let output_value = None in
match f input with
| exception e ->
- let c, e =
+ let status_text, error_text =
(match e with
| Tiger_error.T e when is_error_expected e ->
- (Green, Tiger_error.to_string e)
+ ((color Green "OK"), Tiger_error.to_string e)
| Tiger_error.T e ->
incr error_count;
- (Red, Tiger_error.to_string e)
+ ((color Red "ERROR"), Tiger_error.to_string e)
| e ->
incr error_count;
- (Red, Printexc.to_string e)
+ ((color Red "ERROR"), Printexc.to_string e)
- ( s "%s: %s" (color c "ERROR") e
+ ( s "%s: %s" status_text error_text
, output_status
, output_value