-- [x] Prevent redundant downloads
- - [x] Check ETag
- - [ ] Check Last-Modified if no ETag was provided
- - [ ] Parse rfc2822 timestamps
- [-] Convert to Typed Racket
- [x] build executable (otherwise too-slow)
- [-] add signatures
+- [x] Prevent redundant downloads
+ - [x] Check ETag
+ - [x] Check Last-Modified if no ETag was provided
+ - [x] Parse rfc2822 timestamps
- [x] caching (use cache by default, unless explicitly asked for update)
- [x] value --> cache
- [x] value <-- cache
(log-error "File does not exist: ~v" (path->string file-path))
+(define re-rfc2822
+ #px"^(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun), ([0-9]{2}) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) ([0-9]{4}) ([0-2][0-9]):([0-6][0-9]):([0-6][0-9]) GMT")
+(: b->n (-> Bytes (Option Number)))
+(define (b->n b)
+ (string->number (bytes->string/utf-8 b)))
+(: mon->num (-> Bytes Natural))
+(define/match (mon->num mon)
+ [(#"Jan") 1]
+ [(#"Feb") 2]
+ [(#"Mar") 3]
+ [(#"Apr") 4]
+ [(#"May") 5]
+ [(#"Jun") 6]
+ [(#"Jul") 7]
+ [(#"Aug") 8]
+ [(#"Sep") 9]
+ [(#"Oct") 10]
+ [(#"Nov") 11]
+ [(#"Dec") 12])
+(: rfc2822->epoch (-> Bytes (Option Nonnegative-Integer)))
+(define (rfc2822->epoch timestamp)
+ (match (regexp-match re-rfc2822 timestamp)
+ [(list _ _ dd mo yyyy HH MM SS)
+ #:when (and dd mo yyyy HH MM SS)
+ (find-seconds (b->n SS)
+ (b->n MM)
+ (b->n HH)
+ (b->n dd)
+ (mon->num mo)
+ (b->n yyyy)
+ #f)]
+ [_
+ #f]))
(: user-agent String)
(define user-agent
; TODO Handle redirects
(match status
- (let ([etag (header-get headers #"ETag")]
- [lmod (header-get headers #"Last-Modified")])
- (if (and etag
- (file-exists? cached-etag-path)
- (bytes=? etag (file->bytes cached-etag-path)))
- (log-info "ETags match, skipping the rest of ~v" (url->string u))
- (begin
- (log-info
- "Downloading the rest of ~v. ETag: ~a, Last-Modified: ~v"
- (url->string u) etag lmod)
- (make-parent-directory* cached-object-path)
- (make-parent-directory* cached-etag-path)
- (make-parent-directory* cached-lmod-path)
- (call-with-output-file cached-object-path
- (curry copy-port body-input)
- #:exists 'replace)
- (when etag
- (display-to-file etag cached-etag-path #:exists 'replace))
- (when lmod
- (display-to-file etag cached-lmod-path #:exists 'replace))))
+ (let* ([etag (header-get headers #"ETag")]
+ [lmod (header-get headers #"Last-Modified")]
+ [lmod-curr (if lmod (rfc2822->epoch lmod) #f)]
+ [lmod-prev (if (file-exists? cached-lmod-path)
+ (rfc2822->epoch (file->bytes cached-lmod-path))
+ #f)])
+ (log-debug "lmod-curr:~v lmod-prev:~v" lmod-curr lmod-prev)
+ (unless (or (and etag
+ (file-exists? cached-etag-path)
+ (bytes=? etag (file->bytes cached-etag-path))
+ (begin
+ (log-info "ETags match, skipping the rest of ~v" (url->string u))
+ #t))
+ (and lmod-curr
+ lmod-prev
+ (<= lmod-curr lmod-prev)
+ (begin
+ (log-info "Last-Modified <= current skipping the rest of ~v" (url->string u))
+ #t)))
+ (begin
+ (log-info
+ "Downloading the rest of ~v. ETag: ~a, Last-Modified: ~v"
+ (url->string u) etag lmod)
+ (make-parent-directory* cached-object-path)
+ (make-parent-directory* cached-etag-path)
+ (make-parent-directory* cached-lmod-path)
+ (call-with-output-file cached-object-path
+ (curry copy-port body-input)
+ #:exists 'replace)
+ (when etag
+ (display-to-file etag cached-etag-path #:exists 'replace))
+ (when lmod
+ (display-to-file lmod cached-lmod-path #:exists 'replace))))
(close-input-port body-input))]
(raise status)]))