E.raise (E.Wrong_type_used_as_record {ty_id=typ; ty; pos})
return ty
- | A.SeqExp exps ->
- (* Ignoring value because we only care if a type-checking exception
- * is raised in one of trexp calls: *)
- List.iter exps ~f:(fun (exp, _) -> ignore (trexp exp));
- (* FIXME: Return type of last expression, not unit. *)
+ | A.SeqExp [] ->
+ | A.SeqExp exps ->
+ let last xs =
+ xs
+ |> List.rev (* Yes, redundant, but clean-looking ;-P *)
+ |> List.hd (* Empty is matched in above SeqExp match case *)
+ in
+ exps
+ |> List.map ~f:(fun (exp, _) -> let {ty; _} = trexp exp in ty)
+ |> last
+ |> return
| A.AssignExp {var; exp; pos} ->
check_same (trvar var) (trexp exp) ~pos;
(* TODO: Add var->exp to val env? *)