Handled only by the StatsD consumer.
, context_switches :: non_neg_integer()
, reductions :: non_neg_integer()
, run_queue :: non_neg_integer()
+ , ets :: beam_stats_ets:t()
%, statistics :: [{atom() , term()}]
%, system :: [{atom() , term()}]
%, process :: [{atom() , term()}]
%, port :: [{atom() , term()}]
- %, ets :: [{atom() , term()}]
%, dets :: [{atom() , term()}]
--- /dev/null
+ { id :: beam_stats_ets_table:id()
+ , name :: atom()
+ , size :: non_neg_integer()
+ , memory :: non_neg_integer()
+ }).
{application, beam_stats,
{description, "Periodic VM stats production and consumption."},
- {vsn, "0.5.2"},
+ {vsn, "0.6.0"},
{registered, []},
[ kernel
, context_switches = ContextSwitches
, reductions = Reductions
, run_queue = RunQueue
+ , ets = ETS
) ->
NodeIDBin = node_id_to_bin(NodeID),
, reductions_to_msg(Reductions)
, run_queue_to_msg(RunQueue)
| memory_to_msgs(Memory)
- ],
+ ]
+ ++ ets_to_msgs(ETS),
Msgs2 = [statsd_msg_add_name_prefix(M, NodeIDBin) || M <- Msgs1],
[statsd_msg_to_bin(M) || M <- Msgs2].
, type = gauge
+-spec ets_to_msgs(beam_stats_ets:t()) ->
+ [statsd_msg()].
+ets_to_msgs(PerTableStats) ->
+ NestedMsgs = lists:map(fun ets_table_to_msgs/1, PerTableStats),
+ lists:append(NestedMsgs).
+-spec ets_table_to_msgs(beam_stats_ets_table:t()) ->
+ [statsd_msg()].
+ { id = ID
+ , name = Name
+ , size = Size
+ , memory = Memory
+ }
+) ->
+ IDBin = beam_stats_ets_table:id_to_bin(ID),
+ NameBin = atom_to_binary(Name, latin1),
+ NameAndID = <<NameBin/binary, ".", IDBin/binary>>,
+ SizeMsg =
+ #statsd_msg
+ { name = <<"ets_table.size.", NameAndID/binary>>
+ , value = Size
+ , type = gauge
+ },
+ MemoryMsg =
+ #statsd_msg
+ { name = <<"ets_table.memory.", NameAndID/binary>>
+ , value = Memory
+ , type = gauge
+ },
+ [SizeMsg, MemoryMsg].
-spec memory_to_msgs([{atom(), non_neg_integer()}]) ->
memory_to_msgs(Memory) ->
--- /dev/null
+ [ t/0
+ ]).
+ [ collect/0
+ ]).
+-type t() ::
+ [beam_stats_ets_table:t()].
+-spec collect() ->
+ t().
+collect() ->
+ lists:map(fun beam_stats_ets_table:of_id/1, ets:all()).
--- /dev/null
+ [ t/0
+ , id/0
+ ]).
+ [ of_id/1
+ , id_to_bin/1
+ ]).
+-type id() ::
+ atom()
+ | ets:tid()
+ % integer() is just a workaround, to let us mock ets:tid(), which is
+ % opaque, but represented as an integer, without Dialyzer complaining.
+ | integer()
+ .
+-type t() ::
+ #?MODULE{}.
+-spec of_id(id()) ->
+ t().
+of_id(ID) ->
+ WordSize = erlang:system_info(wordsize),
+ NumberOfWords = ets:info(ID, memory),
+ NumberOfBytes = NumberOfWords * WordSize,
+ { id = ID
+ , name = ets:info(ID, name)
+ , size = ets:info(ID, size)
+ , memory = NumberOfBytes
+ }.
+-spec id_to_bin(atom() | ets:tid()) ->
+ binary().
+id_to_bin(ID) when is_atom(ID) ->
+ atom_to_binary(ID, latin1);
+id_to_bin(ID) when is_integer(ID) ->
+ integer_to_binary(ID).
{ memory :: [{atom(), non_neg_integer()}]
, run_queue :: non_neg_integer()
+ , ets :: beam_stats_ets:t()
-type snapshots() ::
{ memory = Memory
, run_queue = RunQueue
+ , ets = ETS
, deltas =
, context_switches = CurrentContextSwitches - PreviousContextSwitches
, reductions = Reductions
, run_queue = RunQueue
+ , ets = ETS
snapshots_new() ->
{ memory = erlang:memory()
, run_queue = erlang:statistics(run_queue)
+ , ets = beam_stats_ets:collect()
deltas_new() ->
[ all/0
%% =============================================================================
t_send(_Cfg) ->
+ ETSTableStatsFoo =
+ #beam_stats_ets_table
+ { id = foo
+ , name = foo
+ , size = 5
+ , memory = 25
+ },
+ ETSTableStatsBar =
+ #beam_stats_ets_table
+ { id = 37
+ , name = bar
+ , size = 8
+ , memory = 38
+ },
+ % TODO: Indent #beam_stats as #beam_stats_ets_table
BEAMStats = #beam_stats
{ timestamp = {1, 2, 3}
, node_id = 'node_foo@host_bar'
, context_switches = 5
, reductions = 9
, run_queue = 17
+ , ets = [ETSTableStatsFoo, ETSTableStatsBar]
ServerPort = 8125,
{ok, ServerSocket} = gen_udp:open(ServerPort, [binary, {active, false}]),
, "beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.reductions:9|g\n"
, "beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.run_queue:17|g\n"
, "beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.memory.mem_type_foo:1|g\n"
+ , "beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.ets_table.size.foo.foo:5|g\n"
+ , "beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.ets_table.memory.foo.foo:25|g\n"
+ , "beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.ets_table.size.bar.37:8|g\n"
+ , "beam_stats.node_foo_host_bar.ets_table.memory.bar.37:38|g\n"
>> = Data.