(require openssl/sha1)
(require racket/date)
+ net/head
(: cache-dir Path-String)
(define cache-dir (build-path tt-home-dir "cache"))
+(define cache-object-dir (build-path cache-dir "objects"))
(: url->cache-file-path-v1 (-> Url Path-String))
(define (url->cache-file-path-v1 uri)
(define (hash-sha1 str) : (-> String String)
(define digest (sha1 in))
(close-input-port in)
- (build-path cache-dir (hash-sha1 (url->string uri))))
+ (build-path cache-object-dir (hash-sha1 (url->string uri))))
(: url->cache-file-path-v2 (-> Url Path-String))
(define (url->cache-file-path-v2 uri)
- (build-path cache-dir (uri-encode (url->string uri))))
+ (build-path cache-object-dir (uri-encode (url->string uri))))
+(define url->cache-object-path url->cache-file-path-v2)
-(define url->cache-file-path url->cache-file-path-v2)
+(define (url->cache-etag-path uri)
+ (build-path cache-dir "etags" (uri-encode (url->string uri))))
+(define (url->cache-lmod-path uri)
+ (build-path cache-dir "lmods" (uri-encode (url->string uri))))
; TODO Return Option
(: uri-read-cached (-> Url String))
(format "+~a" prog-uri))])
(format "~a/~a (~a)" prog-name prog-version user)))
+(: header-get (-> (Listof Bytes) Bytes (Option Bytes)))
+(define (header-get headers name)
+ (match (filter-map (curry extract-field name) headers)
+ [(list val) val]
+ [_ #f]))
(: uri-download (-> Url Void))
(define (uri-download u)
- (define cache-file-path (url->cache-file-path u))
- (log-debug "uri-download ~v into ~v" u cache-file-path)
+ (define cached-object-path (url->cache-object-path u))
+ (define cached-etag-path (url->cache-etag-path u))
+ (define cached-lmod-path (url->cache-lmod-path u))
+ (log-debug "uri-download ~v into ~v" u cached-object-path)
(match* ((url-scheme u) (url-host u) (url-port u))
[(s h p)
#:when (and s h)
(url->string (struct-copy url u [scheme #f] [host #f]))
#:ssl? ssl?
#:port (cond [p p] [ssl? 443] [else 80])
- #:headers (list (format "User-Agent: ~a" user-agent))
- ))
+ #:headers (list (format "User-Agent: ~a" user-agent))))
(log-debug "headers: ~v" headers)
(log-debug "status-line: ~v" status-line)
(define status
(string->number (second (string-split (bytes->string/utf-8 status-line)))))
(log-debug "status: ~v" status)
; TODO Handle redirects
- (if (= 200 status)
- (begin
- (make-parent-directory* cache-file-path)
- (call-with-output-file cache-file-path
- (curry copy-port body-input)
- #:exists 'replace))
- (raise status))]
+ (match status
+ [200
+ (let ([etag (header-get headers #"ETag")]
+ [lmod (header-get headers #"Last-Modified")])
+ (if (and etag
+ (file-exists? cached-etag-path)
+ (bytes=? etag (file->bytes cached-etag-path)))
+ (log-info "ETags match, skipping the rest of ~v" (url->string u))
+ (begin
+ (log-info
+ "Downloading the rest of ~v. ETag: ~a, Last-Modified: ~v"
+ (url->string u) etag lmod)
+ (make-parent-directory* cached-object-path)
+ (make-parent-directory* cached-etag-path)
+ (make-parent-directory* cached-lmod-path)
+ (call-with-output-file cached-object-path
+ (curry copy-port body-input)
+ #:exists 'replace)
+ (when etag
+ (display-to-file etag cached-etag-path #:exists 'replace))
+ (when lmod
+ (display-to-file etag cached-lmod-path #:exists 'replace))))
+ (close-input-port body-input))]
+ [_
+ (raise status)])]
[(_ _ _)
(log-error "Invalid URI: ~v" u)]))