(define (work)
(thread-send parent (cons 'next self))
(match (thread-receive)
- ['done (thread-send parent (cons 'exit id))]
- [(cons 'unit x) (begin
- (define y (f x))
- (when y (thread-send parent (cons 'result y)))
- (work))]))
+ ['done (thread-send parent (cons 'exit id))]
+ [(cons 'unit x) (begin
+ (define y (f x))
+ (when y (thread-send parent (cons 'result y)))
+ (work))]))
(define (dispatch ws xs ys)
(if (empty? ws)
(match (thread-receive)
- [(cons 'exit w) (dispatch (remove w ws =) xs ys)]
- [(cons 'result y) (dispatch ws xs (cons y ys))]
- [(cons 'next thd) (match xs
- ['() (begin
- (thread-send thd 'done)
- (dispatch ws xs ys))]
- [(cons x xs) (begin
- (thread-send thd (cons 'unit x))
- (dispatch ws xs ys))])])))
+ [(cons 'exit w) (dispatch (remove w ws =) xs ys)]
+ [(cons 'result y) (dispatch ws xs (cons y ys))]
+ [(cons 'next thd) (match xs
+ ['() (begin
+ (thread-send thd 'done)
+ (dispatch ws xs ys))]
+ [(cons x xs) (begin
+ (thread-send thd (cons 'unit x))
+ (dispatch ws xs ys))])])))
(define workers (range num_workers))
(define threads (map (λ (id) (thread (make-worker id f))) workers))
(define results (dispatch workers xs '()))
[xs (range 11)]
[actual (sort (concurrent-filter-map 10 f xs) <)]
[expected (sort ( filter-map f xs) <)])
- (check-equal? actual expected "concurrent-filter-map")))
+ (check-equal? actual expected "concurrent-filter-map")))
(define (msg-print out-format odd msg)
(match out-format
- ['single-line "~a \033[1;37m<~a ~a>\033[0m \033[0;~am~a\033[0m~n"]
- ['multi-line "~a~n\033[1;37m<~a ~a>\033[0m~n\033[0;~am~a\033[0m~n~n"]
- [_ (raise (format "Invalid output format: ~a" out-format))])
+ ['single-line "~a \033[1;37m<~a ~a>\033[0m \033[0;~am~a\033[0m~n"]
+ ['multi-line "~a~n\033[1;37m<~a ~a>\033[0m~n\033[0;~am~a\033[0m~n~n"]
+ [_ (raise (format "Invalid output format: ~a" out-format))])
(date->string (seconds->date [msg-ts_epoch msg]) #t)
(msg-nick msg)
(msg-uri msg)
(log-debug "Non-msg line from nick:~a, line:~a" nick str)
(let ([toks (string-split str (regexp "\t+"))])
- (if (not (= 2 (length toks)))
- (begin
- (log-warning "Invalid msg line from nick:~a, msg:~a" nick str)
- #f)
- (let*
- ([ts_rfc3339 (first toks)]
- [text (second toks)]
- [t (string->rfc3339-record ts_rfc3339)]
- ; TODO handle tz offset
- [ts_epoch (find-seconds [rfc3339-record:second t]
- [rfc3339-record:minute t]
- [rfc3339-record:hour t]
- [rfc3339-record:mday t]
- [rfc3339-record:month t]
- [rfc3339-record:year t])])
- (msg ts_epoch ts_rfc3339 nick uri text))))))
+ (if (not (= 2 (length toks)))
+ (begin
+ (log-warning "Invalid msg line from nick:~a, msg:~a" nick str)
+ #f)
+ (let*
+ ([ts_rfc3339 (first toks)]
+ [text (second toks)]
+ [t (string->rfc3339-record ts_rfc3339)]
+ ; TODO handle tz offset
+ [ts_epoch (find-seconds [rfc3339-record:second t]
+ [rfc3339-record:minute t]
+ [rfc3339-record:hour t]
+ [rfc3339-record:mday t]
+ [rfc3339-record:month t]
+ [rfc3339-record:year t])])
+ (msg ts_epoch ts_rfc3339 nick uri text))))))
(module+ test
(let* ([ts "2020-11-18T22:22:09-0500"]
[uri "bar"]
[actual (str->msg nick uri (string-append ts tab text))]
[expected (msg 1605756129 ts nick uri text)])
- ; FIXME re-enable after handling tz offset
- ;(check-equal?
- ; (msg-ts_epoch actual)
- ; (msg-ts_epoch expected)
- ; "str->msg ts_epoch")
- (check-equal?
- (msg-ts_rfc3339 actual)
- (msg-ts_rfc3339 expected)
- "str->msg ts_rfc3339")
- (check-equal?
- (msg-nick actual)
- (msg-nick expected)
- "str->msg nick")
- (check-equal?
- (msg-uri actual)
- (msg-uri expected)
- "str->msg uri")
- (check-equal?
- (msg-text actual)
- (msg-text expected)
- "str->msg text")))
+ ; FIXME re-enable after handling tz offset
+ ;(check-equal?
+ ; (msg-ts_epoch actual)
+ ; (msg-ts_epoch expected)
+ ; "str->msg ts_epoch")
+ (check-equal?
+ (msg-ts_rfc3339 actual)
+ (msg-ts_rfc3339 expected)
+ "str->msg ts_rfc3339")
+ (check-equal?
+ (msg-nick actual)
+ (msg-nick expected)
+ "str->msg nick")
+ (check-equal?
+ (msg-uri actual)
+ (msg-uri expected)
+ "str->msg uri")
+ (check-equal?
+ (msg-text actual)
+ (msg-text expected)
+ "str->msg text")))
(define (str->lines str)
(string-split str (regexp "[\r\n]+")))
(let* ([resp (http-get uri)]
[status (http-response-code resp)]
[body (http-response-body resp)])
- (log-debug "finished GET ~a status:~a body length:~a"
- uri status (string-length body))
- ; TODO Handle redirects
- (if (= status 200)
- (begin
- (display-to-file body cache-file-path #:exists 'replace)
- body)
- ; TODO A more-informative exception
- (raise status))))))
+ (log-debug "finished GET ~a status:~a body length:~a"
+ uri status (string-length body))
+ ; TODO Handle redirects
+ (if (= status 200)
+ (begin
+ (display-to-file body cache-file-path #:exists 'replace)
+ body)
+ ; TODO A more-informative exception
+ (raise status))))))
(define (timeline-print out-format timeline)
(for ([msg timeline]
(if (file-exists? user-feed-file)
(let ([user (first (file->feeds user-feed-file))])
- (format "+~a; @~a" (feed-uri user) (feed-nick user)))
+ (format "+~a; @~a" (feed-uri user) (feed-nick user)))
(format "+~a" prog-uri))]
(format "~a/~a (~a)" prog-name prog-version user)))
(let* ([level 'info]
[logger (make-logger #f #f level #f)]
[log-receiver (make-log-receiver logger level)])
- (void (thread (λ ()
- [date-display-format 'iso-8601]
- [let loop ()
- (define data (sync log-receiver))
- (define level (vector-ref data 0))
- (define msg (vector-ref data 1))
- (define ts (date->string (current-date) #t))
- (eprintf "~a [~a] ~a~n" ts level msg)
- (loop)])))
- (current-logger logger))
+ (void (thread (λ ()
+ [date-display-format 'iso-8601]
+ [let loop ()
+ (define data (sync log-receiver))
+ (define level (vector-ref data 0))
+ (define msg (vector-ref data 1))
+ (define ts (date->string (current-date) #t))
+ (eprintf "~a [~a] ~a~n" ts level msg)
+ (loop)])))
+ (current-logger logger))
(current-http-response-auto #f)
(let* ([prog-name "tt"]
[prog-version ((get-info (list prog-name)) 'version)]
[user-agent (user-agent prog-name prog-version)])
- (current-http-user-agent user-agent))
+ (current-http-user-agent user-agent))
(date-display-format 'rfc2822)
(let* ([use-cache
15]) ; 15 was fastest out of the tried 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20.
- (command-line
- #:once-each
- [("-c" "--cached")
- "Read cached data instead of downloading."
- (set! use-cache #t)]
+ (command-line
+ #:once-each
+ [("-c" "--cached")
+ "Read cached data instead of downloading."
+ (set! use-cache #t)]
- [("-j" "--jobs")
- njobs "Number of concurrent jobs."
- (set! num_workers (string->number njobs))]
+ [("-j" "--jobs")
+ njobs "Number of concurrent jobs."
+ (set! num_workers (string->number njobs))]
- #:args (filename)
+ #:args (filename)
- (timeline-print out-format
- (timeline use-cache
- num_workers
- (file->feeds filename))))))
+ (timeline-print out-format
+ (timeline use-cache
+ num_workers
+ (file->feeds filename))))))