[uri : Url])
#:type-name Feed)
+(: concurrent-filter-map (∀ (α β) (-> Natural (-> α β) (Listof α))))
(define (concurrent-filter-map num-workers f xs)
; TODO preserve order of elements OR communicate that reorder is expected
; TODO switch from mailboxes to channels
(define (make-worker id f)
(define parent (current-thread))
(λ ()
- (define self (current-thread))
+ (define self : Thread (current-thread))
+ (: work (∀ (α) (-> α)))
(define (work)
(thread-send parent (cons 'next self))
(match (thread-receive)
(when y (thread-send parent (cons 'result y)))
+ (: dispatch (∀ (α β) (-> (Listof Nonnegative-Integer) (Listof α) (Listof β))))
(define (dispatch ws xs ys)
(if (empty? ws)