- [ ] inner
- [ ] imports
- [-] commands:
+ - [x] c | crawl
+ Discover new peers mentioned by known peers.
- [x] r | read
- see timeline ops above
- [ ] w | write
- [x] mentions from timeline messages
- [x] @<source.nick source.url>
- [x] @<source.url>
- - [x] "following" from timeline comments: # following = <nick> <uri>
+ - [ ] "following" from timeline comments: # following = <nick> <uri>
- [ ] Parse User-Agent web access logs.
- - [ ] Update peer ref file(s)
+ - [-] Update peer ref file(s)
+ - [x] peers-all
+ - [x] peers-mentioned
+ - [ ] peers-followed (by others, parsed from comments)
+ - [ ] peers-down (net errors)
+ - [ ] redirects?
Rough sketch from late 2019:
let read file =
+- [ ] user-agent file as CLI option - need to run at least the crawler as another user
- [ ] Support fetching rsync URIs
- [ ] Check for peer duplicates:
- [ ] same nick for N>1 URIs
(log-warning "Cache file not found for URI: ~a" (url->string uri))
+(: uri? (-> String Boolean))
+(define (uri? str)
+ (regexp-match? #rx"^[a-z]+://.*" (string-downcase str)))
(: str->peer (String (Option Peer)))
(define (str->peer str)
(log-debug "Parsing peer string: ~v" str)
(log-error "Invalid URI in string: ~v, exn: ~v" str e)
(match (string-split str)
- [(list u) (Peer #f (string->url u))]
- [(list n u) (Peer n (string->url u))]
+ [(list u) #:when (uri? u) (Peer #f (string->url u))]
+ [(list n u) #:when (uri? u) (Peer n (string->url u))]
(log-error "Invalid peer string: ~v" str)
(define (str->peers str)
(filter-map str->peer (filter-comments (str->lines str))))
+(: peers->file (-> (Listof Peers) Path-String Void))
+(define (peers->file peers path)
+ (display-lines-to-file
+ (map (match-lambda
+ [(Peer n u)
+ (format "~a~a" (if n (format "~a " n) "") (url->string u))])
+ peers)
+ path
+ #:exists 'replace))
(: file->peers (-> Path-String (Listof Peer)))
(define (file->peers file-path)
(if (file-exists? file-path)
(str->peers (file->string file-path))
- (log-error "File does not exist: ~v" (path->string file-path))
+ (log-warning "File does not exist: ~v" (path->string file-path))
(define re-rfc2822
; TODO No need for map - can just iter
(void (concurrent-filter-map num-workers peer-download peers)))
-; TODO timeline contract : time-sorted list of messages
-(: timeline-read (-> Timeline-Order (Listof Peer) (Listof Msg)))
-(define (timeline-read order peers)
+(define (uniq xs)
+ (set->list (list->set xs)))
+(: peers->timeline (-> (listof Peer) (listof Msg)))
+(define (peers->timeline peers)
+ (append* (filter-map peer->msgs peers)))
+(: timeline-sort (-> (listof Msg) timeline-order (Listof Msgs)))
+(define (timeline-sort msgs order)
(define cmp (match order
['old->new <]
['new->old >]))
- (sort (append* (filter-map peer->msgs peers))
- (λ (a b) (cmp (Msg-ts-epoch a) (Msg-ts-epoch b)))))
+ (sort msgs (λ (a b) (cmp (Msg-ts-epoch a)
+ (Msg-ts-epoch b)))))
(: paths->peers (-> (Listof String) (Listof Peer)))
(define (paths->peers paths)
"and <command> is one of"
- "r, read : Read the timeline."
+ "r, read : Read the timeline (offline operation)."
"d, download : Download the timeline."
; TODO Add path dynamically
"u, upload : Upload your twtxt file (alias to execute ~/.tt/upload)."
+ "c, crawl : Discover new peers mentioned by known peers (offline operation)."
#:args (command . args)
(define log-writer (log-writer-start log-level))
njobs "Number of concurrent jobs."
(set! num-workers (string->number njobs))]
#:args file-paths
- (define-values (_res _cpu real-ms _gc)
- (time-apply timeline-download (list num-workers (paths->peers file-paths))))
- (log-info "Timeline downloaded in ~a seconds." (/ real-ms 1000.0))))]
+ (let ([peers (paths->peers file-paths)])
+ (define-values (_res _cpu real-ms _gc)
+ (time-apply timeline-download (list num-workers peers)))
+ (log-info "Downloaded timelines from ~a peers in ~a seconds."
+ (length peers)
+ (/ real-ms 1000.0)))))]
[(or "u" "upload")
"Long output format"
(set! out-format 'multi-line)]
#:args file-paths
- (timeline-print out-format (timeline-read order (paths->peers file-paths)))))]
+ (let* ([peers
+ (paths->peers file-paths)]
+ [timeline
+ (timeline-sort (peers->timeline peers) order)])
+ (timeline-print out-format timeline))))]
+ [(or "c" "crawl")
+ (command-line
+ #:program
+ "tt crawl"
+ #:args file-paths
+ (let* ([peers-all-file
+ (build-path tt-home-dir "peers-all")]
+ [peers-mentioned-file
+ (build-path tt-home-dir "peers-mentioned")]
+ [peers
+ (paths->peers
+ (match file-paths
+ ; TODO Refactor such that path->string not needed
+ ['() (list (path->string peers-all-file))]
+ [_ file-paths]))]
+ [timeline
+ (peers->timeline peers)]
+ [peers-mentioned-curr
+ (uniq (append* (map Msg-mentions timeline)))]
+ [peers-mentioned-prev
+ (file->peers peers-mentioned-file)]
+ [peers-mentioned
+ (uniq (append peers-mentioned-prev
+ peers-mentioned-curr))]
+ [peers-all-prev
+ (file->peers peers-all-file)]
+ [peers-all
+ (uniq (append peers
+ peers-mentioned
+ peers-all-prev))])
+ (peers->file peers-mentioned
+ peers-mentioned-file)
+ (peers->file peers-all
+ peers-all-file)))]
(eprintf "Error: invalid command: ~v\n" command)
(eprintf "Please use the \"--help\" option to see a list of available commands.\n")