(+ ts-epoch tz-offset))]
- (log-error "Invalid timestamp: ~v" ts)
+ (log-debug "Invalid timestamp: ~v" ts)
(: str->msg (-> (Option String) Url String (Option Msg)))
(λ (e)
- (log-error
+ (log-debug
"Failed to parse msg: ~v, from: ~v, at: ~v, because: ~v"
str-head nick (url->string uri) e)
(regexp-match* #px"@<[^\\s]+([\\s]+)?[^>]+>" text))])
(Msg ts-epoch ts-orig nick uri text mentions))
- (log-error
+ (log-debug
"Msg rejected due to invalid timestamp: ~v, nick:~v, uri:~v"
str-head nick (url->string uri))
(if (file-exists? path-v2)
(file->string path-v2)
- (log-warning "Cache file not found for URI: ~a" (url->string uri))
+ (log-debug "Cache file not found for URI: ~a" (url->string uri))
(: str->url (-> String (Option String)))
[url (Peer nick url comment)])]
- (log-error "Invalid peer string: ~v" str)
+ (log-debug "Invalid peer string: ~v" str)
(module+ test
(: peer->msgs (-> Peer (Listof Msg)))
(define (peer->msgs peer)
(match-define (Peer nick uri _) peer)
- (log-info "Reading peer nick:~v uri:~v" nick (url->string uri))
+ (log-debug "Reading peer nick:~v uri:~v" nick (url->string uri))
(define msgs-data (uri-read-cached uri))
(if msgs-data
(str->msgs nick uri msgs-data)
(append* (map (λ (filename)
(define path (build-path cache-object-dir filename))
(define size (/ (file-size path) 1000000.0))
- (log-info "BEGIN parsing ~a MB from file: ~v"
+ (log-debug "BEGIN parsing ~a MB from file: ~v"
(path->string path))
(define t0 (current-inexact-milliseconds))
(file->lines path))))
(define t1 (current-inexact-milliseconds))
- (log-info "END parsing ~a MB in ~a seconds from file: ~v."
+ (log-debug "END parsing ~a MB in ~a seconds from file: ~v."
(* 0.001 (- t1 t0))
(path->string path))
(when (empty? m)
- (log-warning "No messages found in ~a" (path->string path)))
+ (log-debug "No messages found in ~a" (path->string path)))
(directory-list cache-object-dir))))
(uniq (append* (map Msg-mentions msgs))))