(require openssl/sha1)
(require racket/date)
+(require (prefix-in info: setup/getinfo))
+ net/http-client
+ net/url-string
+ net/url-structs)
-(require http-client)
(require rfc3339-old)
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
-(struct msg (ts_epoch ts_rfc3339 nick uri text))
-(struct feed (nick uri))
+(struct msg
+ (
+ ts_epoch ; Integer
+ ts_rfc3339 ; String
+ nick ; String
+ uri ; net/url-structs:url
+ text ; String
+ ))
+(struct feed
+ (
+ nick ; String
+ uri ; net/url-structs:url
+ ))
(define (concurrent-filter-map num_workers f xs)
; TODO preserve order of elements OR communicate that reorder is expected
(λ (out-format color-i msg)
(let ([color (vector-ref colors (modulo color-i n))]
[nick (msg-nick msg)]
- [uri (msg-uri msg)]
+ [uri (url->string (msg-uri msg))]
[text (msg-text msg)])
(match out-format
(λ (e)
- (log-error "Failed to parse msg: ~v, from: ~v, at: ~v, because: ~v" str nick uri e)
+ (log-error
+ "Failed to parse msg: ~v, from: ~v, at: ~v, because: ~v"
+ str nick (url->string uri) e)
(match (regexp-match re str)
[(list _wholething ts s _fractional tz text)
(close-input-port in)
+(define (url->cache-file-path uri)
+ ; TODO Replace hashing with encoding
+ (expand-user-path (string-append "~/.tt/cache/" (hash-sha1 (url->string uri)))))
(define (uri-read-cached uri)
- (define cache-file-path
- (expand-user-path (string-append "~/.tt/cache/" (hash-sha1 uri))))
- (if (file-exists? cache-file-path)
- (file->string cache-file-path)
+ (define path (url->cache-file-path uri))
+ (if (file-exists? path)
+ (file->string path)
- (log-warning "Cache file not found for URI: ~a" uri)
+ (log-warning "Cache file not found for URI: ~a" (url->string uri))
-; uri-download : String -> Void
-(define (uri-download uri)
- (define cache-file-path
- (expand-user-path (string-append "~/.tt/cache/" (hash-sha1 uri))))
- (log-info "uri-download ~a" uri)
- ; TODO Timeout. Currently hangs on slow connections.
- (let* ([resp (http-get uri)]
- [status (http-response-code resp)]
- [body (http-response-body resp)])
- (log-debug "finished GET ~a status:~a body length:~a"
- uri status (string-length body))
- ; TODO Handle redirects
- (if (= status 200)
- (display-to-file body cache-file-path #:exists 'replace)
- ; TODO A more-informative exception
- (raise status))))
+(define (str->feed str)
+ (log-debug "Parsing feed string: ~v" str)
+ (match (string-split str)
+ [(list nick u)
+ (with-handlers*
+ ([exn:fail?
+ (λ (e)
+ (log-error "Invalid URI: ~v, exn: ~v" u e)
+ #f)])
+ (feed nick (string->url u)))]
+ [_
+ (log-error "Invalid feed string: ~v" str)
+ #f]))
+(define (filter-comments lines)
+ (filter-not (λ (line) (string-prefix? line "#")) lines))
+(define (str->feeds str)
+ (filter-map str->feed (filter-comments (str->lines str))))
+(define (file->feeds filename)
+ (str->feeds (file->string filename)))
+(define user-agent
+ (let*
+ ([prog-name "tt"]
+ [prog-version ((info:get-info (list prog-name)) 'version)]
+ [prog-uri "https://github.com/xandkar/tt"]
+ [user-feed-file (expand-user-path "~/twtxt-me.txt")]
+ [user
+ (if (file-exists? user-feed-file)
+ (let ([user (first (file->feeds user-feed-file))])
+ (format "+~a; @~a" (url->string (feed-uri user)) (feed-nick user)))
+ (format "+~a" prog-uri))])
+ (format "~a/~a (~a)" prog-name prog-version user)))
+; uri-download : net/url-structs:url -> Void
+(define (uri-download u)
+ (define cache-file-path (url->cache-file-path u))
+ (log-debug "uri-download ~v into ~v" u cache-file-path)
+ (match* ((url-scheme u) (url-host u) (url-port u))
+ [(s h p)
+ #:when (and s h)
+ (define ssl? (string=? s "https"))
+ (define-values (status-line headers body-input)
+ ; TODO Timeout. Currently hangs on slow connections.
+ (http-sendrecv
+ h
+ (url->string (struct-copy url u [scheme #f] [host #f]))
+ #:ssl? ssl?
+ #:port (cond [p p] [ssl? 443] [else 80])
+ #:headers (list (format "User-Agent: ~a" user-agent))
+ ))
+ (log-debug "headers: ~v" headers)
+ (log-debug "status-line: ~v" status-line)
+ (define status
+ (string->number (second (string-split (bytes->string/utf-8 status-line)))))
+ (log-debug "status: ~v" status)
+ ; TODO Handle redirects
+ (if (= 200 status)
+ (call-with-output-file cache-file-path
+ (λ (cache-output)
+ (copy-port body-input cache-output))
+ #:exists 'replace)
+ (raise status))]
+ [(_ _ _)
+ (log-error "Invalid URI: ~v" u)]))
(define (timeline-print out-format timeline)
(void (foldl (match-lambda**
; feed->msgs : Feed -> (Listof Msg)
-(define (feed->msgs feed)
- (log-info "Reading feed nick:~a uri:~a"
- (feed-nick feed)
- (feed-uri feed))
- (define uri (feed-uri feed))
- (str->msgs (feed-nick feed) uri (uri-read-cached uri)))
+(define (feed->msgs f)
+ (match-define (feed nick uri) f)
+ (log-info "Reading feed nick:~a uri:~v" nick uri)
+ (str->msgs nick uri (uri-read-cached uri)))
; feed-download : Feed -> Void
-(define (feed-download feed)
- (log-info "Downloading feed nick:~a uri:~a"
- (feed-nick feed)
- (feed-uri feed))
+(define (feed-download f)
+ (match-define (feed nick uri) f)
+ (log-info "Downloading feed nick:~a uri:~a" nick (url->string uri))
- ([exn:fail:network?
+ ([exn:fail?
(λ (e)
- (log-error "Network error nick:~a uri:~a exn:~a"
- (feed-nick feed)
- (feed-uri feed)
- e)
+ (log-error "Network error nick:~a uri:~v exn:~v" nick uri e)
(λ (status)
- (log-error "HTTP error nick:~a uri:~a status:~a"
- (feed-nick feed)
- (feed-uri feed)
- status)
+ (log-error "HTTP error nick:~a uri:~a status:~a" nick uri status)
- (uri-download (feed-uri feed))))
+ (uri-download uri)))
; timeline-download : Integer -> (Listof Feed) -> Void
(define (timeline-download num_workers feeds)
(sort (append* (filter-map feed->msgs feeds))
(λ (a b) (cmp (msg-ts_epoch a) (msg-ts_epoch b)))))
-(define (str->feed str)
- ; TODO validation
- (define toks (string-split str))
- (apply feed toks))
-(define (filter-comments lines)
- (filter-not (λ (line) (string-prefix? line "#")) lines))
-(define (str->feeds str)
- (map str->feed (filter-comments (str->lines str))))
-(define (file->feeds filename)
- (str->feeds (file->string filename)))
-(define (user-agent prog-name prog-version)
- (let*
- ([prog-uri "https://github.com/xandkar/tt"]
- [user-feed-file (expand-user-path "~/twtxt-me.txt")]
- [user
- (if (file-exists? user-feed-file)
- (let ([user (first (file->feeds user-feed-file))])
- (format "+~a; @~a" (feed-uri user) (feed-nick user)))
- (format "+~a" prog-uri))])
- (format "~a/~a (~a)" prog-name prog-version user)))
(define (start-logger level)
(let* ([logger (make-logger #f #f level #f)]
[log-receiver (make-log-receiver logger level)])
(current-logger logger)))
(module+ main
- (require (prefix-in info: setup/getinfo))
(let ([log-level 'info])
[("-j" "--jobs")
njobs "Number of concurrent jobs."
(set! num_workers (string->number njobs))]
#:args (filename)
- (current-http-client/response-auto #f)
- (let* ([prog-name "tt"]
- [prog-version ((info:get-info (list prog-name)) 'version)]
- [user-agent (user-agent prog-name prog-version)])
- (current-http-client/user-agent user-agent))
- (timeline-download num_workers (file->feeds filename))
- ))]
+ (timeline-download num_workers (file->feeds filename))))]
[(or "u" "upload")