TODO: Add other metric types gauge. -record(statsd_msg, { name :: binary() , value :: non_neg_integer() , type :: metric_type() }). -type statsd_msg() :: #statsd_msg{}. -record(state, { sock :: hope_option:t(gen_udp:socket()) , dst_host :: inet:ip_address() | inet:hostname() , dst_port :: inet:port_number() , src_port :: inet:port_number() }). -type state() :: #state{}. -define(PATH_PREFIX, "beam_stats"). %% ============================================================================ %% Consumer implementation %% ============================================================================ -spec init([option()]) -> {non_neg_integer(), state()}. init(Options) -> ConsumptionInterval = hope_kv_list:get(Options, consumption_interval, 60000), DstHost = hope_kv_list:get(Options, dst_host, ?DEFAULT_DST_HOST), DstPort = hope_kv_list:get(Options, dst_port, ?DEFAULT_DST_PORT), SrcPort = hope_kv_list:get(Options, src_port, ?DEFAULT_SRC_PORT), State = #state { sock = none , dst_host = DstHost , dst_port = DstPort , src_port = SrcPort }, {ConsumptionInterval, State}. -spec consume(beam_stats_consumer:queue(), state()) -> state(). consume(Q, #state{}=State1) -> Payload = beam_stats_queue_to_binary(Q), State2 = try_to_connect_if_no_socket(State1), try_to_send(State2, Payload). -spec terminate(state()) -> {}. terminate(#state{sock=SockOpt}) -> ok = hope_option:iter(SockOpt, fun gen_udp:close/1), {}. %% ============================================================================ %% Transport %% ============================================================================ -spec try_to_send(state(), binary()) -> state(). try_to_send(#state{sock=none}=State, _) -> ?log_error("Sending failed. No socket in state."), % TODO: Maybe schedule retry? State; try_to_send( #state { sock = {some, Sock} , dst_host = DstHost , dst_port = DstPort }=State, Payload ) -> case gen_udp:send(Sock, DstHost, DstPort, Payload) of ok -> State ; {error, _}=Error -> ?log_error( "gen_udp:send(~p, ~p, ~p, ~p) -> ~p", [Sock, DstHost, DstPort, Error] ), % TODO: Do something with unsent messages? ok = gen_udp:close(Sock), State#state{sock=none} end. -spec try_to_connect_if_no_socket(state()) -> state(). try_to_connect_if_no_socket(#state{sock={some, _}}=State) -> State; try_to_connect_if_no_socket(#state{sock=none, src_port=SrcPort}=State) -> case gen_udp:open(SrcPort) of {ok, Sock} -> State#state{sock = {some, Sock}} ; {error, _}=Error -> ?log_error("gen_udp:open(~p) -> ~p", [SrcPort, Error]), State#state{sock = none} end. %% ============================================================================ %% Serialization %% ============================================================================ -spec beam_stats_queue_to_binary(beam_stats_consumer:queue()) -> binary(). beam_stats_queue_to_binary(Q) -> iolist_to_binary([beam_stats_to_bins(B) || B <- queue:to_list(Q)]). -spec beam_stats_to_bins(beam_stats:t()) -> [binary()]. beam_stats_to_bins(#beam_stats { node_id = NodeID , memory = Memory , io_bytes_in = IOBytesIn , io_bytes_out = IOBytesOut , context_switches = ContextSwitches } ) -> NodeIDBin = node_id_to_bin(NodeID), Msgs1 = [ io_bytes_in_to_msg(IOBytesIn) , io_bytes_out_to_msg(IOBytesOut) , context_switches_to_msg(ContextSwitches) | memory_to_msgs(Memory) ], Msgs2 = [statsd_msg_add_name_prefix(M, NodeIDBin) || M <- Msgs1], [statsd_msg_to_bin(M) || M <- Msgs2]. -spec context_switches_to_msg(non_neg_integer()) -> statsd_msg(). context_switches_to_msg(ContextSwitches) -> #statsd_msg { name = <<"context_switches">> , value = ContextSwitches , type = gauge }. -spec io_bytes_in_to_msg(non_neg_integer()) -> statsd_msg(). io_bytes_in_to_msg(IOBytesIn) -> #statsd_msg { name = <<"io.bytes_in">> , value = IOBytesIn , type = gauge }. -spec io_bytes_out_to_msg(non_neg_integer()) -> statsd_msg(). io_bytes_out_to_msg(IOBytesOut) -> #statsd_msg { name = <<"io.bytes_out">> , value = IOBytesOut , type = gauge }. -spec memory_to_msgs([{atom(), non_neg_integer()}]) -> [statsd_msg()]. memory_to_msgs(Memory) -> [memory_component_to_statsd_msg(MC) || MC <- Memory]. -spec memory_component_to_statsd_msg({atom(), non_neg_integer()}) -> statsd_msg(). memory_component_to_statsd_msg({MemType, MemSize}) when MemSize >= 0 -> MemTypeBin = atom_to_binary(MemType, latin1), #statsd_msg { name = <<"memory.", MemTypeBin/binary>> , value = MemSize , type = gauge }. -spec statsd_msg_add_name_prefix(statsd_msg(), binary()) -> statsd_msg(). statsd_msg_add_name_prefix(#statsd_msg{name=Name1}=Msg, <>) -> Prefix = <>, Name2 = <>, Msg#statsd_msg{name=Name2}. -spec statsd_msg_to_bin(statsd_msg()) -> binary(). statsd_msg_to_bin( #statsd_msg { name = <> , value = Value , type = Type = gauge } ) when Value >= 0 -> TypeBin = metric_type_to_bin(Type), ValueBin = integer_to_binary(Value), << Name/binary , ":" , ValueBin/binary , "|" , TypeBin/binary , "\n" >>. -spec metric_type_to_bin(metric_type()) -> binary(). metric_type_to_bin(gauge) -> <<"g">>. -spec node_id_to_bin(node()) -> binary(). node_id_to_bin(NodeID) -> NodeIDBin = atom_to_binary(NodeID, utf8), re:replace(NodeIDBin, "[\@\.]", "_", [global, {return, binary}]).